Analysis of the Cloud Computing Market: Trends in 2015

According to Business Insider, the price war on cloud computing rages on. Described as “the race to zero” by some tech experts, the competition seems fierce in the coming year and the market continues to be a vicious battle ground for cloud service providers. Mark Mahaney of RBC Capital published a chart to show the changes between Oct 2013 to December 2014, and this trend shows no sign of stopping.

Cloud computing trends

For small businesses looking to take the leap, this could be the ultimate year to invest in a new cloud based network. With so many vendors slashing their prices in the competitive market, affordable solutions for robust, flexible and scalable IT have never been so accessible.…

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How to Improve Multi-Channel Customer Service

Without your customers, your business wouldn’t be successful, so of course you want to treat them well and make sure that you’re addressing every one of their needs. One of the best ways to show your customers you care about them is by making sure that your customer service channels are optimized to serve your customers in a quick, efficient manner.

Multi-channel customer service

Of course, each one of your customers will have a different preferred method of contacting you, so you’ll have to make sure that each of your customer service channels is responsive and helpful, whether it’s over the phone, e-mail, social media, or text message.…

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Accidents at Work: Common Causes of Truck Accidents

If you drive a truck for a living you’re more than likely familiar with the amount of truck accidents that happen in the Los Angeles area. Workplace accidents aren’t uncommon by any means and most employers do all that they can to keep their employees safe. However, when you’re on the road, accidents happen no matter how well your rig is or how prepared you are as a driver.

Coca-cola truck accident

Commercial trucks can present dangers to smaller cars and vans on the road which makes a truck driver’s job a bit more stressful. They have to be aware of everything around them.…

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7 Ways an Apprentice Can Help Your Business Grow

Apprenticeship jobs are usually work-based training and education programmes for individuals of all age groups.

Apprenticeship trends

You can find over two hundred and fifty types of apprenticeship programmes readily available, across a selection of market sectors and companies. If you would like enthusiastic talent that you could train and develop for your organisation, then the solution is to hire an apprentice. An increasing number of businesses are using apprenticeship jobs, with 96% of businesses reporting great performance from their apprentices.

There is £1500 age grant to assist companies to expand their businesses by hiring apprentices, depending on eligibility. All organisations providing apprenticeships for 16 to 18 year old should retain them for a year.…

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5 Ways a Virtual Assistant is Better than a Regular Employee

With everything we do moving in to the virtual sphere the need for adding the “virtual” edge to our office and administration becomes more pronounced. In times when companies are accepting telecommuting employees and work from home as alternatives, virtual assistants come to the rescue of many a professional who is hard pressed for time.

Virtual assistant

Companies, particularly those engaged in the provision of information technology and related services have introduced the concept of work from home for full time employees. This has helped IT majors like IBM to cut down on real estate costs and keep women (who otherwise would have to take a sabbatical due to pregnancy and child care) to stay in the workforce.…

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4 Benefits of Leasing an Office Space in London

One of the most thriving metropolises in the world, London is the city that keeps on giving. A central hub for established commerce and start-ups alike, London provides business owners with the desired profitability rates, transport links, networking opportunities and the wide availability of furnished office spaces. Simply put, it is a haven for entrepreneurs. While it may be expensive, it is most certainly worth investing in, and there are endless benefits to obtaining office space in the UK’s largest business centre. The following are just four of those many benefits.

Canary Wharf office view in London

1. Client Accessibility

With almost a million private sector businesses in the city, it is the number one destination for getting new contacts and for client growth.…

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Advantages of an LLC over an S Corp for a Family Business

When starting a business it is important to determine what type of legal entity the company is going to take. Many businesses are started by one individual which makes them a sole proprietor when they are starting.

As businesses grow they often get changed into a partnership or a corporation. If the owner decides that they want a corporation, there are two types that are more common than others, the limited liability corporation and the S Corp. The LLC has a lot of advantages over the S Corp.

LLC benefits

Advantages of an LLC

There are four main advantages of an LLC.…

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Smart Ways to Build Credit and Grow Your Business

One huge issue for a startup entrepreneur is obtaining credit to finance business growth. All companies need capital to market the business, make a product or provide a service. Without proper financing, a new business may quickly fail. Here are some tips to build business credit and protect the credit rating.

Business credit rating

Business credit vs. personal credit

This article explains that both business and personal credit scores are based primarily on the same two issues. One issue is the number of credit inquiries and applications to obtain credit. The other is the number of loans and credit cards outstanding.

Avoid the mistake of using personal credit to finance business operations.…

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Google Panda 4.1 Leaks Provide More Complete Picture of Corporate SEO

2014 was another year full of computer hacks and data leaks, with more and more confidential information becoming available from every corner of the internet. At a time when giants such as Sony or the United States government are able to be targeted, the internet’s own Google is no exception.

Google Panda

In addition to “Project Goliath”, Google has made the news over the course of 2014 because of other data leaks and reinterpretations of patent filings from their own organisation: The key factors which affect your business websites’ search rank have been revealed iteratively throughout a series of small leaks.

A Matter of Ethics

While some say that learning from leaked information may not be the most ethical -others will argue that Google’s role of self-proclaimed “internet hall monitor” warrants it.…

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4 Tips to Be a Great CEO

If you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your company, no matter how good you are at your job, you could always be doing things a little bit better. Being a CEO is a job that has a great deal of pressure. After all, you are responsible for making the big decisions that will determine the success or failure of your company. This will also impact the lives of all your employees.

Great CEO

There are many things that make a person a great CEO. But it is rare to find a person with all of these qualities. Nevertheless, greatness is worth pursuing, and it should be the endeavor of every CEO.…

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