10 Ways to Make Extra Money for Christmas

So we have officially hit the preparation period for the festive season, and it’s only a matter of time before we start hearing the carols from every corner. Of course no one wants to be left behind, and so everyone is running from every corner trying to get some extra dollars. Savings have never done any better, and people have never worked harder.

Making extra money for Christmas

I’m going to assume that since you are reading this article, you also have some big plans. Maybe you want to surprise your family, take your girlfriend on an exotic trip, buy your boyfriend that gift he has always wanted, replace that coffee maker for your mother, buy your father a watch or just give yourself an insane treat this Christmas.…

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6 Small Business Tips to Make You More Profitable

Every entrepreneur dreams of their business dominating their niche, but it’s not an easy road. Here are six small business tips to set you up for success.

Modelling agency owner

1. Stick with Your Niche First

Find your niche. It’s one of the first lessons many entrepreneurs learn. Finding a specific niche to target is key to early success in business. However, after that early success, many small business owners decide to branch out and try new things.

It’s not always a bad thing to diversify, but it can be if it means abandoning your niche market too soon. Sometimes it can be a better idea to tweak and be innovative within your niche.…

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Of All the Things You Might Invest In, Which Ones Do You Choose?

It makes good financial sense to save your money. Do the safe thing and put it in a bank. But what if you want more? What if you want your money to make money for you? That’s when you should start thinking about investing. And when you begin going down that mental pathway, you reach an exciting set of questions. Which investments should you choose?

CEO investment portfolio

Three quick categories of thought will come to mind. You could put money into investment properties. You could put money into the stock market. Or you could even do something like investing in precious metals so that you have a physical representation of the financial value that you own.…

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Advice from the Pros On How To Take Your Business To the Next Level

How ambitious are you when it comes to your business? Are you comfortable with the way things are? Do the numbers seem to be adding up in your favor, and you want to cruise at your current level? Or, are you looking to improve and move up in the world continuously? Even if you’re going to remain remotely competitive, you must always understand your next step. That’s what you need to take to make your business more successful.

Business owner using fulfillment service

How can you do this? First, consider outsourcing your fulfillment services if you ship products to customers. Second, recognize the importance of hiring a designer for your website and graphics needs.…

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4 Essential Questions for New Businesses

Starting a new business is so exciting, but it can be daunting! There is so much to keep track of, so much to do, and seemingly not enough hours in the day. How do you even begin?

New business team meeting

While no one can give you the get-rich-quick recipe to instant success, there are tried and true ways of networking and finding a reliable customer base. Here are 4 essential questions new business owners should ask themselves on their path to success.

1. Traditional vs. Email Marketing

Snail mail gets a bad rap. The truth is that it is easier now more than ever to reach thousands of customers with the click of a button.…

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The World’s Most Famous Scams

Scams are part of the business world.  To keep yourself and your business ‘safe’, you need to be aware of the various types of scams.  One of the best way to get educated in the Scam 101 is by learning from ‘the best’ (read: infamous scammers.)


Here are some of the world’s most famous scams – read on, and learn how to deal with scams better.

Bernard Ebbers’ greed

This former Baptist college physical education teacher founded Long Distance Discount Services Inc. in 1984. (LDDS). The organization eventually grew into the second largest telecommunications holding company in the United States. Ebbers’ closest business partners were the pizza delivery guy and the DJ.…

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5 Home Based Business Ideas – for a Lucrative Side Hustle

We all want to earn more money. Whether it’s to boost our monthly income, or you’re saving for a house, holiday or a new car. And while it might not be possible to get more hours working at your current job, there are other ways you can earn money from home by setting up your own little side business!

Home-based business owner

The best thing about setting up a side business at home is the fact that you can put in as many hours as you wish and be fully in control of every aspect of your business. You don’t have to answer to anyone, and you can enjoy the profits!…

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How to Gain Market Share in Very Competitive Environments

With netRivals you can monitor prices automatically as higher market share places companies at an aggressive competitive benefit. Companies with an excessive market share regularly obtain higher fees from suppliers, as their large order volumes increases their search for power.

Gaining market share

In this respect, tools like netRivals help retailers in very competitive environments to have a more detailed view of what is going on in the market with their most direct and stronger competitors, either pure-players or omnichannel stores.

Understanding Market Share

To have a full grasp of market share, it is calculated by measuring the percentage of sales in the standard market.…

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5 Entrepreneurial Skills You Need to Be Your Own Boss

Around 27 million Americans are entrepreneurs. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you’ll need to possess certain entrepreneurial skills.

As of recently, experts are seeing an increase in entrepreneurs. This includes entrepreneurship among young people as well as people over 50 years old.

Young entrepreneur

You, too, can build a business that works for you. You deserve to be your own boss.

Here are 5 skills needed to be an entrepreneur:

1. Time Management

Managing your time effectively is one of the most critical skills for entrepreneurs there are. Be mindful of the clock and how you spend your time.

You’ll have to budget your time well in order to be productive.…

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Selling Your Online Business? Here Are 5 Common First-Time Exit Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Like many business owners, you might have found yourself at a crossroads lately. It might have been brought about because you’ve decided that you want to venture into a new business, or you’ve decided to retire altogether. In another case, it might have been brought about by a sudden need for a cash influx, or because you feel like you’ve already maximized all growth potential possible.

Online business for sale

Whatever your reason, you might find yourself wondering, “How can I sell my business?”

Selling an online business is no different from selling a brick-and-mortar business. In order for it to be successful and profitable, you need to devote substantial time and effort in planning and executing the sale process.…

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