3 Useful Tools for Delivering Highly Quality Online Training

So, you are most probably a teacher or a trainer if you are reading this and you may want to know how to provide quality training to your students. You will have most likely exhausted Google search options by now and have, fortunately for you, landed here.

Online training

We all know how hard it can be to get students understand something over the web, not to mention, when you are trying to explain a complex calculus function and your video keeps stopping or your software keeps giving you that annoying upgrade to premium pop-up. Your sessions become a disappointment quickly, especially in a well-developed class environment.…

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Cash is Not King: Why POS Systems Dominate Asian Retail Markets

There was a time when cash was king and everyone shopped in brick and mortar stores. With the advent of technology and the Internet, that is no longer the case, and one area that illustrates this point effectively in the Asian market. Japan is home to one of the largest mature e-commerce markets in the entire world. Unbelievably, over 73 million people there shop online, with e-commerce penetration at a staggering 97 percent. That means almost everyone in Japan shops online.

mobile pos software

In China, the story is similar, with 46 percent of the people there using the Internet, mostly to shop online.…

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Safety First: Ensuring Your Employees are First Aid Trained

Having at least one employee that has relevant first aid training is mandatory in many places, but highly recommended in all. Even in seemingly the safest work environments, there’s always the chance that someone will need medical assistance. If you’re running your own business and have employees, then it’s high time that you did the right thing and got them trained up in first aid.

First aid training

Why first aid training is important

Potential hazards are everywhere; if you work with machinery then you’ll be well aware of them, but you might never have considered the knives in the office kitchen, or the plug sockets under the desk.…

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How to Mitigate Unpredictable DDoS Attacks and Protect Your Digital Business Assets

Over the last year, distributed denial-of-service DDoS attacks have gotten stronger and evolved in strategy and tactics as cyber-criminals get smarter. With increased reports of “smoke screening”, where attackers use DDoS attacks to distract IT staff while inserting malware to breach confidential data such as bank account credentials and client data. Over 50% of attacked companies reported theft of funds, data or intellectual property. These types of attacks are more powerful but short-lived and more precise than prolonged strikes whose goal is extended downtime.

Protecting your digital assets from DDoS attacks

DDoS attacks vary in both sophistication and intensity. Attackers typically make fake requests that look like random garbage on the network, or more troublesome; make the attack traffic look exactly like real web traffic.…

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Innovative Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

The world of business is cut throat and ultra-competitive. It’s an arena where only the strongest ideas and the hardest working people can really succeed. To get by in this often harsh and unrelenting climate, you have to think differently and work creatively. This is particularly true when it comes to marketing, as the way you choose to advertise your business to a target audience can have a massive effect on your success as a company.

LinkedIn local event participation

Coming up with fresh new creative strategies can become a headache, so here are some examples of marketing strategies which operate outside of the box and have been shown to drive results.…

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How Customer Feedback Can Help Your Business

Customer feedback can be a great tool for the improvement of your business. Here is how to optimise the way you use your customer feedback.

Customer feedback

Get as Much as Possible

Before customer feedback can work for you, you need enough of it. This means increasing the amount of feedback you get from current and past customers. The easiest way to do this is to make it as easy as possible for customers to give feedback.

If customers ever interact with you online, give them the option of supplying feedback with a few simple clicks; politely invite them to share their views in phone calls, or after business has been done; put feedback slips into deliveries.…

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Employee Appreciation: A Cornerstone of All Successful Businesses

In many ways, employees are your most valuable asset as a business owner. They are the fabric that makes up your company and has so much of an influence over its relative success or failure. Find a good team of people, treat them right, and your business will flourish. But neglect them, and you can kiss goodbye to both profits and loyalty. Here’s why employee appreciation is so vital.

Employee appreciation


It’s common sense that if people feel undervalued within a job, they are far less likely to put in the extra hours on your behalf. Why would they, if they aren’t getting the necessary emotional or financial return for their efforts?…

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How to Implement Successful and Compliant HR Procedures

Human resources (or HR as it is commonly referred to) are a key component of contemporary business modelling. It essentially refers to the management of the people who work for a particular company, and it is required to make provisions for their remuneration, professional well-being and safety within the workplace. While its purpose may be broadly understood, however, implementing a successful and compliant HR strategy requires a great deal of time, effort, and significant financial investment.

HR procedures

3 Tips for Implementing a Successful and Compliant HR Strategy

With this in mind, what practical steps can you take to implement a viable HR strategy that serves your employees while also remaining compliant with UK law?…

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Top Tips for Great Corporate Entertainment

If you run your own business then you know how important it is to maintain good relationships at all times, both with your staff and your clients. Whether you’re looking for a great weekend away to let your employees get to know one another a little better and to allow them to build rapport by taking part in team-building activities, or whether you’re simply out for a fun night off, there is a wide array of firms that pride themselves on offering the very best experience.

Business event

If you’re looking to find the right event to cater to your needs and those of your staff or your clients, then here are some tips so you can find something just right for you.…

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3 Powerful Ways Hosting a Webinar Can Help Grow Your Online Business

Webinars are a great way to share information, interact with potential customers, and create valuable content that can be shared over multiple marketing channels; including creating content for blog posts and discussion points in other communities. Webinars are rich with opportunities to learn exactly what makes your customers tick and what they’re expecting for your company as well as a chance to solidify your brand in the community.

Hosting webinars

Hosting webinars have the potential to reach a wider audience than what even conferences might offer; placing you in control at the helm to direct the entire experience in a manner that benefits not only your business but your clients.…

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