Tips for Setting Up a Food Truck Business

Food trucks have become quite a cultural phenomenon in the last decade. However, since the fallout from the global pandemic caused many restaurants to close or radically change their setup for social distancing needs, more people are considering turning to a food truck business rather than one in a set location with expensive rent.

Fancy food truck

If you’re thinking of launching a venture within the next year, here are some tips to help.

Do Your Research

It’s crucial to look into who your target market might be and where these people frequent. What kinds of foods do they like, what price points do they buy at, and what type of marketing appeals to them?…

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3 Side-hustles You Can Convert to Full Time Careers

As we move falteringly towards the post-pandemic era, the world has changed permanently.

But perhaps not all of these changes will be for the worst – employment is one area where it’s possible that workers might enjoy better life-work balance once the dust settles.

Visual artist as a side hustle

photo credit: Dusan Jovic / Unsplash

This is the era of ‘the Great Resignation’ – when millions of dissatisfied workers with an entirely new perspective on what’s important in life are ready to resign their jobs in favour of making a living doing things which make them happier and healthier (as well as paying bills).…

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5 Brilliant Health and Beauty Business Ideas

Have you been thinking about working for yourself for some time but you’re not sure what you’d like to do?

After years working in the same salaried job, it can be tricky choosing the right employment sector to migrate to – especially if you feel like a total change.

Massage therapy business

But how about the health and beauty field? Helping people to have longer, happier, healthier lives and to feel better about their appearances is extremely rewarding – not to mention lucrative – so it’s definitely worth consideration.

Whether you want to personally retrain as a practitioner or prefer to take a management role and invest some funds in a new venture, here are five brilliant health and beauty business ideas that might just inspire you to take a leap of faith and start doing something you love every day.…

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4 Lucrative Ideas for Running a Business from Home

The 2020 pandemic crises and stay-at-home orders have reinforced a concept that small startup owners had worked out– that it is possible to start a new venture from home. With the minimum investment and some smart thinking, you can become an entrepreneur as an option to earn some extra money on the side.

Starting a business from home

Eventually, once the business becomes successful, you might be able to devote all your time and energies to this new side hustle. Ready for some great ideas?

Offer Remote Notarization Services

With more states enacting laws to accept online notarization on agreements and contracts, you could acquire the accreditation to become an e-notary.…

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7 Expert Tips for Starting Out as a Professional Photographer

Photography is one of those careers that starts out as a passion. Nobody gets into photography unless they have a love of taking pictures. The great thing about photography is that it is never too late to learn. Anyone with dedication and creativity can become a professional photographer if they want it enough!

Photography as a career or business

So what are the steps that you need to take if you want to become a professional photographer? You will find the answer to that question by reading through our 7 expert tips!

Utilise the Best Online Tools

Assuming you already have your camera and all other equipment, the next step is to ensure you have access to online tools such as free photo editing software, invoicing software, social media management tools, and an online portfolio.…

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How to Attract Your Target Market as a Startup

Everyone understands the importance of marketing to a business, especially for a startup. After all, unless your intended audience knows you exist, then you probably won’t be able to get any sales off of your offerings. And for a new enterprise, being unable to effectively generate enough exposure for its products and services can lead to failure.

Statistics analysis

Fortunately, advertising is neither as complicated nor expensive as it sounds. And in this guide, we’ll cover a few practical strategies that will help you attract your target market and grow your customer base as a startup.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO has become commonplace amongst many old and new companies, and it isn’t hard to see why.…

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Why You Should Invest In Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Statistics show that 90% of new American billionaires are self-made. What does this mean? How can you reach this level of wealth and success? How can investing in yourself get you closer to reaching this goal?

Entrepreneur learning online

Keep reading to learn more about the reasons you should invest in yourself as an entrepreneur.

You Are in Control of the Growth of Your Business

That’s right, you are in the driver’s seat. Where the business goes in the future is determined by the decisions that you make today. If you think you should purchase a certain piece of equipment or partner with a specific company, you are the person that is in control of that decision.…

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What Is Diamond Art Painting? A Complete Guide For Beginners

Diamond painting is popular these days in the world of art and craft for all the right reasons. With its fun, creative and relaxing process it is equally popular in all age groups.

Diamond art painting

Diamond Art Painting is the best hobby to have if you are trying to show your creativity and artistic side. It is not a traditional method of painting, it is a more unique and interesting way to express your creative side.

Custom Paint with Diamonds is a hobby that can make you feel relaxed and reduce your anxiety while improving your mental as well as physical health. So, having diamond art painting as your hobby is definitely worth the time and effort.…

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Top Tips for Starting a Small Business as a College Student

Some of the top global brands like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were started by students while still in college. Many other students are following the same footsteps, setting the foundation for very profitable businesses while they still pursue their academic goals. The big question is, how do they manage their time when pursuing both?

Student entrepreneur

photo credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels

Some of these young founders hire fellow students.  Some of them chose to outsource things – not only business operations, but also academic projects and tasks. There are professional services  that answer the question “Who will write my coursework, so that I can create more time to set up my businesses without interfering with college grades.”…

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Amazing Places to Live in Germany and The Industries That Thrive There

Home to an estimated 250,000 expatriates, Germany is an option for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to build their careers, with expats making up around 0.3% of the population. And for good reason.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany – photo credit: anna-m. w. / Pexels

The country offers a good standard of living with significantly higher wages than other European countries, like the UK, and the opportunity for new businesses to thrive. The start-up culture throughout German cities is perfect for the longevity of a range of industries, while still offering a generous work-life balance for all.

Choose Berlin for creative & hospitality industries

Berlin creative scene

Grafitti in Berlin, Germany – photo credit: Xu Chen / Pexels.

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