What Is Diamond Art Painting? A Complete Guide For Beginners

Diamond painting is popular these days in the world of art and craft for all the right reasons. With its fun, creative and relaxing process it is equally popular in all age groups.

Diamond art painting

Diamond Art Painting is the best hobby to have if you are trying to show your creativity and artistic side. It is not a traditional method of painting, it is a more unique and interesting way to express your creative side.

Custom Paint with Diamonds is a hobby that can make you feel relaxed and reduce your anxiety while improving your mental as well as physical health. So, having diamond art painting as your hobby is definitely worth the time and effort.…

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Top Tips for Starting a Small Business as a College Student

Some of the top global brands like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were started by students while still in college. Many other students are following the same footsteps, setting the foundation for very profitable businesses while they still pursue their academic goals. The big question is, how do they manage their time when pursuing both?

Student entrepreneur

photo credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels

Some of these young founders hire fellow students.  Some of them chose to outsource things – not only business operations, but also academic projects and tasks. There are professional services  that answer the question “Who will write my coursework, so that I can create more time to set up my businesses without interfering with college grades.”…

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Amazing Places to Live in Germany and The Industries That Thrive There

Home to an estimated 250,000 expatriates, Germany is an option for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to build their careers, with expats making up around 0.3% of the population. And for good reason.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany – photo credit: anna-m. w. / Pexels

The country offers a good standard of living with significantly higher wages than other European countries, like the UK, and the opportunity for new businesses to thrive. The start-up culture throughout German cities is perfect for the longevity of a range of industries, while still offering a generous work-life balance for all.

Choose Berlin for creative & hospitality industries

Berlin creative scene

Grafitti in Berlin, Germany – photo credit: Xu Chen / Pexels.

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Most Overlooked Details When Starting A Small Business

Starting a small business is exceptionally exciting and even overwhelming for most aspiring entrepreneurs. As a direct result, it is not too uncommon for most entrepreneurs to overlook a few details in the initial phase of getting started.

Starting a small business

So, to ensure you can get started on the right note, without later realizing you have missed a few essential details, we have rounded up this list of aspects you are most likely to overlook.

Marketing Your Business From The Start

It is a common misconception that marketing only later becomes a critical area of business. However, marketing is essential right from the start.…

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7 Ways to Earn Money While Earning Your Degree

There are countless ways for people to earn money – even when you’re in college. Here’s a look at a few of them. Remember, the only person stopping you from earning money is you.

Making money while in college

1. Be a Pooper Scooper

This can be done nearly anywhere. For example, say you live in California. If you’re going for an MBA, San Diego is an excellent place to do this. People abhor picking up after their dogs. Because of this, there are services all over that will do it for them. It would be simple to start one in your neighborhood.

2. Blog About It

If you decide to make a bit of money online, starting a blog is a great way.…

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Should You Start Your Own Company? 

Perhaps you have reached a point in your professional career where you no longer feel interested in working for your large corporation for the next few years. In fact, you’re ready to resign despite being a senior manager. But, there’s a slight problem — you are still not yet ready to retire.

Start a company

You have a dilemma. On one hand, since you have grown your personal wealth through careful financial stewardship, saving and investing wisely through the years, you don’t need to work another day to sustain your standard of living. On the other hand, you want to do something new, different, and refreshing with all the business knowledge and experience you’ve acquired over the decades.…

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5 Things to Consider Before Selling Your Business

Selling your business requires serious preparation—because, ultimately, it can change your life. You need to ask yourself several questions to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with a deal offered to you by potential buyers.

Business sales success

To make the selling process more manageable, you need to prioritize the questions in order of importance in order to ensure that nothing is missed before the deal is done.

The biggest concerns when selling a business are the current state of the business, values, and the seller’s readiness to go ahead with the deal.

Here are five key things to consider before selling your business:


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Opening a Clinic as a Nurse Practitioner

You’re thinking of opening up a clinic, but you aren’t sure if you can do this. You don’t know how you’ll get this all done or how you’ll become a nurse practitioner. The good thing is all you need to start is the desire to do this and the desire to be a nurse practitioner.

Nurse practitioner clinic

Check Your State

The first thing you want to do is make sure your state allows you to open up a clinic as a nurse practitioner. Only 24 states allow this, so you have to make sure you’re living in a place that is okay with this.…

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Top Small Business Trends For The 2020s

What’s happening in the small business, startup, and entrepreneurial space in the first half of the 2020s? The short answer is, plenty, and it’s happening at a quick pace, even by modern standards. Some of the trends are related to environmental concerns, but others are centered on old-fashioned dilemmas like expense minimization.

Management team discussing trends

After decades of blustery talk from corporate leaders, the concept of employee ownership is finally taking off, as are two related elements of the everyday work world, namely teamwork and decentralized management. One of the truly astounding features of this fresh wave of managerial progress is that it’s even affecting the smallest of entities, micro businesses.…

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5 Tips: How To Make Sure Your Startup Doesn’t Fail

Many startups are dealing with a massive amount of chaos, change, and turbulence. In the wake of COVID-19, many start-ups are filing for bankruptcy.

Cofounders working on their startup project

Since you want your startup to go up, it helps to be alert to the true reasons why start-ups fail. Avoid these pitfalls, and you’re on your way to success.

Failure To Adapt To Change

Have you been working remotely? Is it time to return to work – full or part time? If you’re like many small businesses, you’re exploring hybrid work arrangements.

According to the Harvard Business Review, more organizations are migrating to hybrid working.…

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