How to Combat Loneliness As a Solopreneur

When you first decide to strike it out on your own in the small business world, the excitement of starting your business can quickly fizzle into burnout. Everyone talks about the joys of maintaining your own schedule as an entrepreneur, but not many discuss the loneliness that can settle in fast. And if you’re a solopreneur dealing with the everyday loneliness of working alone, you’re not the only one.

How to combat loneliness as a solopreneur

To help you get through those days where being on your own doesn’t feel as exciting as it used to, we talked to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and therapists about the strategies you can use to avoid loneliness in your solopreneur career.…

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How to Launch a New Pipe Repair Business

If you want to start a new pipe repair business, you’ll want to start with the basics. The initial steps, aside from your training, which you’ll need to determine based on your state or province, is to incorporate your business. You can go through an attorney to incorporate, but there are plenty of online options.

Tips to run a new pipe repair business.

LegalZoom and the like will be able to help you incorporate your business quickly.

Why incorporate instead of running as a sole proprietorship?

  • You legitimize your business.
  • You limit your own personal liability.
  • You can easily transfer ownership.
  • You can issue then begin to issue stock in the business.
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Entrepreneurship: 3 Myths and Misconceptions About Starting Your Own Business

Entrepreneurship is alive and well in the USA as each month the number of entrepreneurs is growing. Whether a person just starts something small on the side for extra income, or quits their job and works at their business full-time, it seems like starting a business is a popular way to make money. It’s easy to see why.

Myths about entrepreneurship

When we think about starting a business, we think of the fact we can set our own hours, be our own bosses and be in total control of our lives and business. While this is the case for some and starting a business can be an awesome thing, it’s not all peaches and cream.…

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4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Sharon Bush

Sharon Bush has proven herself to be resilient, generous, loving, and entrepreneurial despite life’s problems. Emulating her ability to overcome adversity and subsequently flourish, one can find valuable life lessons that will help them succeed.

Sharon has applied a variety of knowledge gained from her personal life experiences to become a well-known philanthropist and respected entrepreneur. You may think of her as just another every day entrepreneur, but her story offers many great life lessons that you can relate to and make use of on your own journey.

1. Build Resilience

After dealing with some personal struggles, Sharon soldiered on. Religion has helped her during her most challenging times.…

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Side Hustles to Help Meet Debt Payments and Get Out of Debt

Debt relief is more than just controlling your spending – finding ways to further improve your income can be just as important. A recent survey has found that the average American with a secondary source of income earns about $8,000 extra per year. In light of a ValuePenguin survey that found the average American household carrying a debt of $5,700, this means the average income from side hustles is significantly more than what you’d need to pay off the average debt.

Online shop as a side hustle

Engaging in a side hustle doesn’t just make it possible to get out of debt faster; it can also bring other additional benefits.…

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4 Skills Entrepreneurs Must Cultivate

Entrepreneurs are those who ideate, design, implement, and launch a business. Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone, but those looking to take the leap would benefit from working to develop a set of skills that can help them succeed. Here are four skills all entrepreneurs must cultivate.

Entrepreneur managing factory

photo credit: Bernard Goldbach / Flickr


Discipline is a form of training, whether mental or physical, that one uses in pursuit of a goal or mission. There is usually nothing flashy about discipline — it is a steady progress, often unremarked, day after day. Discipline is doing something even though you don’t feel like it or when the reward is so far down the road that it’s hard to rely on as a motivator.…

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Who You Gonna Call? Essential Services UK Startups Should Use

In many ways, starting and growing a business is a lot like hitting puberty. Decisions get made erratically, unexpected periods of growth and change take place, you’ll often find yourself getting angry for no reason, and will often need to depend on others as you fight your way through unknown territory. But, you aren’t a stroppy teenager (unless you’re a teen wunderkind reading this, in which case we apologise). As an adult running a business, you have a sense of perspective teenagers do not.

Essential services for startups

And, unlike being a full of teenage hormones, you should have a huge range of contacts to keep you afloat when it looks like your new UK-based business venture is turning sour.…

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4 Tips for Building a Better Blog

There was a time, not too long ago, that blogging was a novelty. But in just a little over 20 years, the concept has changed in a big way. Blogging has changed from being a way for individuals to stay connected to one another, into a multi-million dollar marketing opportunity for everyone — one that can benefit everyone financially from your 90-year old grandma, to Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post.

blogging tips

Today’s blogs do more than act as personal web pages; they serve as profitable business ventures for corporations and individuals alike. If you’re thinking of entering the blogging world, consider using these four tips to build a blog that people really want to read:


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Tips for Starting a Medical Business

Healthcare is an essential need for everybody, and as the field advances, there is an ever-greater demand for specialized services beyond simply making an appointment with a doctor. There are countless specialty fields along with a wide variety of care options provided by non-physician caregivers.


This huge field provides lots of opportunities for more than just doctors and nurses. The various medically-based businesses that are utilized by primary caregivers are just as strong of a growth area in the economy as the doctors’ offices themselves.

Here are some things to think about if you’re considering venturing into one of these opportunities:

Have a Plan

Early organization is essential; you’re not running a lemonade stand here, after all, so it’s vital that you build a good strategy early on.…

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Top Gifts for a Budding Entrepreneur

Passing out of grad school is one of the most exciting moments in anyone’s life. It is the time when one transition from a purely academic to organizational experience and is almost bracing up to take up their dream jobs.

Graduating from business school is one of the most significant milestones that one achieves after years of academic struggle and hard work. Whether it is your child, a close friend or a loved one, when someone attains a milestone he deserves appreciation and celebration of his achievement.

Gifts for graduates

One of the best ways to celebrate such achievements is by rewarding them with a memorable present.…

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