Surefire Ways to Keep Your Business Afloat During a Financial Crunch

Owning your own business is not as easy as some people think. It is actually a 24-hour job, especially when you’re just starting to grow your business because you have to think about so many things, from marketing plans, employee schedules, stock supplies, and more.

Keeping business afloat during crisis

But, of course, the financial rewards and the fulfillment that you get from managing something that is entirely your own cannot be beat. This is the main reason why there are many businesses in the world. Owning your own company is very rewarding, although it does entail a lot of work.

Some companies that are more stable, who want to grow and expand even more, consider going public.…

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What Are the Costs of Big Data?

Big Data has taken over the mainstream headlines for the last decade or so, and continues to be one of the most featured technologies in the headlines today.

Cost analysis of big data

Forget the attention-catching headlines and talk of a new dot com collapse for businesses that don’t adopt Big Data for a while. Think of the other implications of adopting Big Data for your business. Surely, a massive undertaking such as a whole network of servers dedicated to crunching your data isn’t going to be cheap, right? Well don’t be so sure about this as web scraper websites can fetch all this data for you in a fraction of time.…

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5 Tips for Small Business Events & Meetings on A Budget

Small business events and meetings can be great opportunities to expand your network, draw potential customers, and generally promote your name. Let’s look at 5 tips for doing an event or meeting without breaking the bank.

Business networking event and meeting

1. Meeting Management Services Software is Your Friend

If you’re trying to plan events and meetings, you would do well to invest in some good meeting management services software. There are a lot of things to get right with a meeting or an event, and it’s a good idea to be strategic about it—and that’s precisely what meeting management services software can help you with.…

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Tips To Consider Before Purchasing a Budgeting Software

Budgeting software is essential for your business if you desire to keep track of your revenues, customer information, along with other financial data. Therefore, you must purchase the best budget software you can. For this to happen, you need to do in-depth research on which properties will best suit your business needs.

Businessman using budgeting software

Having a good idea of what your business needs will allow you to find the budgeting software that will best cater, for your day to day operations. Here are a few tips that will guide you on what to look for before you commit to purchasing your budgeting software.…

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Making an Impact on Your Credit History

Bad credit can be a serious problem for your future. When you’re looking to take out a loan or begin your own company, having the right score can make all the difference. Those who have low scores are often viewed as a risk by lenders and are denied the chance at finding fair financing options. While you might not be able to change your score in an immediate way, there are several steps you can take to make a positive impact on your score.

improving credit score

Give yourself a moment to take a look at some of these ideas on how you can improve your score.…

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So, You Want To Invest In Ethereum Classic

If you are looking at investing or buying any cryptocurrency, chances are high that you have noticed that there are a surprising number of options both in what you can buy and how you can buy them. You may also have noticed that there are two Ethereum’s – Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC), which is surprising if you are unaware of the circumstances that lead up to the establishment of these two cryptocurrencies.

Etherium Classic - ETC

A Crash Course In Ethereum & Ethereum Classic

Way back in 2016 Ethereum launched a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) system with the idea that they would be creating a democratic financial system, which would allow for automated contracts.…

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5 Smart Accounting Tips to Help You Manage Your Startup

Startups and small businesses are sources of both excitement and frustration for their owners and managers. And one of the biggest sources of the latter is accounting for all the money that goes in and out of the company. However, bookkeeping doesn’t always have to be a big source of headache for budding business owners.

Startup accounting tips

If you’re thinking of ways to make your processes easier, then read on for some smart accounting tips that might just do the trick.

Separate Your Personal and Business Accounts

If you haven’t already done this, then you should get on it as soon as possible.…

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The Benefits of Using Accounting Software for Business

Running a business requires that you pay attention to many financial details. And, even though you may find it entirely possible to manage your personal finances without using any specialized software, managing business finance is far more time-consuming if you’re trying to do everything on your own.

Accounting software benefits

Hiring an accountant to look after the books for you is a popular option, but if it’s not in your business budget, you might be wondering if there’s anything else that you can do to make balancing the books easier without having to go through everything manually.

Accounting software products are designed specifically with business owners in mind, and offer a wide range of advantages including:


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5 Undeniable Benefits To Investing In Business Vehicles

54% of small and medium-sized enterprise owners need to use their cars, trucks or vans for business activities, according to a recent Manta survey. The need to purchase or lease a vehicle may end up being inevitable especially for businesses that offer goods or services. The acquisition of raw material, day to day supplies and timely delivery of finished products require the constant availability of a means of transport.

Fleet of trucks

That said, using cars or trucks that have the best cost-optimizing insurance cover will help your business flourish. Whether you have one or a fleet of vehicles, there are many benefits to investing in a good business vehicle.…

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Understanding What Type Of Investor You Are

No two investors are exactly alike. Each will have quirks and differences that influence their decisions and personalities that dictate their actions during trades. Did you know that there are basically three types of investor? See which one you are!

Investor looking at chart

But first, why should you care?

If you’re looking to begin your stock market investment, identifying the type of investor you are beforehand will help you better understand how your investment style will shape or affect your success. Also, you’ll be able to learn the advantages and limitations that naturally result from the way you invest.

Furthermore, you’ll be able to choose if the option available at the next level of investing is good decision by knowing what the next level of investing looks like.

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