Combined Skills: The Benefits of Forming a Real Estate Investment Partnership

Forming a real estate investment partnership can have some excellent benefits. An investing partner can open new possibilities that may not have otherwise been available and can make it easier to build up a profitable property portfolio in a shorter time frame.

Real estate investment partnership

Of course, there are times when investing as a partnership won’t be viable. For example, buying a smaller project or a single family home might be more profitable going it alone.

However, when you start looking at larger investments or multiple simultaneous projects, having an investment partner at the ready can help build momentum. Here are some of the key benefits to forming a real estate investment partnership:

Play to Individual Strengths and Combined Skills

A good partner should bring something to each investment deal that you don’t have.…

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The Perfect Location: Choosing a Launch Pad for Your Startup

When it comes to launching a new business, the location you choose can potentially be critical to the success of your venture.

Business district

There are many different types of commercial real estate on the market and numerous different locations to choose from too. If you are a tech business for instance, you might decide on positioning yourself in an area that is renowned for startups of this kind, or it could be that you want to take advantage of some tax breaks to help the finances.

Motivated by profit

The bottom line is that your startup will have to be profitable or it is not going to turn into a growing and successful business, which is why the location you choose can be important.

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For New Entrepreneurs: Lessons and Advice from Inspiring Business Experts

How exactly do entrepreneurs find success? Do they use a special set of skills, or do they simply use the same skills that everyone else has? What life lessons do entrepreneurs today find most useful?

Gary Vaynerchuk startup quote on success

Chappel and Matthew’s ( real estate advisors to rising stars of the entrepreneurial world, share insights from some of the most inspiring stories of success in the entrepreneurial world, and the life lessons there to be learned.

Believe in yourself; but also be critical

American Document Services in Las Cruces, NM is a successful document shredding service that pulls in $1.5 million in revenues each year, retaining 16 full-time employees.

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A Higher Level of Safety: Your Business and Multi-Gas Detection Devices

Anyone who works in the gas detection business will tell you that the consequences of not understanding the safety instruments can be fatal. Broken, malfunctioning, or misused devices give workers a false sense of security.

Multi-gas detector

If you work in an industry where gas detection is necessary, here are a few reasons why you should consider it a smart business move – not just a regulatory concern.

It Minimizes The Threat Of Death

A good multi gas detector minimizes the risk of injury or death – that’s a basic fact. Leaking gases into your company office or building is a measurable risk, based on the type of gas and the concentration.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Preparing Yourself For a Conference Call

Taking a conference calling through providers like BlueJeans should be a pretty straightforward matter for most people since the only thing you need to do is to activate the application and make sure the camera is pointing towards yourself. However, being part of a conference call is so much more than that and actually requires proper preparation before you participate in one.

Conference call


While yes there are primarily audio only conference calls, these days though companies have begun to prefer video conferences over their audio counterparts. If you are located in another country and are invited to a conference call in order for the company to know the status of your actions thus far, one of the worst possible things you can do is to answer a conference call looking as if you lost a fight with an elephant.…

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Is your Formal Education Done?

The way people get their formal education is changing all the time. There is an international conversation about whether or not traditional higher education models are worth it, for just about anyone. They’re expensive, and recent years have proven that they often do not pay off, especially monetarily. Others critique traditional learning models for not being relevant to the tasks at hand, when people graduate and enter their real careers.  Add that fact to the burden of student debts, making higher education a further reach by most.

Businessman taking higher education

In response to the challenges, programs like online mba programs california and elite universities like Harvard Business School have been striving to stay on the cutting edge of useful education models for many generations.…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Home in Surabaya

Surabaya is home to world renowned mayor Tri Rismaharini who has consistently made improvements to the urban landscape in the last five years and is one of the biggest and most bustling cities in Indonesia, and it’s also one of the hottest places to live right now. Not only is there lots of opportunity for families and working professionals alike, but it’s also getting even better with each passing year. Although Surabaya isn’t known for being picturesque and has a reputation for being very fast-paced, true locals know that the city is much more than that. Here are five reasons why you should be looking at real estate in Surabaya right now.…

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5 Ways To Make Some Cash for Your Next Big Idea

The thing about having a big idea, is that often to make it happen, you have to have money. And unless you’re already independently wealthy, it’s logically improbable just to have enough extra cash floating around that you can throw it at a new project, and still maintain your current lifestyle.

Funding a business idea

Thus, many next big ideas won’t ever get started. However, there is hope! If you break your idea into sizable chunks and figure out how to get the cash flow going using these five potential avenues, at least you’ll give your concept a fighting chance to be born into the world.…

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How to Choose your Exhibition Stands

Exhibitions and trade shows have immense marketing value for businesses regardless of size, from startups to global corporations. But in order to make the most of your space at conventions, on the road or in pop up locations, you need to choose the right exhibition stand.

Expo stands at BIT Milano 2015

Exhibition stands are available in three varieties, modular, custom and portable. From reusability to interactive features, there are various factors that come into play when picking the best stand for your needs.

Modular stands are reusable solutions for multiple exhibitions

Modular exhibition stands are ‘built for reconstruction, they give increased flexibility and ease of transport’.…

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50 Shades of Green: The Difference Between Seeming and Being Sustainable

Green is the new black, and sustainability has been “in” for well over a decade. In fact, companies that don’t strive to support the green movement might as well close up and turn out the lights. In today’s ardently ecological climate, it makes smart business sense to build a brand on the basic tenants of sustainability, but too many businesses are giving the movement a bad name with less than adequate standards.

Bike to work

Even if you reduce, reuse, and recycle, your business likely contributes to a number of dangerous practices that are doing untold damage to the Earth and its people, and if your tree-hugging customers discover your washed-out shades of green, you might as well flip your “open” sign to “closed.”…

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