Money: Increasing The Value Of Your Home

CEOs – are you going to sell your home sometime in the near future? If so, you need to take the necessary steps to increase the value of your home.  One way to do that is by renovating your home.

Fixing up your home before selling it will ensure that you receive the highest amount of money from the transaction. Before a real estate agent guides potential buyers through your house, it’s important to make your domicile as attractive as possible.

Money house

Here is a list of simple things you can do to increase the value of your home. This list is geared around pleasing potential buyers, since their opinion of your home is important above all others.…

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Top 10 Places To Shop In The UK

The Christmas shopping season is upon us and that means everyone is scrambling to get their gift list completed. The bad news is – you don’t have much time left! The good news is – you have plenty of time to get it done, if you know where to shop!

UK shopping

We’ve comprised a list of the top ten places to shop in the UK – and yes, you can even order online!


If you are looking for a British-based retailer of clothing, jewelry and accessories at a price everyone can afford, ASOS is a sure bet. This company offers more than 60,000 branded products from 850 designers, including their own personal brand.…

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5 Tips for Hiring Better Sales Account Executives

Salespeople play a crucial role in the success of any organization. After all, they are the ones who generate the revenue a company needs to grow. One common mistake that hiring managers make is focusing too much on the numbers and other details that are already on a candidate’s resume.

Job interview

While it is important to know what a sales representative is capable of, taking the time to ensure that he or she is a good fit for the business is even more critical. The key is to use a style of interviewing that draws out themes that give essential insight into the candidate’s motivations.…

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Company Cafeterias Foster Healthy Eating Habits

You are what you eat. Unfortunately, a sizable portion of today’s workforce is going about their lunch breaks all the wrong ways and paying the price through lethargy, stress, and overspending. By implementing health-focused cafeterias in their workplaces, many employers could see a rise in productivity and overall well-being among their staff members.

Corporate cafetaria

Picture the typical lunch break for the typical office worker: it most likely involves someone ducking out for an hour and stopping at any number of fast food restaurants or microwaving a frozen meal for a quick, cheap, and satisfying bite. However, the momentary bliss of a greasy burger is negated over time by the cumulative effect of years upon years of fatty foods high in saturated fat.…

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How to Choose the Right Furniture for Your Office Reception Area

The office reception furniture you choose for your reception area can help promote a positive image of you and your company. Nobody likes being stuck waiting –  but if they must, they may as well be comfortable.

When selecting office reception furniture, here are a few thing to bear in mind:

  1. Comfort
  2. Colour and material
  3. The durability and construction

Attractive Office Reception Furniture

Forget about standard, boring reception furniture. There’s a vast array of furniture out there to help make your reception area speak volumes about your business and how you take care of your guests and clients.

If you happen to be short on space and still need to make a good first impression, then just keep it simple.…

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What Does the New U.S. Administration Mean for the Tech Industry?

With a new President-elect already shaking up the political sphere with Cabinet and agency picks, many are wondering what the new U.S. administration is going to mean for the tech industry. Markets have swung in both directions since the election, and calling a close forecast of what to expect from the new administration’s financial or policy positions has been deemed an impossible endeavor from many major publications.

Capitol Hill, Washington DC

Silicon Valley has enjoyed a relaxed relationship with the federal government over the past 8 years of the Obama presidency. In fact, the White House even hired former Google personnel to slide into the newly-created chief technology officer position.…

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5 Ways to Scale Your Online Business by Hiring a Virtual Receptionist

Most of you reading this are either considering hiring a receptionist, or looking for ways to slash the often high cost associated with these front line employees. The truth is that an in-house receptionist can easily end up costing you up to $5000 a month when you add up all their costs.

Virtual receptionist

Since you’re already running an online business, why hire someone to come sit in an office and pay them an exorbitant amount of money to do so?

Fast facts about the “true” cost of hiring in-house phone reps

The median salary for this profession is somewhere in the neighborhood of US$ 33,583 (source.)…

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What Exactly does Brexit Mean for UK House Prices?

When the UK voted to leave the European Union in a historic referendum back in June, many business leaders and politicians became concerned at the impact this result would have on the country. Jobs, growth and trade were all discussed. However, one of the main talking points of the debate was how the UK property market would fair.


We are almost six months on from the referendum, and the property market is still quite turbulent, so is it possible to accurately predict what is going to happen to the property market as we head into the New Year?

What happened to the property market after the vote?

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6 Reasons an M&A Specialist Helps Maximize Your Company’s Sale Value

Congratulations! You took your business from a concept to a company. You identified a problem, assembled a solid team, built a solution, and grew revenue. But now, you have fresh ideas and new plans. You’ve made the decision — it’s time to move on and sell your company.

Mergers and acquisitions

That’s a hard conclusion to reach, but it may be even harder to determine where to go next. After all, your expertise lies in running a business, not selling one. Who do you contact? How do you market your company’s value, not as a product or service, but as an asset? A lot of moving parts go into a successful sale, and each one needs to fall into place perfectly.…

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Leveraging Modern Technology: 4 Ways to Boost Efficiency in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is one sector that, seemingly, cannot be derailed by bumps and blows to the global economy. Like all industries, it has faced tough times, but it continues to grow at a very healthy rate. It is estimated that, by the year 2030, the amount being invested in construction infrastructure will have reached $13 trillion.

This is more than double the same figure for 2012 and the jump should provide a clear indication of how fast the industry is moving. Yet, there are challenges ahead. In order to keep up with demand and fulfil the requirements of ever more stringent state legislation, contractors must be able to evolve.…

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