A Helpful Guide to Credit Repair for Business Owners

Let’s be honest; it’s not uncommon for business owners to have personal finances which are in the toilet. It’s tough to start a business, no matter who you are.

If you are like most people, you weren’t independently wealthy when you started your business. Your new company was a big risk. It probably still is.

In the early days of a new business, entrepreneurs have to spend incredible amounts of time and energy on their big idea in order to have it take hold in the real world. During this time, it’s common for other aspects of life to suffer as a result: including personal credit health.…

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5 Essential Components of a High Financial IQ

Intelligence comes in many different forms. Some people are great with numbers, others with words, still others with spatial reasoning. Intelligence comes in “non-intellectual” packages too—professional athletes are geniuses at using their bodies to achieve desired outcomes, for instance.

Business woman with high Financial IQ

Some forms of intelligence can’t be learned. You either have them or you don’t.

Financial intelligence is different. Everyone can learn to save and spend responsibly, to set clear financial goals, to invest for the future, to protect themselves against the unknown. If you’ve never thought about these things before, they can seem completely overwhelming. But, just as you can train your brain to learn new skills or concepts, you can slowly raise your financial IQ over time.…

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8 Alternative Lending Options for Small Businesses

Finding capital for your company when the banks and other traditional lenders have all turned you down isn’t as tough as it was 10 years ago. There are a number of options to consider and what you decide to go with will depend heavily on your company’s current financial situation and future forecast.

Lending options for small business

Factors like credit worthiness, company assets, future earnings, inventory, your own personal assets and savings, and the amount of credit currently available to you are all important things to consider when deciding on what option to choose.

Alternative small business lending options

Here’s 8 common alternative lending options a small business should consider when the banks won’t touch you:


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How Personnel Costs Impact Your Bottom Line

Whether you are a business operating in the private sector, or a municipality, personnel costs has a huge impact on your bottom line. Roughly 70% of most municipal budgets is used for personnel expenses, such as payroll and benefits. This is not far off from the expenses incurred in the private sector for personnel and their related expense. Private companies report that 40% – 80% of their operating budget is absorbed in personnel overhead.

Office workers

One thing public and private business have in common is the importance of their employees.  The staff of any business is your biggest asset or your biggest liability.…

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What is Invoice Factoring and How Does it Work?

If you have been searching for a quick and easy way to finance your business activities, invoice factoring may be the best solution. Invoice factoring (also known as debt factoring, accounts receivable financing, and under other names) is a quick and easy way to get the cash you need to keep your business afloat. This is especially true if you are facing serious liquidity issues.

Invoice factoring

What Is Invoice Factoring?

Invoice factoring is a kind of financing arrangement that is available to businesses that are able to provide certain goods or services to other businesses (in the form of a B2B arrangement) or to agencies of the government (B2G).…

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Fundraising Rules That Small Business Owners Should Respect

Every single entrepreneur out there knows that there is a huge competition to get the money that investors have available. Fundraising is difficult, especially when you do not have experience and you do not know what to do. The common options like taking unsecured personal business loans from sites lenders like Lanemaklaren are great for smaller firms and for some people but on the long run, you have to learn how to get funding from investors.

Raising capital

If you want to drastically increase the possibility of convincing investors to give you their money, you want to follow many rules, practice and work very hard.…

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What You Don’t Know About Commercial Insurance Might Cost You

Commercial insurance is a cost that is an inevitable part of running a small business. Many business owners look at it as a type of tax that is just part of being in business. Many of these same business owners think negotiating for a lower premium is not worth their time because the coverages are all very similar. This could not be farther from the truth.

Commercial insurance

There are several things related to your commercial insurance policies that can drastically affect what your business pays for premium. Here are 5 factors that can help your business save when purchasing commercial insurance.

Know the difference between General and Professional Liability

General Liability Insurance is the most basic type of liability coverage any business can secure to protect their business.…

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How Reverse Mortgage Will Help Save Your Business

As a small business CEO, you know that businesses go through cycles. Sometimes business is so good that you can’t keep up with demand. Other times, it seems like the market is stuck in the mud. Customers are not coming through the door and your expenses keep piling up. What can you do? Banks won’t finance your business, even though you have a long history in the market.

Business funding via reverse mortgage

Well, if you are over 62-years-old, I have a secret financial weapon which could help you save your business. It’s called a reverse mortgage, and it could be just the ticket to get you the money you need.…

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Tips to Start Your Business on the Right Financial Footing

Starting a business will be one of the most difficult things that you ever do, so many new things to learn, so much hard work to put in and a lot of pressure on making it a success. The best thing you can do for your future business is to ensure that before you start, you have everything in place that you are going to need, fail to prepare and prepare to fail, this motto could not be more true when it comes to a start-up business.

Startup financial management

One of the key things that you need to have in place is your finances and a plan for your finances once the business starts, here are some tips on how you can ensure your financially prepared to start a business.…

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5 Organizational Tips For Smart Business Money Management

Personal money management is tough enough, but when you try to manage money for an entire business or brand, things become even more complicated and convoluted. And that’s why there are specialized tools and organizational tips specifically for business finance managers.

Business money management

Five tips in particular might include hints like making sure that you shorten your selling cycles, use social elements for natural brand promotion, get feedback from early adopters, keep personal and professional finances separate, and use project management software to help synchronize all of your business communications with respect to money flow.

Shorten Your Cycles

A recurring problem in business finances happens when financial cycles take too long to complete.…

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