6 Ways to Slash Businesses Expenses This Year

As a business grows, it’s easy to let expenses scale up proportionally. And before you know it, your costs of doing business have a significantly negative impact on the bottom line. If this is true in your situation, you may need to revisit the drawing board and slash some of these unnecessary expenses.

Cut expense

Simple Steps to Save Money

Running a business is no different than running your household budget. To improve your bottom line, you either have to increase your income or slash your expenses. Boosting revenue is always an option, but it takes considerable effort and investment. Expenses represent the lower hanging fruit.…

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4 Benefits to Connecting Your Appointments and Invoices

Just because you work hard to offer the best to your clients, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t accept help when it could be necessary. By now, there are so many online tools and software solutions that can make things easier on you. While you are busy running your small business, these helpful tools can give you peace of mind.

Appointment booking system

If you run a salon, HR department, consulting firm, pet care service, or any other type of business that requires booking appointments and service scheduling, you’ve probably looked into the available appointment booking software online.

Booking these appointments is only the first step in making online tools work for you.…

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A Comprehensive Guide To A Small Business Loan

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are going to need money at some point or another. Unless they’re able to increase their revenue, they’re going to be required to find money through other sources. This is why a lot of companies will take out a small business loan. This isn’t a good idea in all situations, but it will prove to be very wise in some.

Small business loan application process

Within this guide, you’re going to learn a great deal more about a small business loan and the most appropriate times to take one out.

What Is It?

First and foremost, you should learn the basics.…

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Raising Money to Expand Your Small Business

Running your own business can be hugely rewarding and lucrative, particularly as your business starts to grow. After working hard at college and achieving good grades, it is only natural that you want to enjoy a financially rewarding future and operating your own small business is a great way to do this. However, in order to continue reaping the rewards, you need to look at expanding your business as time goes on.

Raising money for business growth

Of course, if you plan to expand your business, one of the things you need to consider is how you will raise the money to do this.

There are various options available when it comes to getting the cash you need for expansion, although the options that are open to you will depend on various factors such as your credit score and the turnover of the business amongst other things.…

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Will the Iraqi Dinar Soar This 2019?

The largest financial market in the world is the foreign exchange market. It enables currency conversion for investments and trades worldwide with its massive trading volume.

Iraqi Dinar

People are able to exchange, speculate, buy, and sell on currencies through the foreign exchange market and they are able to optimize their profits by investing in the forex market.

History Of Iraqi Dinar

Decades ago, Iraq’s economy and the currency had hit its greatest peak. The economy was rapidly growing, the treasury was increasing with foreign exchange and value of Iraq’s currency has been stable and strong. Saddam Hussein’s legacy created a long-term effect on Iraq’s economy and currency, and it continues to remain to this day.…

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Finance 101: Everything You Need to Know About Investing in Technology Stocks in 2019

The tech industry is by no means limited to big players; there are also tech startups, website and software developers, etc. From hardware to software, the tech industry is just ripe with opportunity. However, most stock investors would agree that investing in it is risky business – since things can literally change overnight in the world of technology, a company can vanish at the snap of a finger.

Technology stock investing

To determine whether this is something you want to be dabbling in or not, let’s take an in-depth look at the subject and examine everything you need to know about investing in technology stocks in 2019.…

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4 Ways to Raise Capital for Your Small Business

Capital is essential for new and growing small businesses. Whether your small business is just starting out or expanding, raising capital can be challenging. Consider these smart financial strategies for funding your small business venture.

Raising capital for small business

Get a Loan Using the SBA Tool

The U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) exists so small businesses such as yours succeed, so make sure you don’t overlook this valuable government resource. Its Lender Match tool helps you find SBA-approved loans for launching and expanding small business operations. These loans are often easier for small businesses to obtain than loans from their own banks, but they have very competitive terms.…

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How to Avoid Needing Regular VAT Loans

You are a business owner who makes quarterly VAT payments. You know you’re going to come up short when your next filing is due, so you’re already thinking about getting a loan. Unfortunately, this is not your first time. You have used VAT loans multiple times in the past. You are thinking you would like to break the cycle, but you don’t know how.

Tips for avoiding VAT loans

VAT loans are not bad in and of themselves. They are exceptionally good tools to help business owners manage cash flow when times are a bit tough. However, they are not intended to be a long-term funding that continually gets recycled quarter after quarter.…

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Payroll Tips for Starting 2019 Right

Payroll tasks take up around 5 hours per week for a small business owner. This time, while well-spent, could be better spent elsewhere. All small business owners who run payroll know just how much of a challenge it can be unless they’re accountants with prior experience.

Payroll tips

1. Start the Year With Employee Categorization

Employee categorization is essential to start the year. When your employees are not categorized properly, this can cause your payroll to be chaotic. Why? You need to know who will be exempt from overtime or not.

Start the year taking a look at all of your employees’ categorizations.…

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5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Retirement Strategy

Preparing yourself with a comprehensive retirement plan is more important than ever. We are all living longer and it is vital that you have a strategy to ensure you don’t outlive your money. Here are some simple things that can help you to make the most of your retirement fund.

Busy senior businessman working on a retirement plan

Look at your 401(k) plan

A key part of a successful retirement strategy is creating an effective income stream from your savings. Keep your money in the 401(k) if your plan allows you to make regular withdrawals or pays out in instalments. If your 401(k) only allows you to take out a lump sum, it may be worth transferring the savings to a separate retirement account.…

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