Why Ever Contractor Should Have Insurance

If you own and operate a contracting business, you face risks inherent to the type of work that you do. While on the job (and even when the job is already finished) there is a chance that your employees, clients, or uninvolved strangers could suffer injuries or have their properties damaged. No matter the nature of the damage, if you are held liable you will be responsible for paying for it with your money.


Lawsuits and settlement fees can range into the tens of thousands of dollars. This can be seriously detrimental to your business and even risk closing your doors for good.…

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4 Essential Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have

One common primary concern for most working professionals is how to protect your income for the indefinite future. With so many unfortunate instances that can put your ability to earn an income in jeopardy, insurance policies remain the surest way to protect your income. However, with so many different types of insurance policies out there, it can be a bit challenging to determine which policies you genuinely need.

Insurance policies

So we have listed the four essential insurance policies that everyone should have.

Disability Insurance

Even though you may assume it’s improbable that you will find yourself with a disability in the near future, especially if you are currently young and able-bodied.…

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Business Finance: Why Taking The Short Route is Often The Deadly Route

Starting a business from scratch and getting it to move forward on its onward journey requires a solid business financing guide in order to make it into a successful enterprise. Most businesses start with help of friends or using family property as collateral, but eventually, if the venture has to stand on its own two feet it will need continuous financing till it attains sustainable growth.

Financial planning

Business planning

Even after the business is up and running, the management will still have to ensure that future growth plans do not get affected by inadequate financing, else the business is destined to fail.…

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Do You Need Commercial Auto Insurance For Your Small Business?

As a small business owner, you have a million balls in the air at any given time, but there are some you definitely can’t drop — like making sure your business is fully insured, including protecting your business travel, company vehicles, and drivers.

Commercial auto insurance

If you’re about to open up a new business, or you are going to list a vehicle under your business or add commercial driving or drivers to your operations, you need commercial auto insurance.

And while it’s a requirement, it’s also just a good idea. If something happens to one of your work vehicles (or if the worst-case-scenario occurs and one of your employees is hurt in an auto accident on the clock), commercial auto insurance will protect you and your company from the fallout.…

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Want to Invest in Bitcoin? Some Essentials Things That You Need to Know Before You Buy

Bitcoin is the currency that is most talked about in the world, but there are still some people who don’t know much about it. In this article, you are going to learn everything which you need to know about bitcoin. It is a new age currency that is virtual, and it allows people to make highly anonymous transactions.

Investing in Bitcoin

The best thing is that this currency is a decentralized currency which means that no government can have control over it. Bitcoin is an entirely online currency that is tracked by the blockchain network. One of the biggest reasons behind the vast popularity of bitcoin is that no middleman is involved, so you don’t need to pay a high transaction fee.…

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Guide for Software Companies When Claiming R&D Tax Credits

Maybe you’ve heard that somehow a variety of practices associated with the implementation of updated or upgraded software might be considered for the R&D Tax Credits. Needless to say, the benefit is aimed at promoting the advancement of novel and advanced processes and technologies. The credit will help to reduce the uncertainties associated with creativity and recognize foresight.

R&D tax credits

When analyzing the seven major stages of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), it’s the fourth stage which development and coding entail operations that qualify for special tax credits.

Thus, while the new rules favored commercial software providers, you do not preclude your business solely just because you do not sell software to external parties.…

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4 Tips for SMB’s to Start Accepting Crypto Payments

Since the invention of Bitcoin, a lot of changes have been made to the digital currency to render it a safer and more reliable tender. This is typically why Bitcoin has joined the mainstream modes of payment and transaction as more people and businesses adopt cryptocurrencies as an alternative payment method.

Bitcoin accepted here

Advantages of Accepting Crypto Payments

With the future of cryptocurrencies looking appreciable and the price of Bitcoin skyrocketing, more and more people are joining the race. Cryptocurrencies offer much faster transactions and at a lower cost compared to traditional credit cards. Another advantage is that cryptocurrencies are easy to use and they are highly accessible.…

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A Beginners Guide to Crypto Lending 2021

If you have an interest in cryptocurrency, you know that there are many ways to make your crypto investment work for you. There are traditional forms of making money by buying or selling currency, of course, but there are also some more advanced strategies that may be appropriate for your portfolio. One such example is crypto lending.

Cryptocurrency lending

What is crypto lending?

Though the process can be somewhat complicated, the definition is not. Crypto lending is literally loaning someone cryptocurrency. That individual will then make repayments on a pre-agreed schedule. They will also repay the original value of the loan with interest.…

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Is it Safe to Leave my Crypto on an Exchange?

Cryptocurrency exchanges have come leaps and bounds when it comes to security. That said, companies build crypto exchanges online. While this is inherently a risk already, cryptocurrencies’ continued adoption has driven the price of crypto upwards, making it a more prominent potential target for hackers.

Cryptocurrency exchange

Due to the above, many platforms recommend crypto users who want to trade stays on your exchange and the crypto you plan to hold in a wallet. The majority of crypto exchange platforms follow these same practices to minimize potential losses. That said, taking your private keys off an exchange gives the user added responsibility for keeping their coins secure and understanding the inner workings of cryptocurrency storage.…

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5 Cryptocurrencies to Invest in 2021

What is crypto trading?

The trading of the Cryptocurrencies is a new form of trading which is taxable and is not illegal. It’s essentially the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies in a crypto exchange. Just like any other trading activities, you can do-it-yourself or use the service of a broker.

Cryptocurrency trading

That’s not the only way you can profit from the crypto price movement, however. Another way you can profit is crypto CFD trading. It is actually the act of theorizing or rather finding out the pricing ups and downs of cryptocurrency with the help of a CFD trading account, or by selling and buying the following coins via an exchange.…

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