The Importance of Timing the Market (for Investment Purposes)

Timing the market means knowing when to buy at the lowest price and sell and the highest price. If it was really that easy, however, then everyone would be doing it. In actual fact, knowing exactly when to buy and when to sell it incredibly complicated. Whilst some investors still believe it is impossible to properly time the market, many more feel it is the key to strong investment and stronger returns on those investments. It involves a lot of patience and a lot of predictive insight, but the benefits often outweigh the challenges.

Time stock investments wisely

Below, we’ll examine exactly why timing the market is possible, why it’s so important for investment purposes and what top tips investors should keep in mind.…

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How to Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing

Social media has taken over our lives. Not only do we spend a whopping 116 minutes per day using social media, but these platforms have become the go-to place for companies to reach new customers and engage their current ones.

This is why any company interested in growing their brand is going to be equally as interested in cultivating a strong social media presence.

Social media marketing campaign

However, just like anything with your business, your social media efforts need to be purpose driven. “Everyone else is doing it” is not reason enough for you to invest your employees’ valuable time and your company’s valuable resources in social media.…

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6 Smart Reasons to Get a Business Loan

Going into debt for your business can be very intimidating, especially if you are not sure if you should. Here are six good reasons to consider getting small business loans.

Calculating business loans usage

1. To buy needed equipment

A loan will enable you to buy the equipment and machinery that you need to create products or provide services to your customers, or to replace or upgrade the ones that don’t work well anymore. The good news is, if you get equipment loans, the actual equipment can usually be used as collateral for the borrowed money. Just be sure to use the loan to purchase equipment that are necessary instead of nice but optional.…

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Save Money On Your Rent: Some Tips Inside

What’s the worst thing about trying to find an apartment to rent? Most people would say finding an apartment to rent that you like and that’s affordable.

Save money on rent

Finding an apartment to rent can be a part-time job in itself, especially when it comes to navigating each and every apartment’s legal compliance – i.e. rent control, etc. So it’s understandable why many people would go online to try to find one. Because of that, apartment rental websites and apps have become increasingly more popular over the past few years. After all, these apps and websites can cut out a lot of the hassle of looking for an apartment.…

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7 Ways Technology is Changing how Traders Trade

From the time you wake up to take a look at the market’s performance overnight to the time you check how the market is set to open the next day before going to bed, technology plays a critical role. There’s no doubt that technology has ushered in significant advancements in the way we do things.

Trading technologies

These advancements have significantly been evident in the way traders trade. For instance, technology initiated the development of the online based MT4, which enables Forex traders to trade from any operating system or browser.

Additionally, advanced technology has enabled traders to operate and maintain a competitive edge in the cutthroat financial and Forex environment.…

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Trading tips for Herbalife Nutrition Investors

During the first week of 2019, investors of Herbalife Nutrition Ltd experienced a fantastic phenomenon on their trading platform. The company provides shares in two categories; the puts and the calls. To make profits, one has to know the kinds of stocks to invest in at every time. These stocks are set to expire in August 2019, and therefore, there is still time for people to make the right choices.

Herbalife and Cristiano Ronaldo

When you look at the current stocks from the perspective of an expert, you will notice that there are those that should be monitored closely. This is the best thing that we observed in the first week of the year, and therefore, it should not be difficult for anyone to make profits once the stocks expire.…

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5 Simple Steps to Sell Tradelines

Selling tradelines is an increasingly profitable (and popular) decision for many people (it could even be considered ‘renting’, as the process involves the same system.) The person with good credit is copied into the person’s bad credit.

Tips for selling tradelines

If you’ve heard all the hype of making lucrative amounts of passive income from selling tradelines, but don’t know how to get aboard, stick around. Here are 5 simple steps for selling tradelines.

1. Credit History

If you don’t have a clean credit history, or have committed any delinquencies, you won’t be approved. This is why people with poor credit use Tradelines. Because you are “carrying” the person with bad credit, it is essential for your account to be in good standing.…

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How to Choose an Accounting System for Your Business

Today, businesses are spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing an accounting system. There are, of course, some businesses carrying on with the same software they’ve used well over a decade ago, and others that have yet to understand the benefits of implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) or accounting software.

Businessman using accounting system

If you’ve finally come around to realizing the benefits of having an updated accounting system for your business, here are a few things to take into consideration before you undergo what may be a disruptive transition.

1. Understand the problem you want to solve

Too many businesses invest in ERP or accounting software simply because they feel left out and not because they want the new system to solve a problem.…

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5 New Expenses For Small Businesses That Go Global

If you’re ready to expand your business into global markets, you need to keep certain considerations in mind to smoothly transition from local to international business. We’ve compiled the following list of five expenses you may incur while preparing your business for expansion.

Expenses incurred during business expansion process

Product Readiness

Packaging standards differ from country to country. Getting to know how each system works allows you to prepare for unexpected expenses around packaging and shipping.

Labeling is also a factor. International markets may require packaging to contain specific information, meet safety standards, or comply with regulations.

Researching markets carefully means avoiding expenses you weren’t prepared for.…

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5 Proven Ways to Make Money Fast

We live in a highly unconventional world. Gone are the days of having to go to the bank in order to have access to your money. You no longer have to take a trip to a brick and mortar store to buy groceries or clothing. The internet has also changed how we make money.

Online business owner making money online

While traditional full-time and part-time jobs will always be an option, the internet has opened the doors for people to make money by completing a variety of tasks.

Want to learn how to make money fast online? There are all sorts of ways you can make money in the digital world.…

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