The Financial Industry is Rapidly Changing

Since the advent of online banking, the financial industry has undergone several important changes. Meanwhile, terms such as fintech (i.e. financial technology) has become part of the everyday journalistic jargon, pointing to rapid innovation and change.


Besides the development of new apps and decentralized technologies, new participants have entered the industry to the benefit of the public. Here we take a look at some of the most profound and important changes taking place within the financial sector.

Blockchain equals the decentralization of banking

Banking as a profession has been around since the dawn of time, having played an integral role in human history.…

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Exploring How Invoice Factoring Can Impact The Growth of Your Business

If you are a small business owner with a steady and moderate growing business, you are already way ahead of the game. Maybe you have just recently had the chance to expand or take on a new client that will completely change the game for you and propel you into the big leagues, but unfortunately, there are stipulations that you can’t meet. For instance, say that the new customer or the new expansion is going to eat up your profits for 3 months, leaving you hanging in the wind. How can you take advantage of this opportunity, while still being able to survive the next few months?…

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How to Use Your Business Credit Score to Your Advantage

While many business owners are more than aware of their personal credit scores, there are many who are simply unaware of how their company’s credit score contributes to their potential success.

Business credit score

As most professionals know, a good, clean credit score can be the difference between loan or mortgage approval. If you have ever applied for credit, a lender will generally use this metric in their assessment of you and the risk you pose to their business. This three figure number (generally between 300 and 900) is a representation of your history of how you have handled credit. This information is widely available in 2018, meaning that there is no excuse not to be familiar with how lenders treat you, considering that almost everyone has access to their free credit score.…

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Superannuation Solutions for Every Size & Type of Business: Find the fund that is right for you – no matter the business you are in

Choosing the right superannuation fund for your employees can be a complex process regardless of the industry you are in or the size of your business. The number of superannuation fund options is vast and, even though you may already be an experienced employer, the laws and requirements concerning employers and super are not always easy to master. From 1st July 2018, new legislation regarding super will be coming into effect – adding further considerations to the existing rules. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear strategy for selecting super for your employees.

Superannuation solutions

This article will discuss different sizes and types of Australian small businesses, the common superannuation problems that employers in these businesses tend to encounter, and what superannuation strategies these businesses could employ to solve these common problems.…

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How to Find Money to Start Your Own Business

Entrepreneurial endeavors are becoming more and more commonplace as technology continues to place the tools to do the job in the hands of regular people. The path to starting your own business is no longer shrouded in obscurity.

Business start up funding

The steps are easy to figure out, and with a quick online search, you could be on your way to business ownership within a few days (though we would not recommend moving that quickly through the process). The problem is, how to fund your new business?

Take a few moments now, and check out some of the most effective ways to use the internet to find the money to start your own business.…

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How to Start Your Investment Portfolio Construction

Starting an investment portfolio can be an intimidating task. Whether you are planning to monitor and trade regularly or set up a one and done growth portfolio, the amount of time it can take to set up a solid plan for growth with your money can shake even the most stedfast of us.

Investment portfolio construction

Although it can be intimidating, setting up a stock portfolio is a great way to build your wealth over time, and can even be the reason you never “work” again. Getting there takes time, patience and market knowledge, but it all starts with the construction of your investment portfolio.…

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The Power of Anticipation

As a professional you experience a multitude of problems on daily basis.  If you don’t know how to handle all the pressure, then you’ll break. So, what should a professional do? Read on.

Thinking businesswoman

“Just try and be present” is something people with anxiety and stress hear an awful lot. It’s not bad advice, but it’s also a little vague. No one really says what “being present” means. If it means moving forward with your life even in the face of adversity, then that’s a good thing to tell people.

We all want to be able to close our eyes and just experience life as it is in that particular instant, but it’s so much easier said than done.…

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How Does a Business Cash Advance Loan Work?

In recent times, Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs) have continued to grow in popularity. This loan product began as a solution to loan future sales of credit cards. It would later evolve into a solution that allows organizations to finance future sales of many other things. A business cash advance is probably the best way to define it. With this type of cash advance loan, you can sell off your future sales and get financed quickly.

Business loan

This is a short-term financial solution whose payback time occurs in months. The repayment process starts almost immediately. The lender can either choose a part of your continued sales or debit your business bank account on a daily basis.…

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Which Makes More Cents In Canada: A Big Banking Institution or a Credit Union?

Credit unions perform the same functions as banking institutions around Canada, but not everyone knows what they are or how they work. Whether the average Canadian is looking to invest their money in a savings account or borrowing money for a home or car purchase, they typically go straight to their local bank lender. But that might be a mistake. Not investigating the many opportunities to join a credit union and reap the benefits may have many consumers missing the financial boat.

Credit union

It isn’t just Lehman Brothers who got caught doing unscrupulous things over the past decade; Wells Fargo is still involved in a class-action lawsuit for signing up customers for products unwittingly and using their banking information without their clients’ knowledge.…

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Benefits of Contract Hire for Small Businesses

Today, so much work is conducted on the information superhighway, that it is easy to forget that we still need to spend a certain amount of our time on the real one, too.

For a manufacturing business or a retail concern, you will probably have at least one or two vans that you lease, but for other businesses, the thought of vehicles is one that is often shelved, and you will either drive around in your private car without a second thought, or perhaps purchase one through the business.

Businesswoman and her contract hire business car

Both of these courses of action can be big mistakes, and even if you are not spending huge amounts of time on the road, you will almost certainly find you can save money and bring other business benefits through a car lease.…

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