Are Your Personal Finances Drastically Impacting Your Startup Business?

The past year has been rough on everyone. However, even during difficult times, people decided to start new businesses. Some were forced into the decision due to layoffs, while others enjoyed staying at home and wanted more control over their work/life balance.

Paying bills on time

According to NerdWallet, the average American household has $7,027 in credit card debt. Perhaps you also have a mortgage, car payment and student loans. Missing any of these bills negatively impacts your credit score.

Your personal finances impact your business in several ways. It’s important to be aware of the issues, so you can navigate them successfully and run a successful startup.…

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Business Insurance Benefits for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, it is vital that you ensure your business is protected in different ways – this protection should extend further across the business as a whole including you and your employees. One simple way of protecting your business is that of business insurance which is simple and affordable to purchase for any size of company. As a small business, you are more at risk and therefore require some form of protection.

Business insurance protection

photo credit: TheDigitalWay / Pixabay

Depending on what line of work your business is in, at times, it can actually be a legal requirement to purchase insurance cover.…

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5 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Purchasing Insurance Policies

With so many liabilities, insurance providers, and policy options for small businesses to consider, purchasing proper coverage can be a time-consuming, complicated process. But with your business’ finances and reputation on the line, it couldn’t be more critical.

Purchasing insurance policies

Every company has different needs and risks, so finding the best small business insurance for yours requires a lot of research, risk assessment, and financial calculations. But this is not the time to try and save time and money—with inadequate coverage, you may spend even more time and money in the future in the face of an unexpected event or lawsuit.

Identifying and understanding the common mistakes that small business owners make when insuring their business is the best way to prevent you from making them yourself.…

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5 Potential Business Expenses

If you’re going to start a business this year, you probably have come up with a plan already. Having a comprehensive plan in place is one of the most critical things you can do if you’re going to find success within your niche.

Business expenses management

However, while you might have thought about expenses such as employee salaries and what it will cost to rent a brick-and-mortar location, you might have forgotten about certain other potential expenditures.

We’ve compiled a possible expense list for you to peruse. It’s probable that you won’t need everything on this list, but it’s more than likely you’ll need at least a couple of the items we’ll mention.…

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5 of The Best Credit Cards Designed for Small Business Owners

Running a small business, even if that business is just you acting as a freelancer, isn’t easy, especially when you’re just starting out. It takes capital for initial expenditures like office space, utilities, equipment, advertising, and office supplies.

Business credit card for building credit

Of course there are a number of business items you can get for free, like business cards, websites, and even free business phone numbers and services. But in general, you’re going to have to pay out for some serious business necessities.

You can pay for these things in several different ways, the top three choices being, cash you have on hand, a line of credit you’ve already established with a small business friendly bank, or you can use a credit card that is solely dedicated to your business.…

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Beginner’s Banking: A Pragmatic Guide to Personal Saving

For many people, the most difficult thing about saving money is simply getting started. When you are used to managing your money a particular way, reducing your expenses and prioritising your savings can seem daunting. However, whether you earn a little or a lot, there are many different strategies you can use to ensure that you grow your savings steadily over time, giving you more financial peace of mind.

Personal saving

Before you start making changes to how you manage your finances, it’s important to set yourself up with a personal savings account. This can be done at your local branch or you can choose to go online and register with a digital bank.…

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Tips to Improve your Investments With Forex

When investing in foreign currency, the most important things are to choose a good currency broker, a good strategy, and to execute your strategy exactly how it was intended. This article will outline 5 tips to improve your investments with Forex.

Forex trading and investing

Choosing the right broker

You can’t execute your investment strategy accurately if your broker isn’t suited to it. If you’re looking for high frequency trades, then choosing a provider with slow transactions is not ideal, likewise, if you’re a technical trader, then opting for a trading platform with great charting is essential. The best forex brokers can easily be compared and assessed.…

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4 Major Reasons Behind Investing in Bitcoin During This Time

Well, 2020 is the year of bigger movement or change for bitcoins. According to the researches, people in large amounts are accepting bitcoin, and there’s a massive rise in those who are responding to bitcoin. All bitcoin investors or businesses have seen a continuous or great rise in the last few years.

Bitcoin investing

There are plenty of reasons behind this success, and some of the major reasons are described later in the post.

But before going to make a deal with everything, it’s important to understand all basics and essentials first to start everything related to bitcoin with great ease. After knowing the importance of bitcoin trading, more and more individuals become ready to invest in it.…

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How to Buy and Sell Shares for Beginners

Want to sell or buy stocks online? Have you been thinking of starting your investment journey in the stock market? You should always remember that proper knowledge is crucial for buying and selling shares with gusto.

Stock investing online

Firstly, what is a stock?

To simply put it, this is a share in any company. Whenever any company is listed, its stocks/shares are traded on the prevalent exchange. These are stocks that you can invest in, with your own money. Whenever you increase your stock holdings in any particular company, your shareholding/stake in the same also goes up exponentially.

Along with stock market timings on a regular basis, you will also have to finalize the way you trade in shares, i.e.…

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Putting Interest To Work for You Rather Than Against You

Many people are paying hundreds or thousands of dollars more than their original loan amounts because of interest. Unfortunately, many of those people accept interest as the cost of borrowing and using another person’s money. If all of those borrowers understood how interest works, they could be making money rather than paying more and more to lenders.

Calculating loan interest

Understand What Interest Is and How It Works

The first step to reversing this cycle is understanding what interest is and how it works. Lenders calculate a percentage of the money they loan. The borrower pays that percentage, in addition to an amount of the principal, each month.…

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