Advantages of Home Drug Testing

There are several reasons why a person would opt to use a home drug testing kit instead of going to a lab for testing. Some of them might have tried a puff or two – or even a whole pipe of weed and wanted to know the result before getting sent to the lab by a potential employer, while others just wanted to see if one of their family members has a substance abuse problem.

Home drug testing kit

Not only for home use, a business can also use a home drug testing kit for convenience and ‘localize’ the drug abuse issues with new and existing employees.…

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Why Should You Invest In a Green Office?

Are you considering getting a green office? Many businesses are investing in greener, environmentally friendly workplaces. This is because green offices have a number of advantages, such as allowing you to conserve energy and giving the employees a clean and pollution free space to work in.

Green offices are become an increasingly popular attempt to help protect the environment by saving energy and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Many people think that maintaining a green office is expensive and time consuming. There are also plenty of misconceptions about green energy that prevents people from investing in a green office.

Here are five good reasons to make your workspace a green office:


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How to Save on Business Printing Costs

In any business, it’s important to try to keep overheads down, as this is key to growth. One expenditure that businesses often can’t avoid is printing costs.

Business printing

Some documents need to be printed and there is no way around it – for example, legal documents and invoices – but there is much more you can do to save money.

What are the best devices to save on business printing costs?

One of the big mistakes companies make when trying to save on business printing costs is clinging on to printers for too long. This means escalating maintenance costs once the printer reaches a few years old.…

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Tips For a Great First Time Business Travel Planning

Whenever you travel for business purposes you will need to think about many different things. This can be quite difficult when it is the very first time that you plan such a departure. In most cases it is a great idea to discuss with business travel experts. However, this is not always available.

Fortunately, we have some practical tips to get you started on the right foot.

Business traveller

We live in a world where business operations turn into global enterprises. Because of this, business travel is so common. If this is your very first business trip, here are some great tips offered by NobelCom.…

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5 Cities to Consider Launching a Small Business In

When it comes to entrepreneurship and business, flexibility is the key to success. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs fail to broaden their horizons by limiting themselves to a specific geographic location. If you can help it, avoid grounding yourself in one city. There are plenty of great cities for launching a small business in the U.S., but yours may not be one of them.


Take a Look at These Five Cities

Location, location, location – how many times have you heard people discuss the role location plays in the valuation of real estate? Well, location also has a lot to do with business.…

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4 Easy Ways to Make your Business More Eco-Friendly

Small business owners and managers face an internal struggle between prioritising profits and reshaping the model of their business so that it is eco-friendly. Many of these decision-makers have good intentions to protect the environment, but in business the need to make profits comes first and for the small business manager, this is often a fine line that flirts between survival and going into administration.

Eco-friendly business practices

The challenge is that businesses need to think long-term. The short-term financial profit will erode the long-term profits that go beyond income and will impact the quality of life of our ecosystem and environment in the future.…

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How to do Black Friday Shopping in a Right Way this Year

Are you planning to shop electronics, smartphone and other items on Black Friday 2016 for your business – and yourself? Want to save more? If yes, then it is time to know how you can do this. Here are four simple steps you need to follow.

Black Friday sales 2016

Step No.1 Know what you need

It is important to make a list of items, which you require. As you are going to save money due to discounted deals of Black Friday then add all those items, which you require in upcoming year.

A smartphone, tablet, kitchen machines and tools, etc seem like the best items which you can add in your list.…

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Post-Brexit, is English Still The Language of The Global Business World?

There are a staggering 1.6 billion people who speak English as a second language. China for example, now has around 10 million fluent English speakers.

English as business language

It’s an official language of NATO, the UN and, for the time being at least, the EU. English, French and German are the three dominant languages of the EU, however once the UK leave, the only EU States where English is still considered a first language will be Ireland and Malta who collectively account for less than 1% of the EU’s population.

There are calls from across the channel to do away with English in the EU.…

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Let’s Talk: What is Conversational Marketing and Why it Matters

Two-way communication is necessary for building any healthy relationship. For business owners, open conversation is vital to understand customer needs and provide services and recommendations that solidify trust and confidence. It’s this understanding and intelligence that make good business owners even better, and make customer relationships strong.

Conversational marketing

These important conversations are probably commonplace in most in-person customer interactions, but when it comes to your marketing communications, does the conversation stop?

Often, when marketing to their contacts, business owners rely exclusively on less effective, one-way communication channels like email. But some successful businesses have begun to leverage conversational marketing to more deeply engage clients, improve loyalty and increase revenue.…

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5 Ways to Make your Small business More Energy Efficient

Looking after the environment isn’t just for multinational corporations. Small businesses have a lot of reasons to get involved as well.

Small business goes green

As a small business owner, you probably already know the importance of being energy efficient. But most business lack the data, expertise or time to implement it properly. A lot of small business owners simply don’t know where to start or how much to spend on making their business energy efficient.

So, here are five simple things you can do right away to cut the energy your business consumes:

Switch to Laptops

It’s hard to imagine a workplace without computers now, but desktops aren’t really necessary for most professions.…

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