How Does a Business Cash Advance Loan Work?

In recent times, Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) have continued to grow in popularity. This loan product began as a solution to loan future sales of credit cards. It would later evolve into a solution that allows organizations to finance future sales of many other things. A business cash advance is probably the best way to define it. With this type of cash advance loan, you can sell off your future sales and get financed quickly.

Business loan

This is a short-term financial solution whose payback time occurs in months. The repayment process starts almost immediately. The lender can either choose a part of your continued sales or debit your business bank account on a daily basis.…

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Which Makes More Cents In Canada: A Big Banking Institution or a Credit Union?

Credit unions perform the same functions as banking institutions around Canada, but not everyone knows what they are or how they work. Whether the average Canadian is looking to invest their money in a savings account or borrowing money for a home or car purchase, they typically go straight to their local bank lender. But that might be a mistake. Not investigating the many opportunities to join a credit union and reap the benefits may have many consumers missing the financial boat.

Credit union

It isn’t just Lehman Brothers who got caught doing unscrupulous things over the past decade; Wells Fargo is still involved in a class-action lawsuit for signing up customers for products unwittingly and using their banking information without their clients’ knowledge.…

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Benefits of Contract Hire for Small Businesses

Today, so much work is conducted on the information superhighway, that it is easy to forget that we still need to spend a certain amount of our time on the real one, too.

For a manufacturing business or a retail concern, you will probably have at least one or two vans that you lease, but for other businesses, the thought of vehicles is one that is often shelved, and you will either drive around in your private car without a second thought, or perhaps purchase one through the business.

Businesswoman and her contract hire business car

Both of these courses of action can be big mistakes, and even if you are not spending huge amounts of time on the road, you will almost certainly find you can save money and bring other business benefits through a car lease.…

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Forex Trading Tips to be a Successful Trader

There are many who are working on Forex market to gain profits from it. The trading is exciting and often educational for the traders. Here are some trading tips that you may want to follow:

Forex trading using mobile device

Plans must be made and followed

The trading is important for you and so you should make proper plans before starting the career. You should know what the reasons of failure in this trade are and then you can plan the ways to be taken for successful career. You will also have to define the time frame you must give for the trading purpose and what your aims are while trading?…

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Spending Smart by Maximizing Technological Investments

Technological investments are a part of business. Your business can spend $1 million to invest in new technology and equipment, but how will these technologies transition to profit? That’s the question.

Technology investments analysis

Increased investment doesn’t necessarily mean improved financials.

And small businesses need to know how to maximize these investments, or maybe they shouldn’t invest in certain technologies too early. Oftentimes, a small business will make an investment that keeps them cash-strapped and not able to recoup their money fast enough.

Missed opportunities can be a result of these decisions, which leads to lost financial gain.

Business Case Analysis

Subjectivity in an investment can be offset by business case analysis.…

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Trading 101: What is Margin Call Trading?

If you are buying shares on margin, you should maintain the minimum balance in your account as stipulated by the broker. The margin balance should be maintained so that you will be eligible for margin purchase. If you fail to maintain the margin money in your account, you will get a margin call.

Trader is doing margin trading

The margin call will be made by the broker to request you to deposit more money in your account so that you will not be penalized. If you fail to manage sufficient money in your account as per the margin call definition, you should want to sell equities to manage sufficient balance.…

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Is Cash really Dead? 4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Using It

Plastic have become so much the in thing when it comes to financial transaction that cash might as well be dead. Well, maybe not. But while there may be some benefits in using cash for your purchases and everyday transactions, they are even more benefits to using credit cards.

Using a credit card

If you can use plastics responsibly, you find that you are better off doing your payments with a credit card than with cash. Let us examine why the credit card comes out on top and why you should minimize your use of cash.

Credit Card builds up your credit rating

When you charge your expenses to your credit cards and promptly pay them up every month, you are building up a very strong credit score.…

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Q&A with James Turner, the Managing Director of, on American Adults’ Attitude Toward Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies’ popularity blasts through the roof.  In fact, the search term “buy bitcoin” is being used more than “buy gold” – an indicator of people’s behavior toward buying/selling or investing in cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin.

Bitcoin (illustration)

So, it’s safe to say that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are supported by many, right? Well, not necessarily.

A recent survey conducted by YouGov on more than 1,000 American adults interestingly reveals that their attitude toward cryptocurrencies isn’t all that positive.

In this session of Q&A, we talk with James Turner, the Managing Director of, discussing the findings from the YouGov survey, as well as offering his insight on what’s the future hold for everything related to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. …

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How Virtual Offices Can Help You Win the Cost Cutting Game

A virtual office offers benefits to businesses of all sizes, including small startups and large corporations looking to expand operations into new areas. The fact is that in the era of digital, there’s no reason to rent, furnish and maintain an expensive office location, when a virtual office offers all the advantages at a fraction of the cost.

Virtual office

A virtual office gives you a professional address to put on your business card; a place to receive mail, faxes, and even receive visitors; and a facility that’s open for you, your colleagues, and clients to conduct meetings in at your convenience.

Other advantages like virtual answering service and access to virtual assistants for pressing projects means you can, for instance, work in rural Thailand while maintaining your business’s headquarters on Bay Street in Toronto, or Silicon Valley in San Francisco.…

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6th Tax Compliance for Financial Institutions

From 7th to 9th November, Hermes bank representatives reaffirmed their commitment to regulatory transparency by turning their attention to adopting CRS updates and sustaining FATCA compliance.

Tax compliance for financial institutions

The 6th Annual Tax Compliance conference held at Times Square, New York brought together a global pool of acclaimed professionals in their field. In attendance, the bank benefited from the experience of industry experts from international players such as BNP Paribas, JPMorgan Chase, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Thomson Reuters and others as well as the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

In preparation for the inaugural year of country by country reporting the bank continues to examine FATCA and CRS requirements from various perspectives to mitigate risk and adopt industry best practices.…

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