Awesome Perks You Can Offer Your Employees

You want your employees to love working for you. So, obviously, you’ve set up a comprehensive salary and benefits package. You offer paid time off to take care of sick kids, more than enough vacation time, on-site daycare, the works. Those are all great. It’s good to take care of your team’s large needs. But what about their little needs? It is seeing to the needs they might not have realized they had that will set you apart from other employers.

Office snacks

Here are just a few things that you can do:

Free Food

Instead of simply providing a communal fridge and microwave, why not just provide free food?…

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Tips for Hiring Freelancers for your Small Business

Freelancers are a growing and essential part of the American workforce, with 53 million independent professionals currently living in the United States, up from 10.3 million a decade ago. By 2020, forecasters predict there’ll be more freelancers in the United States than full-time employees. More employers like you will add freelancers to their payrolls as these numbers grow. Consider these tips when you’re inviting freelancers to join your firm.

Don’t Try to Micromanage Them


The autonomy freelancers enjoy is also one of the biggest advantages of hiring them. Freelancers love setting their own hours and working in their own surroundings.…

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Today’s Top Tech Careers: Tips for Becoming Microsoft Certified

One of the most well-recognized certifications today is the Microsoft cert. A Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) credential qualifies you to work on Windows Networks, but it’s not necessarily the easiest certification out there. It tests your knowledge of a particular operating system, usually the most recent rollout, while preparing you for higher-level certifications. Here’s how to get started and some tips that will help you succeed.

Microsoft Certified Professional certificate

Do you want to work in the Windows environment?

The Microsoft certification is for those who want to work in a Microsoft environment. While it might seem obvious, a lot of IT professionals are moving to the Apple/mac world, or have little interest in working on PCs.…

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5 Reasons to Offer Employees Voluntary Legal Benefits

Most Americans are faced with at least one new legal issue each year. Legal matters require time and money to resolve, and some of that time is spent while on the job. Companies are increasingly helping to relieve their employees of this burden by providing a voluntary legal benefits plan.

Voluntary legal benefits

There are many reasons why an organization may opt to include voluntary benefits in a work package; here are just five:

Retain and recruit great employees

It used to be that one of the most important things a potential employee was concerned with were medical benefits. Now that the ACA is in effect and employees have other options for health insurance, employers are looking for additional ways to increase retention and attract great employees.…

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Employee Education Questions: Onsite or Offsite Training?

There’s no doubt about it, employee education creates outstanding results for companies, but even so, most businesses aren’t quite sure how to go about it. The questions are many: What exactly should the subject matter include? Who should teach the materials? And the most common question of all: Should workers train onsite or offsite?

Employee education

Onsite vs. Offsite Training: The Pros and Cons

Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer to this question, because it depends on several factors specific to your business. The most obvious reason to consider onsite training is because learning takes place in the actual work space on the same equipment and technology workers use in their day to day operations.…

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Further Your Business with These 4 Degrees

As an entrepreneur, you know that your business takes hard work and dedication. One of the best things you can do for your business is to get a degree that will help further your knowledge and skills. There are several different types of degrees you can pursue to further your business, no matter what type of business you run.


Public Health

While it may seem unnecessary in some cases, consider a degree in public health if your business has anything to do with the medical field. This will help keep you up to date on what is happening in the public health field.…

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Safety First: Ensuring Your Employees are First Aid Trained

Having at least one employee that has relevant first aid training is mandatory in many places, but highly recommended in all. Even in seemingly the safest work environments, there’s always the chance that someone will need medical assistance. If you’re running your own business and have employees, then it’s high time that you did the right thing and got them trained up in first aid.

First aid training

Why first aid training is important

Potential hazards are everywhere; if you work with machinery then you’ll be well aware of them, but you might never have considered the knives in the office kitchen, or the plug sockets under the desk.…

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Employee Appreciation: A Cornerstone of All Successful Businesses

In many ways, employees are your most valuable asset as a business owner. They are the fabric that makes up your company and has so much of an influence over its relative success or failure. Find a good team of people, treat them right, and your business will flourish. But neglect them, and you can kiss goodbye to both profits and loyalty. Here’s why employee appreciation is so vital.

Employee appreciation


It’s common sense that if people feel undervalued within a job, they are far less likely to put in the extra hours on your behalf. Why would they, if they aren’t getting the necessary emotional or financial return for their efforts?…

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How to Implement Successful and Compliant HR Procedures

Human resources (or HR as it is commonly referred to) are a key component of contemporary business modelling. It essentially refers to the management of the people who work for a particular company, and it is required to make provisions for their remuneration, professional well-being and safety within the workplace. While its purpose may be broadly understood, however, implementing a successful and compliant HR strategy requires a great deal of time, effort, and significant financial investment.

HR procedures

3 Tips for Implementing a Successful and Compliant HR Strategy

With this in mind, what practical steps can you take to implement a viable HR strategy that serves your employees while also remaining compliant with UK law?…

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How to Get Your Employees to Like You

Business owners and managers worldwide all know there are few things easier in this world than the ability to get your employees to HATE you. In fact, it often requires no effort at all.

The fact that you’re at the top and they’re at the bottom, or somewhere in between, is enough reason for most employees to sneer at you behind your back and act with a certain level of defiance when you address them.

Bad management by a bad boss

Getting employees to LIKE you is a skill that is naturally in-born to some. To the rest of us, there’s an inevitable learning curve. Some employees are going to hate you no matter how hard you try.…

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