Investors – Acquire Real Estates Through Auctions. Here’s How.

Investment can be done with any worldly thing. But it should provide you an assurance of positive growth with respect to the asset value. If you are an investor, you get a variety of options to make decent investments. There are segments like real estate, stocks, gold, industries etc.

Real estate auction

The real estate industry is a booming industry where people buy and sell the property to increase their assets and earn profits. You can either purchase these properties from the direct owners or indulge in auctions. Auctions allow you to bid for the property and make your purchase easily.

Let’s talk about real estate auctions

There are various rules you have to follow while attending an Auction.…

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Freelancing Millennials: VAs are Your Besties

With the “gig” economy well underway, it’s a given that freelancing and other forms of entrepreneurship are the future of employment everywhere. Never has it been so obvious than now that the traditional J.O.B. is about to die a quick death over the coming next few decades. As machines take over most labor and many desk-based jobs, all of us mortal humans need to find ways to provide value to the marketplace and make money all on our lonesome.

Freelancing millennial in a cafe

Though current numbers are hard to find, this study from four years ago showed close to 40% of America’s workforce was freelancers at the time.…

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How to Choose the Best Phone Answering Service for Your eCommerce Business

Poor service costs companies billions of dollars every year. When it comes to phone service in an ecommerce business, the level needs to be top-notch. Disappoint or downright annoy a prospect calling you from the other side of the interwebs, and you’ll never get another chance to get their business.

Phone answering service for ecommerce

That’s the digital world we’re all now living in. As the old saying goes you really only “get one chance to make a first impression.” Understanding just how important customer service is, it’s not enough to call up the first phone answering service you see on the front page of Google, sign up, and call it a day.…

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5 Embarrassingly Simple Jobs to Avoid If You Want to Stay Stress-Free

It’s easy to say that the way to manage stress is by exercising, eat well, etc. – but for some of us, stress is the by-product of ‘bad’ environment, full of stressors that we just can’t handle. This is particularly prevalent in the workplace.

Feeling stressed at work

Stress in the workplace leads us into various health problems and bad habits.  Unmanaged, work stress can cause depression, anxiety and addiction. But why stress is related to addiction? You see, as business executives or employees of reputable, prestigious companies, we are stressed on a near daily basis. According to a study, there are certain jobs that have highest rate of addiction.…

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How to Choose a Reliable SEO Provider

If you’re running a business online, then it’s likely you have a website (rather than just being present on 3rd party platforms). If you don’t have a website, then it’s likely it’s a consideration, and with good reason.

Hiring a SEO specialist

Not only does building a website give your brand a strong online identity, it can also introduce you to customers that wouldn’t be able to visit a bricks and mortar business. It can also be a great stepping stone for those looking to gain a customer base quickly, which is often the case for small businesses.

For a website to be effective, it must be built in the right way.…

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Top 3 Trends in Freelance Work

Freelance jobs are bigger than ever now that technology and remote, or work-from-home, jobs are becoming increasingly popular in the workforce. And no, freelance work isn’t just for Millennials. In fact, nearly 40 percent of the workforce in the United States today is made of up freelancers!

Happy freelancer

Let’s take a look at some of the top trends in the freelance economy and their impact on both freelancers and freelance employers.

Freelance Work is Appealing

Freelance work has become so popular since it’s appealing to both employers and employees. Employers can hire freelancers to work on a per-project basis, short-term or sometimes even long-term contracts.…

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Things Every Business Owner Should Know About Hackers: A Crash Course in Keeping Your Company’s Data Safe


If you ask a group of people what they think of when you say the word “hacker,” you’ll probably get a lot of different answers. Over the years, our understanding of hackers and hacking has shifted. During the computer boom of the 80s, hackers were high-tech spies. Today, we imagine hackers as everything from burglars to vandals to inventors. But what do you as a business owner need to know about hacking to keep your company’s sensitive information safe?

Well, for starters:

  • The who, what, and why of hacking
  • Best practices for keeping your business’s data secure
  • How “good hackers” can help protect your from cybersecurity threats


Portrait of a Hacker

What is hacking?

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4 Ways Your Small Business Can Give Back

As a small business owner or CEO, it’s easy to look at big businesses and dream about the different things you could do with their resources. You could pay larger salaries, purchase better technology, and invest in causes you believe in. While this is true, to an extent, there’s nothing stopping small businesses from being generous.

Volunteering employee

Whether you bring in $1 million per year, or $10 billion, there are ways you can prioritize philanthropy and be generous with the resources your organization has been blessed with.

4 Possible Ways to Give Back

Giving back – whether with your time or money – is highly beneficial for small businesses.…

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Things Every First-Time Ecommerce Vendor Should Consider

Starting your own ecommerce store can be an intimidating process. There are so many things to consider, venders often don’t know where to begin. Luckily, many people have already found success in the ecommerce space, which means there are some behaviors that are typical of a winning store. Here are a few things every first-time ecommerce vendor should consider before accepting any orders.

Ecommerce marketing tips

SEO Will Help You Make More Sales

If you’re new to the world of ecommerce, it’s possible you’re new to the world of search engine optimization (SEO) as well. SEO helps businesses attract more customers by influencing search results.…

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Why Citizenship by Investment is The New Normal for Entrepreneurs

Economic citizenship was once seen as the exclusive domain of the ultra-wealthy, but now it’s becoming the new normal for entrepreneurs hoping to expand their reach internationally. First formally established in St. Kitts and Nevis, before being picked up in other nations across the world, citizenship by investment (or CBI) provides those who can afford it with a second passport and all of the advantages which come with it.

Citizenship by investment (CBI)

But what can entrepreneurs stand to gain from economic citizenship to a second nation, and which nations will provide small business owners with the widest range of opportunities for success? Read on to find out why CBI could be of use for any business, and where the best place to apply for a new passport is.…

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