How to Clean The Office With Natural Cleaning Supplies

There is an alarming number of chemicals using in cleaning products today. Since World War II, over 70,000 artificial chemicals have been invented and a lot of them are in the cleaning products used in office cleaning supplies. These chemicals have been added even though the general public, and the people most exposed to these chemicals, do not know the harmful effects the chemicals are doing to them and the environment.

Office cleaning products

The average work week in Singapore is 44 hours, which means for 44 hours, office workers are exposed to harmful chemicals without knowing it. Because so much time is spent in the office, office cleaning should be done with natural cleaning products to avoid any harmful effects.…

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Retirement Luxuries To Put On Your List

The phrase “planning for retirement” generally evokes images of white-haired individuals smiling in insurance commercials, making sure their finances are in order for the long haul. That’s definitely part of the process, and it’s always a good idea to speak to financial advisors, invest for retirement, and save whatever you’re able to. But planning for this phase of your life shouldn’t just be about making sure you can get by – it should also involve a few perks!

Retirement planning

That’s not to say everyone can afford such perks, nor that irresponsible spending is a good idea. But if you’re already working on a financial plan for the years ahead, you may want to have a few luxuries in mind so that you can try to work them into your budget.…

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The Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Establishing Your Business’ Online Presence

Having a strong online presence is good for business. Over 70% of today’s customers search for the information they need online, including information about products, services, and brands. In the previous article, we talked about some of the reasons why your business absolutely needs a strong and positive online presence.

Establishing online presence

The next step to take is actually establishing your online presence. There are plenty of strategies to incorporate and ways to do it, but in this article we are going to focus more on the top three mistakes you need to avoid when trying to establish your online presence.

Not Having a Target Audience

Internet marketing is rather different to conventional advertising.…

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Small Businesses Need an Online Presence, Too!

When you think of company websites, you may think of online retailers: Amazon, for instance. These giant companies live online – that’s where their customers are, where their products are sold, and where their money comes in. So it’s no surprise that they need websites. But what about a small business? What about your local plumbing company, or a small shop you run with your family? Do you really need a website if you run a business like that?

Online business

Yes, you absolutely do – because in this day and age, even business done in person often starts online.

Small businesses do need websites

When a customer walks through the doors of a local shop and buys something they need, it’s easy to imagine that the entire transaction took place the way it would have forty or fifty years ago.…

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How to Create the Right Working Environment for Employees

When it comes to running a business, it is vital that you take steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your employees. First off, failure to do this could result in the breach of health and safety regulations, which could result in big issues for your business. Secondly, if you do not provide workers with a safe and comfortable working environment, you could end up losing valuable staff members or even being sued in the event of an injury.

Employee working hard

There are a lot of different ways in which you can improve the working environment for your employees. This will result in a safe and happy workplace and reduced the risk of regulatory breaches.…

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Faith In Manufacturing Jobs On The Decline

Although the American economy has grown by about 2 million jobs this year, none of them are in the manufacturing sector. This is alarming news–not just for manufacturing workers, but for the economy at large.

American manufacturing worker

Why is this such bad news? After all, consumer spending has leveled out, and unemployment continues to fall. Even gas prices are relatively low. Aren’t these signs that the economy is strong enough to weather any possible economic “storms” on the horizon? Well, not exactly.

Despite these indicators, people’s faith in the economy is pretty low. Fears about job security are high, reflecting a generally pessimistic attitude among the nation.…

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How to Launch Your Own Business Selling Art

The global art market is not in the greatest shape. The worldwide sale of art rose a modest 1.7% in the past year and is now valued at around $45 billion. This follows a seven percent drop in sales between 2014 and 2015. If you are an artist, or at least someone interested in launching a business selling art, this may not seem like the right time.

Sell art online

In reality though, this could be the most opportune moment to launch your business in the art world. The TEFAF art market report quoted earlier in this article estimates that nearly $28 billion of the total $45 billion came from private sales.…

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5 Things That Aren’t Covered Under General Liability Insurance

As a responsible business owner, you’ve taken the steps to protect your business through general liability insurance. What you may not know is that your policy doesn’t protect you completely from liability.

General liability insurance

General liability only provides protection against third-party lawsuits.

If you don’t purchase additional insurance, you may be leaving your business vulnerable to lawsuits.

Here are five key things that your general liability insurance policy won’t cover.

1. Professional Snafus

Mistakes happen in the business world, even when you try your hardest to cover all of your bases. Unfortunately, your general liability policy doesn’t cover these mistakes, which can leave your business vulnerable to lawsuits.…

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5 Features Your POS System Must Include

In just a few years, Point of Service (POS) systems became a new standard for most restaurants, cafes and diners. Technology is reshaping everything, and the food service industry is among the sectors that experienced the biggest changes of the digital revolution. Customers now expect their food and services provided to be as smart and efficient as their smartphones are, while traditional menu papers and waiters are rapidly becoming an obsolete part of our past.

Using POS system

A POS is now a necessity more than just a commodity, but finding the right one among the hundreds available can be a daring feat. A good POS software must provide a good degree of automation, possess an easy and immediate interface, provide you and your customers with a lot of feature, all while not being so much expensive to affect your monthly costs.…

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Writer’s Guide to Establishing Trust on SMB Service Pages

Small service-based businesses must have service pages that not only promote their services but are also optimized for local keywords. If you want to come up for local keywords, it’s important to write service pages that convert and will continue to be evergreen.

Content writer

A few methods, and there are a lot, to increase your conversion rates while also properly optimizing your page for local keywords are:

1. Establish Trust With the Reader

Honesty and ethics mean a lot to consumers. Clients need to trust your business, and this is apparent in the Edelman Trust Barometer report from 2016. But how do you gain trust with a reader and potential customer?…

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