Understanding Your Credit Score

If you happen to be a person who generally takes up bank loans, then you’d perhaps be aware of the significance your credit score holds. Simply put, credit score is a numerical expression of a person’s creditworthiness. Credit scores allow lenders to access the borrower’s financial soundness.

Good credit score

What is categorized as ‘good credit score’?

Generally, a credit score in excess of 700 is considered ‘good’. If your credit score is over 850, you will fall under the “excellent” category. A credit score of below 600 is considered “poor”. If availing credit facilities at cheaper interest rates happens to be your goal, then maintaining a credit rating of over 750 is advisable.…

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What Time of The Year is The Easiest to Save Money?

No matter who you are, saving money can be a difficult game.

Maybe you’ve promised yourself many times that you’re going to try and put some cash to one side, but life has a habit of throwing hurdles in our way. An unexpected cost here or there is all that’s needed to scupper your saving attempts.

Save money tips

However, with a bit of planning around when to buy and save, you might stand a better chance of having a little extra come the end of the year.

Dry January

January is, by all accounts, pretty miserable, but, despite being home to the most depressing day of the year, it offers opportunities to spend and save wisely.…

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Taking Account – The Benefits of Upgrading Your Financial Systems

For most business owners the day to day running of their company makes huge demands on their time and energy. It may not even have occurred to them that their business could run more efficiently or that their cash flow could be increased and their customer experience be enhanced, simply by upgrading their accounting software.

Finance team meeting

Often this is a case of ‘if it ain’t broke then don’t fix it’. Unfortunately, in many instances, this can be an expensive mistake. To truly appreciate the advances made in small business accounting software and to understand how they can benefit your business, I have devised a few pertinent questions which can identify how your current accounting system may be letting down both your business and your customers.…

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Desktop and Mobile Trading: What Are the Differences?

The markets never stop moving. As the clock turns and active trading pickups in different places around the globe, it’s important to keep abreast of every event that can alter your risk.

The difference between desktop and mobile trading

There are benefits to having the ability to trade while you are on the go. The flexibility to execute orders and deposit funds provides a luxury to traders that has only been available during the past decade.

There are also several benefits to desktop trading. The applications that are available are generally more sophisticated. Your ability to chart and back-test strategies is made easier with desktop applications.

For an active trader, using the combination of the two is the most effective mechanism.…

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4 Small Business Grants That Can Help Support Your Growing Business

Starting a business or getting a business to grow beyond its initial year can be challenging, especially when funds are an issue. This is why a lot of small business owners often use up their own savings to fund their business. Others use their credit cards, or take out a loan. The downside to this is that they will incur interest while they repay their debt. This can make it more difficult to funnel all your resources into improving your business.

Government grant funding

Luckily, business owners can turn to grants. Grants are funds that are awarded to individuals or groups that do not require repayment of the awarded amount.…

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Build Your Financial Future by Building Business Credit

From the moment we open our first bank account or get our first credit card, we are bombarded with tips, opinions, and information, from our family and financial advisors, on the importance of building personal credit.

Personal credit is of course incredibly important, but many business owners do not place the same importance on business credit.

Building business credit

Maybe you don’t know how to build business credit, but let me assure you, it is imperative in order to ensure the longevity and success of your business. Here are just a few ways in which a good business credit score can impact your business:


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What Should your Financial Advisor be Responsible For?

Thanks to the rise of financial management groups like Betterment and Wealthfront, we’ve seen so-called “robo-advisors” and the use of increasingly advanced algorithms disrupt the financial services sector.

Hiring financial advisor

The vast majority of everyday citizens are still likely to turn to a traditional financial advisor when organising their money, however, as this provides them with a reliable point of contact who can offer reassurances concerning the validity of their investments.

This is just one aspect of a financial advisor’s role, however, which encompasses a number of different tasks on a daily basis. We’ll address this further below, while asking what your financial advisor should actually be responsible for.…

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Top 8 Benefits Offered by ULIP Plans

One of the fundamental reasons behind an individual’s investment is to get a decent corpus at the end of their investment tenure. Though there is a number of investment avenues available in the market, ULIP is still one of the best avenues out there. It not only helps you get good returns but also gives you access to the life cover feature.

Unit Link Insurance Plan (ULIP)

In order to understand its concept, you should, first of all, understand the ULIP meaning, as it will also help you understand how a ULIP does actually work.

There was a time ULIPs were a not-so-popular choice between the investors due to their high charges and commission structure.…

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How Agio helps Hedge Funds Improve Cybersecurity based on DDQ

For every hedge fund, Due Diligence questionnaires are an essential part of day-to-day management of the company. You will need these questionnaires to know the kinds of questions that your customers are asking. In addition to that, a DDQ can be the perfect marketing tool if you know how to use it well. However, one of the things that threaten the effective use of a DDQ is cybersecurity.

Securing hedge funds DDQ

The possibility of losing your information while handling these questionnaires is always reality. In addition to that, there are third parties that could use that information to harm your organization. To avoid these risks, Agio has one of the best solutions.…

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Surprised By The New 2018 Tax Laws? 4 Strategies To Handle The Changes

Once you get the hang of preparing taxes for your small business, April doesn’t seem so challenging. That is, until tax laws change and suddenly you don’t know if you can still claim your small office deduction. When this happens, the need to hire a tax professional to prepare your return becomes a necessity, not just a convenience.

2018 Tax Law Changes

Not sure what to do about the tax changes that went into effect for 2018? The changes will remain in effect at least until 2025, so there’s no time like now to get acquainted with what’s new.

1. Hire a tax professional to do your taxes at least once

Hire a tax professional to do your taxes at least for the first year.…

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