How Successful Entrepreneurs Deal with Pressure, Get Stuff Done, and Enjoy Life

The life of an entrepreneur is both exciting and challenging. There would be times when you will be pressured to perform. However, this is one of the great things about becoming your own boss. At the end of the day, your success is up to how you perform in times of high pressure.

Successful young entrepreneur on the phone

Here are several different ways in which entrepreneurs can deal with the pressure and enjoy their lives.

Think Long Term

It is vital to think long term when you own your own business. This will force you to make decisions that are good for your business over the long haul.…

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Crowdfunding for Property Investors: What you Need to Know Before you Begin

Crowdfunding for real estate offers a new way for investors to get into the property market. The basis behind crowdfunding is for developers and real estate investment fund managers to raise capital from multiple investors for investment purposes.

Crowdfunding for property investors

Investors have the advantage of owning a share of a large property investment that might otherwise have been out of reach. Another significant benefit is the ability to get started in the property investment with a relatively small investment.

For example, some online crowdfunding portals will allow investors to get started with as little as £50. Others may require a larger initial investment to get started, with many ranging between £5,000 and £50,000.…

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For New Entrepreneurs: Lessons and Advice from Inspiring Business Experts

How exactly do entrepreneurs find success? Do they use a special set of skills, or do they simply use the same skills that everyone else has? What life lessons do entrepreneurs today find most useful?

Gary Vaynerchuk startup quote on success

Chappel and Matthew’s ( real estate advisors to rising stars of the entrepreneurial world, share insights from some of the most inspiring stories of success in the entrepreneurial world, and the life lessons there to be learned.

Believe in yourself; but also be critical

American Document Services in Las Cruces, NM is a successful document shredding service that pulls in $1.5 million in revenues each year, retaining 16 full-time employees.

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5 Ways To Make Some Cash for Your Next Big Idea

The thing about having a big idea, is that often to make it happen, you have to have money. And unless you’re already independently wealthy, it’s logically improbable just to have enough extra cash floating around that you can throw it at a new project, and still maintain your current lifestyle.

Funding a business idea

Thus, many next big ideas won’t ever get started. However, there is hope! If you break your idea into sizable chunks and figure out how to get the cash flow going using these five potential avenues, at least you’ll give your concept a fighting chance to be born into the world.…

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4 Misconceptions about Running your Own Business

Running a business is a dream job for many and becomes a living nightmare for others. For the ones on the latter side, this may be partly due to what they thought running a business would be like compared to what it actually is.

Overwhelmed entrepreneur

We all see really cool stories of the Richard Branson’s of the world buying up islands because they happened to have the same name as their companies or the billionaire 30-somethings that jet set around the world while Anderson Cooper tags along. We then think, “Wow that could be my island” or “That could be me and my friends going to surf by private jet.”…

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Self-Employed at Last: The Top Common Blunders to Avoid at Any Cost

Being self-employed is a lot of fun, but it’s also a lot of work. Most new business owners make a lot of mistakes. Here are some of the most common, and how to avoid them.

Making business mistakes

Failing To Budget

Small businesses are especially prone to accounting mistakes, unless they happen to be accountants.

Make a budget, and stick with it. Budget out, to the penny, how much money you need to keep the doors open. Then, round up. Yes up. Add in 10 percent to that rounded figure. This gives you a nice cushion – a safety net – that hopefully you’ll never have to use.…

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Examples of Successful Scientific Startups

According to the NY Times, investors are beginning to take an interest in science, engineering, and clear-technology startups again. There was a long period of time during which investors “shied away” from science startups, but those days are over. It’s a new era of scientific funding, and in an effort to encourage those investments, here are a few scientific startups that prove it’s possible to earn money and help the world through technological and scientific achievement.

Science business

The Founders Fund and the Power of Social Media

Advanced coding has resulted in some of the best apps and social media technologies. The Founders Fund, a group of investors, smartly backed “social networks like Facebook and Yammer and the streaming-music service Spotify.”…

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Tips For Starting Your Own Medical Practice

Entrepreneurship is well rewarded in the medical field.  If you are strongly competent in your field and know how to take care of business, you could really do well for yourself by owning your own practice.  Sometimes it’s hard for us to know where to start in the beginning, though.  There’s no shame in following the path of others to a successful ending.  Here are a few tips that will help smooth out the rough edges of your journey into business ownership.

Doctor running a medical practice

Education is key

Without a good education under your proverbial belt, you won’t be able to gain a solid reputation in the medical field. …

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Understanding the Agriculture Market

Everybody has to eat. There are carnivores, herbivores, and locavores, but whatever diet a consumer chooses, it will always come at least partly from a farm.

That seemingly perpetual demand can inspire people to investigate agricultural businesses as an investment or entrepreneurial opportunity. And it can be a very profitable sector, but there are a few insiders’ points that would-be investors should understand.

Farmer and his vegetables

To start off, not every farmer owns a farm, or at least not every acre that he or she farms. While the idyllic picture of the family farm sometimes holds true, the fact is that a large percentage of farmers are actually renting a big portion of the land they tend.…

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Things you Need When you Start your First Business

Starting your first business is an exciting time. Being your own boss, taking crucial decisions, and creating a vision for your new venture is something you will learn to truly appreciate as your business grows. However, breaking out with a new business is certainly not easy, so here are some tips to guide you on your first business journey.


Do you have a plan?

You may have a brilliant business idea, but do you have plan? You need to know how you are going to achieve your idea. For this, you will require a business plan and strategy detailing the various stages and strands of how you aim to promote, deliver, and achieve your targets.

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