8 Useful Tips To Start A Trucking Company

Trucking business is not meant for the faint-hearted. Entrepreneurs in the trucking industry constantly face barraging challenges and tough decisions. Yet the trucking sector presents the opportunities for high yielding businesses even for small operators.


It’s no secret that the market for trucking and work trucks is booming with every passing year. And trust us, if you get the fundamentals right there’s lots of money to be made in the industry.

Of course, you need to crack some nuts before you hit the jackpot!

Are you wondering how that’s going to happen? Follow our strategies, and you are sure to achieve the milestones one-at-a-time for your trucking start-up!…

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New Business Ideas for During and After COVID-19

2020 has seen the world of business change like never before, or at least in the living memory of most people. Around the world, people were suddenly forced to stop working or work from home. Now the restrictions have eased in many places, though resurgences continue sporadically. All of this poses serious limitations on businesses, and challenges to planning for the future.

Work from home is the new normal

However, there are many innovative entrepreneurs that rise to the various challenges brought by the global pandemic. This can be seen through the hackathons and competitions that seek to take on global issues, such as easing congestion in public places to ensure social distancing can be maximized, and a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).…

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How to Recover and Grow a Failing Business with Adam Jacobs

There are a host of reasons why a business may be failing: insufficient marketing tactics, a lackluster service, economic or social circumstances (such as COVID-19), or otherwise. Recovering a failing business is an art within itself.

Business growth

Course-correcting what’s gone wrong takes strong business acumen and experiencing. But beyond just recovery, growing a previously failing business takes true innovation and perspective.

Adam Jacobs both recovered and grew a previously failing business: Bubblegum Casting, a prestigious Australian talent agency. While some entrepreneurs and investors take over failing businesses to make money, the motive was entirely different for Jacobs: his younger sister had been one of Bubblegum Casting’s top stars before she passed away.…

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6 Business Prerequisites of Starting an E-commerce Business

E-Commerce is an industry that is booming with leaps and bounds & it’s here to stay for a very very long time.

If there is anything that COVID-19 has proven to us then that is to always do business in the infrastructure that can sustain itself amidst unexpected circumstances.

Ecommerce website building

E-Commerce is that very infrastructure that I am talking about. Technologies like Shopify have made it easier to get started with E-Commerce with templates and processes.

However that’s just the crux of it. To win at the e-commerce game there are certain prerequisites that need to be fulfilled.

Keep reading that’s what you will learn in the post, the prerequisites of winning the e-commerce game.…

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How To Fund Your Startup By Offering Your Own Cryptocurrency

The beautiful thing about blockchain technology is that it is mainstream enough that just about anybody can create bitcoin wallet account but still new enough that if you create your own blockchain you are one of the pioneers. And early adopters of new technology are usually rewarded when it takes off.


Blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has yet to fully fulfill its potential. If your business can use the blockchain, then this is an excellent time to start. It may seem like you’re late to the party with so many different cryptocurrencies on offer but the reality is that it is never too late.…

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3 Sustainable Ways to Side Hustle and Earn Extra Cash

Household expenses tend to increase over time, which means you need to grow your income just to hold steady. And if you want to improve your financial situation, you may need to add some different streams of income.

Sell painting as side hustle

No Such Thing as Easy Money

Before we dig into the meat of this article, it’s important to set the right expectations. While you’ll find a lot of articles online – including posts from some pretty highly respected and successful individuals – making bold claims about how you can make an extra $500 here or $3,000 there, the reality is there’s no such thing as easy money.…

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Interested in Becoming an Entrepreneur? Here Are 5 Food Business Ideas to Consider

Food brings people together. Whether you’re passing down important family recipes or sharing a meal with close friends, eating is a great way to enjoy the company of friends while creating special memories. And if you have a particular passion for food, you may want to share that passion with the world through a new business as an entrepreneur.

Food business owner

The entrepreneurial spirit is a unique one. You have to be prepared to take big risks for what hopefully pays off as a successful business.

Jumping into any venture requires preparation, dedication, and inspiration. Once you find a great idea, you have to put together a good team and focus on your objectives and key results (OKRs) to reach your ambitious goals.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Supplement Business: 5 Tips for Getting High-Quality Leads

Dietary supplements are incredibly popular in the United States, and it doesn’t look like they’re going anywhere. The Council for Responsible Nutrition found that supplement use had reached an all-time high in 2019 with 77% of American adults taking supplements in some form. The most popular of these are vitamins with specialty supplements like fish oils and fatty acids meant to improve overall health coming in second.

Supplement business

Reasons people love supplements include increased awareness about healthy lifestyle choices and the fact that many of them simply work to improve people’s health. They’re made to address all manner of needs from nutritional requirements to workout enhancement.…

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Need to Finance Your Real Estate Business? Here’s How

Financing your real estate business has never been easier than it is now. There are many different options available for you to fund your business and achieve your dreams.

Real estate property

Funding is an essential component of any start-up business, and if you do not have funding, you will not be able to achieve everything that you have planned to. Finding the funding may seem daunting at the start, but with the help of this post, you will be able to get your business fired up and ready to go.

Real estate is a field in which you will need significant funding to get started, and this guide will tell you exactly how you can get that funding.…

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3 Ways To Grow Your Business

Over 627,000 new businesses are created each year, and only 51% of enterprises last beyond five years. Opening a business is tough, but the good news is that companies should have, on average, 15-45% year-over-year growth. Thus, it helps to know strategies that you can apply to make your business grow.

Business meeting for growth

photo credit: Charles Deluvio / Unsplash

Building a solid business requires accurate data to guide you in making smart decisions. From infusing capital to hiring new talent, there are several ways to scale up your entrepreneurial activity.

Update Information Technology (IT) Equipment and Software

A shrewd business owner uses tools to track and analyze cash flow.…

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