How to Find Skilled Workers During a Labor Shortage

The key to getting any job done properly is to have workers that are skilled, experienced and if necessary qualified. Unfortunately while a low unemployment rate is generally good for the economy this can make it very difficult to find an appropriate skilled worker for your needs.

How to attract skilled labor during labor shortage.

Fortunately, it is possible. You simply need to follow these tips to find the right skilled worker.

Use An Agency

The most obvious approach is to use a reputable agency such as Brix Projects. They will have skilled unemployed workers and skilled workers that are currently employed but are keeping their options open.…

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Why Employee Benefits are Important for Businesses

Employees are the lifeblood of every company. Without them, it would be hard for a company to achieve its mission and enact its vision. But with a huge number of businesses from powerhouse brands to startup companies vying for the attention of the working populace, it can be very hard to stand out.

Happy employee, smiling broadly

This is where employee benefits come in. While salaries can be a guiding force in talent acquisition, the landscape has largely changed. Employers need more than just a monthly salary to get the talent they want, they need to keep up employee engagement and morale to ensure that they do not burn out and resign.…

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Diversity In The Workplace And Its Effect On Well-Being

It is safe to say that whether recruiters are convinced by the argument for equality or not, there is a tangible effect a diverse workforce has on the well-being of the workplace in general and the individuals it comprises. In fact, in purely business terms, research from McKinsey have found that diverse businesses deliver 35% better results than non-diverse business.

workplace diversity

A diverse working environment promotes acceptance, respect and teamwork, despite differences in race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation or communication styles among employees.

Effort is required to get it right.

It takes a deliberate effort to achieve a diverse workforce, given the landscape of the workforce and the availability of labour.…

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5 Reasons Why Keeping Your CSRs Happy is Important

If you are in a position where you generally hire people and enable them to earn a source of income, it is also very important that you put effort into keeping these employees happy as well, and this includes putting in additional effort in order to make sure this is so.

Customer Support Representative (CSR)

If you have customer support representatives it is even more important that you put some effort into keeping them happy. Here are some reasons why this is so important:

#1 Their Mood Affects Tone

A customer service representative who is not happy with the way things are going down is going to have a tough time modulating their tone and making it so that customers feel comfortable talking to them.…

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4 Business Factors Concerning Employees

You might be tempted to think that your product or service is the essential backbone of your business. However, you could be missing a critical factor in creating a better culture of success. And that factor is your employees! Without the right people working for you in the right way, the rest of your business can very quickly start to lose meaning and financial solubility.

Busy employees

Several factors come to mind right away. How good is your employee turnover rate? Are your workers generally happy and satisfied with their jobs? What’s the workplace energy feel like on a daily basis? And, are there open feedback lines for employees to talk about the good and bad aspects of their workdays?…

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How to Find and Hire Employees Who Can Think Critically

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have a need for employees who are able to think critically and make smart business decisions. Why does it seem like those people are increasingly rare and hard to find? How do you go about recruiting them and putting them to work for your company?

Let’s discuss viable strategies for finding critical thinkers and adding them to your team.

Hiring employees with critical thinking skills

Ask Interview Questions That Require Candidates to Demonstrate Their Critical Thinking Skills

It’s easy for job seekers to prepare scripted answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. If you want to get a valid idea of how candidates think, avoid asking the usual questions like “tell me about your greatest weakness” – a question that most applicants will have prepared a canned answer for.…

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5 Signs Your Business May Need More Employees

There are a few employees that companies and corporations need to function properly, without turning to bankruptcy in a few years. Being a good employee, at a good job, is the ultimate dream; as business owners, are we hiring the right type of employees?

New job applicants to fill in new positions

Let’s take a look at 5 signs we need to watch out for to ensure our business has the right type of employees.

1. Not Enough Diversity

Take culture, race/ethnicity and gender out of the equation. One of the signs your business needs more employees to do their job… is to hire employees with as wide and distinct skill-sets as possible.…

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8 Signs You Should Invest in a Virtual Receptionist

Freelancers, small businesses, and other businesses of all sizes and scope are finding value in virtual receptionists. While you might have heard of virtual receptionists, you might be wondering how making this move can truly benefit your company. In this article, we’re going to delve into the signs that you need a virtual receptionist.

Virtual receptionist

What is a Virtual Receptionist?

Before we talk about how to identify when it’s time to hire a virtual receptionist, let’s discuss what a virtual receptionist like really does. As you might be able to guess, a virtual receptionist handles phone calls and communication for your company.…

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5 Indicators Affecting Developers Rates: Find the Right Team

Do your developers have on-off relations with coding? When they start learning to code, it’s like a new challenge that may last the rest of their life. They have to go through a certain number of steps to become successful programmers. Practicing algorithm drills and syntax, writing or passing test cases are only a few circles of hell in learning a particular programming language.

Software developer rates

If you need to hire a developer, keep in mind that you will have to take into account the circles mentioned above. My friend, an experienced freelance developer says that the strong coding skills are the only halfway to success.…

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How to Build Professional Behavior at Work?

Building a more professional behavior at work has its perks and actually helps you prepare to be productive, maintain a great attitude and transform your work ethics and output. If you didn’t know, employers always pay attention to those soft skills potential employees wield and expect them to be committed to their duty and the company.

Young business person with professional behavior

There are a number of ways you can build professional behavior at the workplace and reap vast fruits from your attitude.

Be dependable

Ensure your employer and team can depend on you, especially by keeping your part of the bargain. It means you should always be in your work station attending to your grind at the agreed time and days.…

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