4 Advantages of Getting a Secured Personal Loan to Fund Business

Thinking about starting a business? Making the shift from being just an employee to an employer requires a lot of guts, dedication, and most of all money. Few can afford starting a business from their own savings, as starting one requires lots of cash to buy properties, equipment, supplies, and to hire employees.

Secured personal loan

But with the wide availability of loans, starting your dream business is made easier today. Unfortunately, with loans comes the expense of paying an interest. Now, no one would offer you loans without giving it an interest, but you may be able to get the lowest rate with the help of secured personal loans.…

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Reminder: Make Sure That You’ve Got the Right Insurance

When you’re the owner of a small business, often there’s so much going on that important things can get overlooked. One of the most essential things to get right is to make sure you have the right insurance on all of your vehicles and to check your employees are insured correctly.

Business auto insurance

From business insurance policies to needing different driving licenses it can all get a little complicated. Not only in understanding policies, choosing the insurances that offer the best value for your business is a headache. But fear not, we’ve got your back; here’s our guide to make sure that all your vehicles are insured correctly:

Work-related insurance

If you have employees at your workplace who are going to be making journeys on behalf of the company, it’s important to make sure they take out work-related insurance on their own policy.…

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4 Financial Lessons Small Businesses Can Learn From Political Campaigns

Many politicians come from the world of business, so it’s unsurprising when they want to run the government like a corporation once they’re elected. But what happens when we reverse that pattern? Is there anything small businesses can learn from political campaigns? In fact, small businesses can learn some important financial lessons from those.

Vote buttons

Try these strategies to boost your business’ financial prowess.

1. Know The Prime Times

Politicians don’t try to advertise during the Super Bowl. That would be financially untenable and impractical, even if the ad reached a lot of people. Simply put, it could destroy a candidate’s budget in a heartbeat.…

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3 Tips to Avoid Losing your Business’ Money on Foreign Exchange

Small business owners are ever more likely to be working with a variety of currencies as technology has allowed even the smallest of enterprises to trade on the global market. But most banks often charge hefty overheads for foreign exchange for business.

Currency exchange

Here’s our top 3 tips on how to avoid losing money on your company’s currency conversion.

Find a specialist multi-currency account

The overheads that banks charge for international business transfers have irritated many an SMB owner over the years. A natural progression from this has been a growing number of specialist multi-currency accounts.

These accounts aim to transfer and convert your currency at a fraction of the cost of the big banks.…

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5 Things Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Health Insurance

The modern health insurance market has faced countless changes in recent years. While some people found themselves with great coverage, other people found themselves steeped in insurance coverage nightmares. Small business owners found themselves increasingly confused over whether they needed to provide coverage or not and how to manage the financial nightmare.

Choices of business insurance

Included here are a few things every small business owner should know about health insurance.

Employee Count

New laws implemented under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) dictated that companies with 50 or more employees be providing health insurance. Unfortunately, 96% of businesses in the country have fewer than 50 employees, so what are they supposed to do?…

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The Most Popular Forex Trading Strategies That Work

Forex trading needs your ability to speculate the movement of the currency prices in the correct manner as much as possible. Everyone has his own preference in how to go about the way to trade the Forex market.

Mobile forex trading

There are many Forex trading strategies and different traders take different approaches in FX trading. The motive of everyone is to earn continuous profits in the field and get the maximum returns from the money they invest.

Though there are many methods of investing in Forex here are some of the most important ones.

4 Effective Forex Trading Strategies


This is one of those Forex trading strategies that involves quick opening and liquidations of the trading positions by a Forex trader.

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Deciding on Bankruptcy the Right Way

No one even wants to utter the words “bankruptcy” let alone visit your local bankruptcy attorney to start the proceedings. But there are times when making the decision to go through a bankruptcy can be actually smarter than trying to struggle through your current financial trouble. While we may read about famous people who struggle with a bankruptcy because it means they have to give up a famous bauble or let go of their pet tigers, for most of us the end result is relief.


So when does it make the most sense? Here are a few pointers that might tell you if you should be looking at it in your current situation.

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Financial Ebb and Flow: Dealing With the Ups and Downs of Doing Business

Business slowdowns affect nearly every industry. Sometimes, these slowdowns are seasonal — a dip after the holiday shopping season is common in the retail industry, for instance, and the fast food industry tends to see a slowdown in the first few months of each year, when people are fresh off their New Year’s resolutions.

Businessman riding the wave

If you’re a small business that hasn’t been around for very long, these slowdowns can seriously affect both your cash flow and your bottom line. Owners of new businesses tend to freak out when such slow periods come around, often rushing out with unplanned marketing advertising rejigs and hastily done layoffs.…

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Don’t Pay Too Much for International Currency Transfers

As a small business owner who deals in international transactions, your transition into this mode of business was likely a gradual one. Nobody goes from regional to national to international all at once. The slow, intermittent nature of your growth into a truly international market causes a lot of small business entrepreneurs to lose a lot more money on these transactions than is necessary.

International currency transfer

That’s one of the major problems about small business. Without achieving the benefits of economies of scale, it’s easy for a solopreneur or even a manager to perform an international transaction in a way that isn’t as efficient as possible.…

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5 Kinds of Insurance Every Business Needs

You already have at least one kind of insurance. You probably have auto insurance to protect your car and cover your liability if you get into an accident.

You might have home insurance to protect your real estate. You might even have life or other types of insurance to protect yourself financially. All forms of insurance share something in common: They protect your investment and ensure you aren’t ruined in the event of an unexpected twist of fortune.

Business insurance protection

Protect Your Business

It’s not hard to anticipate an “unexpected turn” like a house fire or an auto accident, but for some reason, many entrepreneurs fail to plan for the bad things that can happen in business, as well.…

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