An Overseas Money Transfer Guide for Small Businesses

A plethora of small businesses the world over have used the Internet to good effect, by reaching out to customers from different parts of the world. While the growth is welcome, the process of selling services or products internationally comes with its share of challenges.

International money transfer

A commonly faced problem is that of having to deal with poor exchange rates and paying steep currency exchange fees. Fortunately, the online world comes to the rescue again, giving small businesses various options from which to choose.

Several international money transfer companies have come up in the last two decades, mainly because of Internet-based advances.…

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Factoring for Small Business – The Essential Guide and Most Important Benefits

As a small business owner, you probably did some crucial thinking before you started your enterprise – as any good business owner does. But beginning a business of your own entails more than just the proper planning – it also entails a day-by-day effort to make your business grow.

Small business factoring

It requires a lot of dedication and commitment, and if you’re not passionate about what you are doing, it’s easy to throw in the towel and walk away. But when you’ve invested so much into your business – you want it to succeed. So, where can you can get the support you need?…

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Can You Get a Small Business Loan With Bad Credit?

When you start a business, there’s a very good chance that you are going to need some extra capital. Whether you need money to hire and train employees, to pay for office space, or to buy inventory, it seems there is always something to spend money on when you start a business.

Small business loans

The great news is that there are so many options out there for finding the funding you need, from small-business loans to lines of credit. But what if your credit isn’t exactly stellar? Can you still get a small-business loan with bad credit?

The answer is yes, but it may be more challenging than you think.…

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The Facts about Startup Business Lines of Credit

The truth about lines of credit for businesses is yet to be known by both existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. This is so because most of the sources available to provide information concerning lines of credit are too generic and inaccurate. As a result, many people have found themselves in problems in their efforts to use a line of credit to establish their businesses.

Business line of credit

Prior to considering this option to revamp your business idea, here are important things you should do:

  • Learn how it works;
  • Check if you meet the qualifications;
  • Look at its merits and demerits
  • Choosing your best option.

The Myth about Lines of Credit

People out there are meant to believe that their business plan is the ultimate factor considered by a bank before it can give them business line of credit.…

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Money Management – 6 Tips for Optimising Your Invoicing System

Are you being paid on time? When do you mail out invoices to clients? Invoicing can seem like a never-ending job, especially if you do not have a reliable system in place to maximise your accounting practices. If you are struggling with invoicing and billing within your business, you may need to make a change in the way you charge.

If the employees that you have completing the invoicing process are struggling with getting them out on time or appear to dislike the time of the month when invoicing occurs, you need to make a change in your company to speed up the process and make it more efficient.…

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Q&A with Brian Madgett, VP of New York Life on Small Business Insurance Coverage Gap

Many small business owners view business insurance as the necessary evil, and thus they are reluctant whether they should take more coverages or not. In reality, nobody really knows (except the insurers, perhaps) until the disaster happens; in that case, it’s all too late.

The result of the reluctance is the gap between the coverage they have and the amount they actually need.  But how bad is the gap? What should small business owners do in response to the gap?

Brian Madgett, New York Life VP

We converse with Brian Madgett, Vice President of New York Life – the largest mutual life-insurance company in the U.S.…

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How Your Personal Financial Decisions Could Affect Your Business

Life is rough all on its own. When you add money too it, sometimes it can be too much. However, as a business owner, you must learn how to balance your own finances before you can create success in the finances of your business.

New business financial meanagement

With so many businesses going bankrupt, it might be a wise decision to invest in a little know how when it comes to money. Below are a few things that might occur in your company if you don’t.

Stay Ahead Of The Bills

Paying bills is my favorite thing to do, said no one ever. Yet, it must be done.…

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SMB CEOs: You Need More Than Just Health Insurance

There’s been a lot of talk about health insurance in America lately. Is the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) staying? Is it going? If it goes, what, if anything, will replace it, and when will those changes kick in? Will Congress ever make up its mind?

Health insurance for CEO

Plenty of people are worried about the state of their healthcare lately, and for good reason. It can be hard to think about other things when the state of health insurance seems so tenuous, but taking care of yourself doesn’t begin and end with health insurance. You need other types of insurance as well: dental insurance for yourself, and life insurance for you and your family’s peace of mind.…

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Aspiring Entrepreneurs Can Now Get Additional Startup Funds Through Government Grants Offered

One of the major problems upcoming entrepreneurs face is a shortage of funds to effectively chase their dreams.

Fortunately, the problem of lack of financing that most upcoming businesses face has been minimised thanks to government’s new found willingness to help start-ups by providing financial assistance through grants.

Government grant funding

But first, what is a government grant?

You can think of a grant as money awarded by the government to finance your business. But unlike other financing options, you don’t have to pay back the sum received as a grant. The fact that the sum received via a government grant is something that you don’t need to pay back makes it a very tempting offer.…

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