8 Small Business Ideas to Start You on the Road to Success

The idea of starting a small business is intimidating to the majority of the population.

The problem?

Fear of the unknown. It does it to us every time we try to think outside the box. Every time we try to peek out from our own little personalized cubby-hole and think about the possibility that something – an idea or skill within us may one day possibly turn into a full-time career – and make us an overnight millionaire too!

looking for small business ideas

Of course not everyone wants to be a millionaire, but making a more-than-average income is almost always part of the dream isn’t it?…

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eCommerce Basics for First Time Entrepreneurs

Many people are finding a new freedom by building online businesses. Being your own boss can be incredibly fulfilling if you are willing to learn and do some hard work. If you are thinking about building a store online, you’ll need to know some basics about eCommerce if you want your business to be successful. Learn about these key principles first.

online shopping

Web Marketing and Traffic

Web traffic simply means the people who visit your website, and no online store can be successful without it. You need to get the word out about your business, and entice people to come take a look.…

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Crowdsourcing: The Latest BIG Advantage for Small Businesses

You’ve heard of it.

You like the idea.

Maybe you’ve tried it.

Crowdsourcing, though simple to define, can have a very broad range of uses for your small business and for all of humanity in general.

Let’s kick this post off by taking a quick look at what it is and how it got started.

crowd sourcing

How crowdsourcing started and its impact on modern society

The term crowdsourcing is often used to describe the practise of outsourcing tasks on the Internet that you either can’t do, or simply don’t wanna do. In the hum-drum of of our current technological global society, it isn’t hard to see how this very classic term has evolved into what it is today.…

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How to Know When to Go International?

Many companies will make the decision after a few years, that it is time to venture into international markets, whereas some dive in straight away after only a few weeks; but how can either of them know if they are ready to do so?

global market expansion

Many smaller companies do not build an export plan into their original strategy and so it when it does come up, the subject is more as an afterthought. It is really important that companies don’t make the leap into foreign territory without having done the research and preparation needed to be sure that they are completely ready to make the move.…

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Don’t Let Your IT System Become Your Business’ Downfall

Technology is now an integral part of all businesses, no matter what the industry.

Without the right technology, your business is likely to fail, which is why many small business owners are keen to invest in the latest IT systems and electronic devices. This, they assume, will help increase staff productivity, business efficiency and the overall quality of their customers’ experience.

IT system breach

Despite the necessity of having a comprehensive IT system in place, there are problems and issues which your business’ IT presents. There have been many horror stories over the last few years about large companies becoming the victims of hackers; their customers’ private information and business’s sensitive data being accessed by third-parties.…

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Telecommuting: The New Green Business

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular, with currently more than 29 million U.S. workers telecommuting at least one day per month. This is a growing trend too, as more companies see the positive impact telecommuting can have on the environment, while helping reduce operating costs and increase productivity for their businesses. This green strategy can also help to improve a company’s brand, and if done properly, can be a great sell to shareholders.


Going Green with Telecommuting

An important benefit to telecommuting is in how it reduces gas usage and helps disseminate rush hour traffic. According to a recent whitepaper compiled by Kate Lister and Tom Harnish, the 29 million workers who are currently telecommuting have been able to save more than 390 million gallons of gas throughout the year.…

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Accounting Tips for New Small Business Owners

In a world driven by information technology, social media, and smartphones, business accounting is a topic that rarely gets much love anymore. Perhaps we all figure there’s a software or an app that’ll do it all for us. While there are plenty of software accounting programs and mobile apps out there, that isn’t what this post is about.

accounting tips

This post is going to detail some really important things you need to know before you set out to start your small business. If you already have a business that’s making money, or you just got started in the last year or two, you can still benefit from the sage advice detailed on this page.…

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Small Business Marketing Success Story: Dr. Farrah Gray

For those of who aren’t familiar with Dr. Farrah Gray, buckle your seatbelt and get ready to go for a trip down his path to being the youngest (non-celebrity) millionaire in the history of the entire planet!

Dr. Farrah Gray

He learned how to market himself at a very young age, living among violence, drug abuse, and mayhem in the south-side Chicago projects, coming out of it with an inspirational story that truly defies the expectations that many of you out there would have for an impoverished black kid from urban America.

The author of the best-selling book “Reallionaire” got his start collecting “nearly” empty bottles of lotion, combining them together and then selling them door-to-door – at the age of 6!…

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Are You Ordering From A Legitimate Website?

In today’s society, anyone can create a website and sell products online. It’s turned into a fairly simple process – so much so, that more and more spammers find their way into the e-commerce world – and your computing device – every day. If you aren’t careful, you’ll really end up paying for it later.

Using security software – e.g. SearchLock – to protect your online activities and detect problem websites can help, but with so many misleading information (such as SearchLock that is accused as being malware) it’s not an easy task for you to decide.

Are You Ordering From A Legitimate Website?

Here are some tips for avoiding illegitimate online sellers:

Before you even consider pressing “Add To Cart” it’s important to look at the quality and design of the website.…

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Serviced Office Vs. Virtual Office – What’s Good For Your Business


If you’re just starting out in the business world and are looking for office premises, you have two options in front of you: A Serviced Office, or a Virtual Office. You can choose either option, but it’s best to know which one is best suited for your business before you take the plunge.

A Serviced Office

A serviced office is an actual office that’s rented out to a tenant by a serviced office provider. The provider might have a bunch of such offices in the same building. Such an office gives you all the advantages of having your own office space, without actually having to own one.…

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