Publish Your Business Profile on These 5 Free Sites

If your small business doesn’t have an online presence, it doesn’t exist in the minds of millions of potential customers and clients. A study by Google found that “4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information.” In today’s world of business, you must have an online presence to be successful. That’s simply a fact of modern life.

There are a couple of ways you can accomplish this. You can hire an internet marketing firm or you can do it yourself. If you choose the latter option, consider free profile sites to start.

A few of these sites are discussed here, in no particular order:…

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3 Ways to Promote Your Limo Service

Limo services need to continually come up with interesting and creative ways to promote their business. By accomplishing this challenge, you’ll get a better reputation in the industry, increase your service’s sales, and ultimately add more clients clamoring for your phenomenal services.

Limo service business

It’s certainly possible to promote your limo service in a number of different ways. We will provide several simple methods you can implement today to begin growing your limo brand. These methods are manageable, inexpensive, and certainly effective, so give them a try sooner rather than later.

1. Take Advantage of Content Marketing and Distribution

First and foremost, limo service providers need to start sharing valuable content on the web.…

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3 Alternatives to Bankruptcy for Small Businesses

Small businesses go bankrupt. The Small Business Administration states that 50% of businesses survive past the five-year mark. This means half of the entrepreneurs that follow their dreams and start their own businesses will see their dreams go up in flames.


Business is a risk, and one late shipment or one lost contract can mean the difference between a business thriving or boarding up their windows.

There are options outside of bankruptcy that can stop a business from dissolving.

1. Direct Negotiating Outside of Court

Lenders will negotiate with a business outside of court. When negotiations take place away from the stringent requirements of the court, there are a plethora of benefits, such as:

  • Avoiding court proceedings, which allows a business to save money
  • Direct negotiations take far less time to complete
  • A plan to get back on a financial track will be drafted, and will work for all involved parties.
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The Importance of Measuring Your Average Customer Lifetime Value

Customer retention has the greatest effect on the amount of revenue a company receives. This means that the most pressing challenge for any subscription-based business is keeping their customers subscribed to their services. If you’re running an enterprise that follows the subscription business model, you should be aware of the best practices for keeping your customers.

Customer retention

There are several metrics that can be used for measuring customer retention. For a subscription-based business, the average customer lifetime value or ACLV is one of the most important metrics. What constitutes this metric, and how exactly is it calculated?


The average customer lifetime value is the average amount of revenue a company can get from each customer.…

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Protect Your Business from Slip and Fall Accidents in 3 Easy Steps

Small businesses can be the subject of costly personal injury lawsuits. You’ll want to obtain liability insurance immediately if you have a small business where customers come to a physical location. Premises liability is a doctrine that all business unders are subject to.

The doctrine finds that a business owner can be held liable in a slip and fall accident on the business’s premises.

Slip and fall warning

Business owners have a “duty of care” to make sure the property is safe for employees and customers. You must do everything within reason to make the property safe. Negligence on part of the owner must be shown.…

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Does Business Location Still Matter?

Today, location plays less of a role in the success of a business than it used to. New technology offers flexibility that can give businesses a better degree of competitiveness and facilitate collaboration on a global scale. That’s great news for startups and small businesses who are increasingly being priced out of prime London city-centre locations.

London City offices

But while office location no longer matters so much to your workforce, it does to your clients. Though customers can be reached any time of day via email, text, video and voice, where you locate your business still matters considerably, and can determine whether you succeed or fail.…

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How to Prevent Work Accidents and Compensation Claims as an Employer

Injuries in the workplace can be life changing or fatal, which is why it’s so important they are avoided at all costs. But as well as the risk to life, work accidents are a costly business, with the ability to put a company in financial trouble should a worker claim that poor health and safety practices were to blame for their accident. Therefore, it’s important you are prepared for such an occasion and can handle everything your workplace throws at you and your workforce.

Workplace accident

Here’s what you need to do to protect your business and your workforce from workplace accidents:

The correct training, regularly

It’s so important your staff are regularly updated when it comes to processes and working with special equipment while on the job.…

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How To Shop When you are Trying to Go Green

You and everyone in your company have just made the decision to go green (it’s a new company policy, by the way!) Congratulations to you on making that decision, the environment thanks you deeply for your commitment to be more green friendly.

Online shopping

According to an article by Real Simple going green does not have to be miserable and painful. However, while some of the eco-friendly changes might not bother you must such as switching out the office cleaners that you currently use, others might be down right scary such as limiting your driving – i.e. from home to work or from office to client meeting locations.…

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3 Financial Tools To Help You Get Your Start Up Off The Ground

Do you have an idea for a business? Reckon your product or service could fill a gap in the market? Always dreamed of being your own boss?

If you’ve answered yes to these three questions, then congratulations – you clearly have an entrepreneurial spirit! Now comes the hard part. More than half a million businesses launch across the country every month and you need all the help you can get if you’re going to stand out from the crowd and succeed – regardless of how good your idea is.

Business planning

The biggest thing to be aware of is money. If you don’t stay in control of this, then you’re never going to get anywhere.…

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Gardens: The Unsung Hero in Real Estate Valuations

Gardens, and landscaping in general, are often the most overlooked elements when it comes to adding value to a home.

How much value your gardening and landscaping choices can add is highly subjective to the market the property’s located in, but it’s worth noting that over ninety-percent of buyers rank garden design as something that definitely increases value, whereas the color of the paint inside the home is often of little concern by comparison.

Deck garden

The reality, when faced with insight from experts in the field like realtors and home-staging professionals, is that adding a garden will not only add to the overall value of the home, it can make the home sell much faster, too.…

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