How To Deal With A Debt Collection Agency?

In recent times, ignoring creditors’ phone calls and failing their continuous attempts of setting the debts has become a massive issue. Though a majority of individuals do not ignore creditors intentionally but yet it seems like you are making a big mistake by avoiding them.

Debt collector

If you’ve been recently contacted by a debt collection agency for the first time, you may worry that this can happen again anytime in upcoming days. After all, those big long pending bills and lack of the time to pay it, is such a combination that one can never take lightly once the matter goes to a collection agency.…

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PPI Facts That You Should Know About

Payment Protection Insurance policies were sold to millions of people in the UK. Most of these PPI policies were mis-sold. Experts have estimated that the total value of these mis-sold PPI policies comes to nearly £50 billion pounds, with most of these mis-sold ppi policies being sold to consumers over the previous ten to fifteen years (2001 to 2016.)


PPI Compensation

Since 2011, when the UK banks lost a high court case, which forced them to pay out compensation to the victims of mis-sold PPI, £24 billion has been paid out in PPI Claims compensation to these individuals.

What Was PPI Mis Sold On?

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How Credit Protection will Keep your Finances Safe

We live in a world where anything we do; we get rated on our performances. From Primary school, to high school and college, we all rely on a rating system to help us achieve our goals and get to the next level. The same applies for people who have credit cards.

Credit protection

Credit cards are a responsibility and a privilege at the same time. In order to obtain one, it means that you are a working and productive member of society, and have been deemed fit to have a credit card (or credit cards) in your name.

Credit cards are usual tools, we probably use them weekly, if not daily.…

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How to Get Paid Faster Every Time You Send an Invoice

Getting your invoice paid faster is the most important goal for both small business owners and freelancers. This is the fastest way to having positive cash flow, which is very important for a business’s sustainability.


However, getting your invoices paid on time can be quite difficult. As one report showed, small businesses have to wait 72 days on average to get their invoices paid. That is more than two months from the time the invoice was sent, and in that time, there are bills, employees, and many other business expenses need to be paid.

Today we’ll look at how you can make sure you’ll get paid faster every single time you send your invoice.…

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8 Best Ways to Get Fund for Your Startup Easily

Funding for the startup is one of the most difficult areas for a newbie entrepreneur and going to start a new startup and as well wanting to seek out some cash for initiate the idea. Then don’t worry more; there are lots of ways where you can find funds if you have a brilliant and excitable idea and a good team.

Startup funding

Indeed, finding funds for startup is one of the toughest parts always and nowadays it become more competitive as well.

But if we talk positively, then we see there are two ulterior terms that lay behind every successful fundraising, which are,


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How To Select A Billing Company For Your Business

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourcing a Billing Company over In-house Billing

medical billing

Medical billing forms a critical pillar in the healthcare practice. Your core business is to provide quality healthcare and any other support activity like billing can adversely affect your performance if not handled accurately and promptly. To ensure that you get paid for the services your company offers, you need a knowledgeable, reliable, and focused team that will oversee the process. The activities may include medical coding and processing claims, handling insurance firms, and following up on unpaid patient accounts.

As the business leader, you will have to make one critical determination on whether you’ll use your internal staff for billing, or hire a professional billing company to do the task.…

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How Invoice Home Streamlines Invoicing for Online Entrepreneurs

Invoicing is one, if not the most important thing a small business owner does after the sale, next to providing amazing customer service. After all, we’ve put the work in on developing a great product or service and delivered it straight into the eager waiting hands of the client, right?

Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve found most of the invoicing solutions out there end up being quite costly (money, time, or both) when breaking down the true costs of what I’m paying for.

Business invoice

I started using Invoice Home a few months ago, and I’ve never been happier with my ability to create and send invoices to clients in just a few minutes, from wherever I might be hanging my entrepreneurial hat on in a given day.…

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7 Essential Types of Insurance for Every Small Business Owner

As a business owner, you might be wondering what kind of insurance policy you should get. Here are the 7 essential types of insurance for every small business owner:

Business insurance

1. General Liability Insurance

This insurance is a necessity for all businesses—whether big or small, home based or mainstream. It can protect you and your small business from a variety of claims such as bodily injury, property damage, and any other problems that you, your employees, or your products or services have caused or are alleged to have caused.

2. Commercial Auto Insurance

This kind of insurance covers vehicles owned by your company and anything inside it—your employees, products, or equipment.…

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Best Small Business Loan Providers in Canada

Unlike big enterprises that can apply for bank loans easily, smaller businesses have a harder time raising the capital they need. Banks tend to be strict with their loan requirements and they also require loan applicants to provide a business plan, a good credit history, and collateral.

Small business loans

Fortunately, going to the bank is not your only option if you need for a loan. There are many other sources of financing you can consider. In this article, we’ve listed four of the best small business loan providers in Canada:

1. Merchant Lenders

Since 2011, Merchant Lenders has been helping startups and small businesses in the country.

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Solving Bank Collection Compliance Issues For United States Financial Institutions

If you run or manage a financial institution, then you already understand how difficult staying ahead of collection compliance laws can be. Although staying compliant is not always an easy task, any mistakes can make it all but impossible for you to collect on delinquent accounts, and they can even result in legal problems.

Bank collection compliance

Taking the proper steps and following an effective plan can work wonders to keep your bank on the right track. If you are unsure of where to start, the following information will get you moving in the right direction. In addition to learning about the most common issues, you will also discover some of the top tactics that are used by industry professionals to keep their records and collection processes organized.…

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