Government Health Insurance Entities Need Renovation to Counter Private Players

Health Insurance is one of the basic needs of an individual, critical to safeguarding short and long-term health contingencies in the midst of an ever-increasing rises in the cost of healthcare. Global healthcare spending is slated to accelerate further, according to a report by Deloitte, where it has been stated that it is expected to rise at an average of 5.2% a year between 2014-2018, to $9.3 trillion. While the governments of countries like France, Germany, UK and Australia provide national healthcare services through taxation, regulation and legislation, many other nations are still to catch up.

Female doctor explaining diagnosis to her female patient

Though health insurance has been a commodity provided by Governments at large, over the past decade, private health insurance has been playing an increasingly important role in the world.…

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3 Tips for Transitioning to Overtime Compensation Compliance

By now you’ve heard the news: The Department of Labor issued revised overtime compensation guidelines earlier this summer. The decision will impact an estimated four million Americans and increase the salary threshold for overtime exemption from $23,660 to $47,476 annually.

As small business owners look ahead to December 1, the overtime compliance deadline, many know that they will have to make changes. The larger question facing small business owners, however, is how to implement necessary reforms. I’ve outlined a few tips below.

Tip #1: Take a lesson from millennials

Millennials are much decried by Gen Xers and Baby Boomers for their dependence on technology.…

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Compelling Benefits of Going for a New Launch Condo Instead of Old Property

As a business owner, you should always find ways to make money works for you.  Investing in financial markets is great, but real estate remains one of the most reliable form of investment, especially in growing region like Singapore. With influx of entrepreneurs and expats who want to live and work in the city-state, demand on real estate – especially affordable ones – remains high.

Chinatown, Singapore

Now, buying a property requires plenty of considerations. One consideration you may have to think about for a while is whether you will go for an old unit versus a brand new one. While both have their pros and cons, in this article, we will be discussing why you would prefer to choose a new piece of property over one that has been around for several years.…

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What Impact Will Mayor Khan Have on London’s Business Rates?

Two months after he was voted in as the Labour Party’s candidate for Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan tweeted about his intentions regarding the capital’s impossibly high business rates:

Sadiq Khan tweet

Sadiq Khan set out his stall on London’s businesses early, and his pledge to be “the most pro-business Mayor London has ever had” was a cornerstone of his campaign. He spoke out about business rates and stated that, as “small businesses are the lifeblood of London’s economy…it is vital that control of business rates is devolved…in such a way that it doesn’t simply result in more cuts for London [over other parts of the UK].”…

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Careers: The Most Popular College Majors

High school seniors certainly feel the pressure when it comes time to decide upon what colleges they’ll be applying to and what majors they’ll be declaring upon receiving those acceptance letters and completing their enrollment at their chosen colleges and universities. But, as with everything else, when it comes to college majors, there are those that are certainly more popular than others and that attract the most students for a variety of reasons.

College students

If you’re on the hunt for a great college, but you’re not quite sure what major to declare yet, read through the following list of some of the most popular college majors today.…

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3 Thing That You Need To Know About Forex Market Regulations

The foreign exchange is by far the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with an estimated $5.3 trillion traded globally on a daily basis. This is at least according to the most recent Bank for International Settlements’ (BIS) triennial survey, which evaluates markets according to their value and growth.

Forex market regulations

The size of this market has caused some issues in terms of regulation, however, as historically there has been no single global body tasked with policing the foreign exchange. Instead, individual countries have their own independent regulatory bodies, while national governments are also active in driving compliance from traders, banks and brokers alike.…

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A Brief Guide to Commodities Trading

Commodities are the raw materials that we use for sustaining lives. Some of the examples are energy and fuel, agricultural products, and metals. Metals, agricultural products, and energy are three classes of market commodities. These are the essential pillars of the global economy.

Trading commodities

Criteria that commodities need to fulfill

Commodities need to fulfill these three criteria:

  • Tradability: Tradable commodities needs to have values that can be used as production materials of other goods or servicers.

  • Deliverability: Can you physically deliver the commodities to the buyers?

  • Liquidity: Commodities’ liquidity offers you an opportunity to get in and out of an investment easily.

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From Company to Consumer: 3 Ways Corporations Are Giving Back for Social Change

In the past, many corporations tended to be self-focused; if we’re being realistic, most of them still are. However, some companies have begun to take a more serious look at the long-term impact their business practices have on social change and environmental damage.

corporate social responsibility

“Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) is a term that is now being used to describe their new business practices. The three kinds of CSR include environmental, philanthropic, and ethical labor practices. Implementing any of these strategies in your business is considered CSR and work wonders for company rapport and revenue.

For example, Sands Las Vegas Resort values sustainability as one of their top priorities.…

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Why Philanthropic Business is in Fashion

Ethical business is a hot topic these days, with consumers becoming more aware of the brands they are buying into, and what they stand for.

Many larger companies, and even start-ups are taking on a philanthropic approach to their operations by supporting charity, donating a portion of their profit to ongoing projects and becoming proactive within their community. Not only does this raise awareness for important causes, support local communities and fund various projects, it can change how the consumer perceives that particular brand. If they are recognised for acting as a morally responsible, ethical and charitable company then this can only be a good thing.…

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Tapping Into Emerging Markets to Give your Business Start-up a Boost

Anyone starting a small business knows that being open to trading to the widest possible markets is an essential part of having an all-encompassing view of the future for the venture. With so many emerging markets around the world and the ability to reach out and connect with them online, it would be senseless for a new concern to constrict itself to more limited operations.

The idea of tapping into emerging markets might be something that a start-up should embrace, but how exactly should you go about doing it as a new entrepreneur?

International markets

There are a number of countries and regions around the world that have “come through the ranks” to take their place as important members of the global trading economy in recent years.…

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