5 Tips For Choosing A Precious Metals Company

When you decide to build your retirement portfolio, you will need to think about the assets that you want to add to it. For a long time, people have relied solely on the traditional options, i.e. the options of investing in stocks and bonds. While those solutions are still quite good and while you definitely shouldn’t ignore them, the truth is that you now have a few more options to consider.

Precious metal IRA

In simple words, you can now add precious metals to this portfolio. The fact that this option is now available has led to the emergence of Noble Gold and many other companies that are there to be your partners in this investment process.…

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How Android Phones Make Bitcoin Trading Easier

Bitcoin trading has become a mainstream topic in the last few years, but it’s still not easy for most people to take part. It can be complicated and intimidating, but that’s where Android comes in.

Crypto trading on smartphone

You can trade Bitcoin on your phone or tablet with Blockchain wallets because mobile devices are easier to use than desktops for trading coins. The same thing can be said about the Blockchain wallet, which will allow you to trade Bitcoin on your smartphone or tablet.

Bitcoin is a decentralised currency that can’t be forged or altered in any way. It’s also hard to steal because people have to have Bitcoins in their possession to spend them, and it’s impossible for anyone to create more coins.…

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4 Ways to Save Money in Your Small Business

When starting a small business, a lot of entrepreneurs often make the mistake of overpaying for certain expenses. To be more specific, most small business owners spend more than twice their initial expected cost just within their first year of operation.

Small business finance

photo credit: Pexels

This overspending led to a large chunk of small businesses failing not long after they started simply due to the lack of funds. Statistics from the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy revealed that only 80 percent of small businesses were able to survive during the first year of operation.

That might sound healthy, but after a 5-year mark, only half of those businesses survived.…

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5 Important Steps to Open a Checking Account

Having a checking account can help you manage your finances better. It not only keeps your money safe while earning interest, but it’s also the best account option if you are making large purchases.

Opening a checking account

photo credit: RODNAE Productions / Pexels

If you plan to open an account, whether or not you already have one, you should consider getting a checking account. Its application process is pretty straightforward.

Here are the steps you can follow to open one.

Choose an Institution

When you are ready to apply for an account, you need to find an institution. You can get a checking account in banks and credit unions, so you better start searching for one.…

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Some Facts About Bitcoins and Cryptocurrencies

The valuation of cryptocurrencies is around $1.49 billion in the U.S market. The projected valuation can reach the extent of US $4.94 billion, if not more, by the year 2030. So you should not miss this chance to get a high return from this market.

Embracing bitcoin

Again, it is predicted that the compound annual growth rate or CAGR can be around 12.8% from 2021 to 2030. With banking interest going down, banks becoming bankrupt and people are investing in cryptocurrency to get good returns.

However, one should always go through the statistics before investing their bounty and let us discuss the same for various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin.…

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6 Reasons to Go with Payroll Outsourcing services

Payroll may seem like something you can operate on your own but the demands associated with handling payroll such as payroll laws, filing date, tax deposit rules, federal mandates forms, etc. forces many organizations to outsource this to other designated companies.

Payroll outsourcing service

This is one of the reasons why many companies worldwide have started to outsource Payroll to handle the demands of extremely competitive marketplaces. Outsourcing payroll not only takes care of all these functions but allows the owner to focus on other aspects of the business as well.

If you are still not convinced about outsourcing, continue to read the benefits.…

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Public Property Information Check: An Elementary Way to Learn Everything You Need

Are you thinking about buying a property? Then one of the most important things to do is run a property owner search! I’m sure you already know why.

Real estate investing

How To Carryout a Public Property Information Check

There are many ways and tools which people can use to do a public property information check. Some of these include;

Public Records

Public records usually give people information about properties, the ownership history of the property, well the features and specifications of the property, etc. These are government documents that are not considered confidential because they can be accessed by anyone.

Online mapping

This is also known as web mapping.…

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Burns Funding Binds Together a Business Offering that Produces Passive Income Streams

Burns Funding, an alternative funding company for entrepreneurs and small businesses, has introduced a program, which founder and serial entrepreneur Peter J. Burns III promises will “create residual wealth” for those who participate.

Investing your money

Burns, who has been helping entrepreneurs fund and manage their own businesses for nearly a half century, is offering qualified candidates, through Burns Funding, a state-of-the-art program of unsecured funding, which “essentially pays for itself through a pair of passive income streams,” according to Burns.

“I know it sounds too good to be true,” said Burns. “But what we are doing is making savvy use of readily available technology around e-commerce stores and Artificial Intelligence-power crypto bots.…

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Steps The Self-Employed Need to Take To Save for Retirement

There are tons of perks to being self-employed, but they come at the cost of certain benefits others take for granted. One thing that people working for a boss have is a 401(k). This does not relieve them of the need to think about saving for retirement, but it does give them a foundation. When self-employed, you need to take all your own steps to save for retirement.

Retirement savings

photo credit: Rawpixel

If you’re not yet saving for retirement, now is the time to start. The longer you put it off, the more at risk your retirement becomes. To help you get going on your retirement savings plan, here are some steps you should take as soon as possible.…

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What is The Future for USD?

The US Federal System has printed a lot of unsecured dollars over the past year. Therefore, many people rightly fear an imminent strong depreciation of the dollar, and some even believe that the United States is bankrupt. In contrast to this opinion, some people continue to believe in the strength of the dollar, and in its cloudless fate.

Focus on money

The Strength of the Dollar

The US dollar is a measure of value for all world currencies. And it is in it that almost all countries store reserves.

For example, you can take Ukraine, where both the authorities and the population assess the hryvnia exchange rate, primarily against the US dollar.…

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