Smart Ways to Build Credit and Grow Your Business

One huge issue for a startup entrepreneur is obtaining credit to finance business growth. All companies need capital to market the business, make a product or provide a service. Without proper financing, a new business may quickly fail. Here are some tips to build business credit and protect the credit rating.

Business credit rating

Business credit vs. personal credit

This article explains that both business and personal credit scores are based primarily on the same two issues. One issue is the number of credit inquiries and applications to obtain credit. The other is the number of loans and credit cards outstanding.

Avoid the mistake of using personal credit to finance business operations.…

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Common Payroll Tax Pitfalls

If you have employees, then payroll taxes are one of the costs of doing business. Unfortunately, they can also be a potential minefield. The IRS is cracking down on businesses that don’t properly file or report their payroll taxes – and they are paying especially close attention to small businesses, which are the largest source of uncollected taxes. Even if it’s an honest mistake, the IRS could leverage huge penalties, audit your company, and even initiate a criminal investigation if you do your payroll taxes wrong.

Sloppy tax preparation

Below are some of the common payroll tax pitfalls that small businesses face, as well as suggestions on how to avoid them.…

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5 Good Reasons for Selling your Structured Payment

Many people looking to sell their settlements do it for a variety of reasons. The decisions are often dependent on the situation of life at that point in time. However, as you make a decision to sell it is important to make sure that the money is spent on something that will add value to you and your family. Therefore, the 5 good reasons for selling your structured settlement are as follows:

Selling structured settlements

  1. Buying a home or trying to avoid a foreclosure
  2. Engaging in a major home repair like buying a new roof
  3. Opening a well-researched new business or adding more funds to an already flourishing business
  4. Going back to college or paying for your child’s education
  5. Paying an expensive medical bill.
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Picnic and Barbecue Planning Pointers for Businesses on a Budget

Company picnics boost morale and show appreciation for the work your employees do. They also show a commitment to your staff. At the same time, they can be expensive. Many employees don’t realize the cost involved in hosting an event, with the biggest costs being food and entertainment. Here’s how to have a BBQ event that won’t break the corporate bank account.

Company picnic

Get Organized

Start with an inventory of everything you need. This is also a great time to make a budget for your party. Set a dollar amount that you cannot exceed. Then, write down categories like “food,” and “party favors,” and “beverages,” and “invitations,” and “raffle items.”…

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How to Buy Shares (and Not Losing Money on Them)

CEOs/Founders – you have diligently accumulated funds for investing and it’s time to start doing something with the funds. Stock investing is one of the most popular ways to make your money to work for you. But how to buy stocks and shares? How to know which one to buy? This article can shed some lights for you.

Buying shares

Although we tend to think of shares as the reserve of City brokers in pinstriped suits, this isn’t the case at all. Shares are becoming far more accessible to the masses, thanks largely to the advent of the internet and smartphones, which give people the opportunity to invest anywhere and at any time.

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Could Invoice Financing Benefit Your Business?

Invoice financing can be a highly useful tool for start-ups looking to raise capital quickly, yet a large number of business owners don’t consider it as an option when they’re attempting to increase their available funds. In fact, many don’t even know what it is…

Invoice financing

What is Invoice Financing?

Invoice financing is an asset-based means of borrowing capital. The way it works is that a third party, known as an invoice financier – either a banking or independent financial institution – purchases unpaid invoices from a business, thus granting them instant capital for their customer’s outstanding debts. Many businesses find it useful to use free broker services such as through Touch Financial to assess which lenders will offer the best services and rates.…

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Evaluating the Potential of Extending Credit to Your Customer

There has been an ongoing debate among business owners as to whether or not extending credit to their customers is an ideal practice to consider. The reality is that you’re providing your products or services upfront, with the hopes that the customer will repay you at a later date. Of course, there are various risks involved that should be considered, but with the proper management of your cash flow and credit departments, extending credit to deserving and qualified customers can prove to be less of a risk and more of a competitive edge.

Agreeing upon credit extensions

Reality Check: Times Are Rough

Though the global economy is recuperating at a pretty steady pace, it doesn’t negate the fact that many people are still facing financial difficulties.…

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5 Tips for Small Businesses Looking for a Loan

The ways in which small businesses and startup companies find the funding they need to develop their ideas and target growth has changed significantly in recent years. The process is no longer focused entirely on winning the approval of your local bank manager and there are new dynamics at play in this vital context for SMEs.

Business loans

Here are some ideas worth having in mind if you’re looking for a loan as a startup or a small business:

1. Be honest and realistic

It is vital that you believe in what you’re working on as you apply for any form of funding.…

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Managing your Wealth: Understanding Risk and Maximising Returns

If you are investor, you will no doubt have become accustomed to strained economic climates and fluctuating returns in the wake of the Great Recession. The current economic landscape is no different, as while it will continue to cool throughout the fourth financial quarter it is likely to remain among the strongest in the developed world over the course of the next decade. More specifically, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research revealed that British economy will have grown by 3% by the end of this year, with further expansion of 2.5% forecast for 2015.

Wealth management

Risk and Return: Wealth Management in the Current Climate

These figures stack up well in terms of the global economy, and this should at least make the life of a UK investor a little easier.…

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Three Top Financial Tips for the Self-Employed

Since the financial crisis of 2008, the ranks of the self-employed have gradually been swelling, with widespread job losses prompting people to take their futures into their own hands. Around 1 in 10 people now work for themselves, but what many fail to realise is that moving from an employed position to self-employment requires some careful financial planning. If you’re newly self-employed and not sure where to start, read on to find out.

Business finance for the self-employed

Tip #1: Tax

People who work for themselves need to be extremely proficient when it comes to record keeping. If you take the time to keep accurate records of your set-up costs and ongoing expenditure, then you’ll find it much easier when it comes to drafting your accounts at the end of the year and calculating your potential tax liability.…

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