5 Ways to Make Customer Service a Part of your Brand

It isn’t what you sell that makes customers pick you over the competition, it’s what you’re known for. Your brand. What your brand represents sets you apart from the crowd.

Coca-Cola brand in a can

Many companies have a strong brand attached to them. Zappos, the billion-dollar shoe store, is known for its customer service. Their customer centric culture drives their growth in unprecedented ways.

Here are five ways to incorporate customer service into your brand.

Start from Day One

Great customer service shouldn’t be an afterthought and isn’t something you should be putting off for later. It is as important for your business as your core competencies, for without customers there is no business.…

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How to Improve Your Customer Service Through Efficient Process

There are two types of business in the world, there are those that rely solely on the talent of their employees, and then there are those that measure, track and report back on the work done by their talent. By far and away, the second type of business is going to have more success with your customers.

Efficient customer service

Customers don’t care if part of your business is failing; they simply want to know that they’re going to get what they’ve paid for. Businesses that rely on talent alone are unstable and unpredictable, and when there’s a problem with an aspect of the business, there aren’t the processes in place to find it, isolate it, and fix it to get the product to the customer on time.…

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How Customer Feedback Can Help Your Business

Customer feedback can be a great tool for the improvement of your business. Here is how to optimise the way you use your customer feedback.

Customer feedback

Get as Much as Possible

Before customer feedback can work for you, you need enough of it. This means increasing the amount of feedback you get from current and past customers. The easiest way to do this is to make it as easy as possible for customers to give feedback.

If customers ever interact with you online, give them the option of supplying feedback with a few simple clicks; politely invite them to share their views in phone calls, or after business has been done; put feedback slips into deliveries.…

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2 Easy Ways to Improving Customer Service in Your Business

For any businesses that are dealing with customers on a regular basis, the fundamentals of customer service are vital to learn and to consistently get right. Whether you’re dealing with your customers over the phone, in your shop across the counter, or anywhere else, good customer service skills are essential if you’re going to give them the best experience of your business and if you want to keep them coming back to you.

Friendly customer service

A satisfied customer is likely to spread the word and tell others about their experience when dealing with your company so good customer service is potentially highly profitable too.…

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A Case Study in Customer Service: The Name Badge Industry

Great customer service in the name badges industry? It may not sound too exciting at first, but at Meluba Badges we deal with a huge variety of customers, from the sole trader to the largest organisations who all work differently, are looking for a bespoke product supplied quickly and at a competitive price.

name badge

Meeting such a variety of demands with a great product and customer service is what we believe sets us apart, and by following our example, you can set your business apart too!

Understand your customers

Providing great customer service is impossible without first understanding your customer and your place in the market.…

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Admitting Mistakes In Business Is An Art – Learn It By Heart!

Mistakes are common in businesses and those who are running a new venture or have stepped into entrepreneurship recently, are sure to face plenty of them. However, the concern is not how many of them you face down the line but how actually you end up dealing with them?

When you know you have committed a mistake, admitting it is more of an art. Your attitude to this not only defines who you are but also suggests where you can reach in the future.

Admitting Mistakes In Business Is An Art - Learn It By Heart!

It should be added that learning the art of admitting your mistakes without any fear or hesitation also influences others around you and projects you as a better leader.…

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The Mantra You Should Abide By To Make The Most Of Your CRM System

There are certain aspects of business that we all agree on and must abide by. There are the formal, law-abiding practices we must all follow strictly to ensure we keep our noses clean and avoid run-ins with the taxman.

And then there are the more tried and tested routes to market such as creating and maintaining a USP, differentiating yourself in the industry and ensuring your employees are kept satisfied in a productive and motivating environment.

The Mantra You Should Abide By To Make The Most Of Your CRM System

Present day priorities such as creating a loyal customer base via social media and getting your website to rank no.1 on Google came later – when people had new visions on how to promote themselves.…

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CRM and The Ecosystem – External Collaboration System Coexistence

Companies using CRM and MA systems to engage in ecosystem collaboration have not been able to achieve the desired target as these are customer-centric sales and marketing tools. Deploying a PRM system, though a good compromise, has not produced the desired results since the technology is outdated.

An ecosystem collaboration solution effectively replaces PRM systems as they match all the facilities offered by the PRM in addition to meeting   numerous other contemporary requirements for peer-to-peer and community collaboration and multi-channel communication, using social media, messaging, and mobile communication channels.

CRM and The Ecosystem - External Collaboration System Coexistence

PRM is far behind technologically to meet these modern requirements of an organization and has limited communication capabilities in the modern sense, which are evolving by the day.…

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What Is Great Customer Service and How Can It Help Your Small Business?

What Is Great Customer Service and How Can It Help Your Small Business?

By definition, customer service is what you offer an individual before, during and after a transaction. While this concept seems simple enough, truly exceptional customer service is getting harder to find. Why? Perhaps it’s because stellar customer service is an experience that not only gets customers from point A to point B, but enhances the overall level of customer satisfaction – an idea that can seem mind-boggling to some.

If you ask any virtual receptionist, however, she’ll tell you that offering quality customer service is no harder or more time-consuming than what you already do. The difference is that the personal connection you make with prospective customers adds value to your brand.…

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How SMBs Can Profile Their Typical Customer

How SMBs Can Profile Their Typical Customer

Many marketing plans fail because they try to attract everyone and don’t focus on anyone. These faulty plans result in companies selling products that customers don’t want. Thing is, most customers aren’t even at the center of the feedback loop. Even worse, most customers will tell you what they want, if you would just ask.

Making the sketch

Start by surveying your existing client base (no matter how small) to understand future buyers better. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t have to be a costly process. There are free tools such as Google Docs and MailChimp that let you create a survey and distribute it easily and affordably.…

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