Business Practices New Entrepreneurs Should Be Doing

Being an entrepreneur certainly takes a lot of work, especially when you’re still starting. If you don’t have a personal mentor to help you navigate the business world’s tough waters, here are some tips you should do to better your business.

Startup strategic planning

Have a vision

You couldn’t expect to prosper if you don’t have a clear vision of what you want your business to become. Deliver your vision clearly to your customers, as well as your employees and partners. You must have the desire to pursue your vision and make it happen continuously. Without it, you will only be left wandering around with your business goals lost.…

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8 Alternative Lending Options for Small Businesses

Finding capital for your company when the banks and other traditional lenders have all turned you down isn’t as tough as it was 10 years ago. There are a number of options to consider and what you decide to go with will depend heavily on your company’s current financial situation and future forecast.

Lending options for small business

Factors like credit worthiness, company assets, future earnings, inventory, your own personal assets and savings, and the amount of credit currently available to you are all important things to consider when deciding on what option to choose.

Alternative small business lending options

Here’s 8 common alternative lending options a small business should consider when the banks won’t touch you:


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Big Traffic Methods for a Small Business Website

As long as you have a fantastic product (or service), capable customer service, great positioning within your marketplace, and a price people are willing to pay for your offer, you shouldn’t have trouble becoming a profitable small business…

But even then it’s not always the case.

Stand out

Imagine you offer all these great features but no one knows where you’re located or how to differentiate you from the sea of competition? Imagine all the work you can place into every aspect of your business yet still fall flat because you’re not driving individuals to the offer.

Hundreds of websites are created every minute and although the chances of someone creating a competing business site would be somewhat low in the percentages – it’s still being done – and every day that passes is another chance for them to be the major brand in the marketplace.…

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SOC Reports: A Mini-Guide for Business Owners Who Want to Establish Credibility

As a business owner, you want to do everything you can to gain the trust and respect of your customers, This will not only help you keep the ones you do have, but will help you gain new ones as well. As you earn more and more credibility through hiring management consultants and/or change management firm – or even better, adopting organizational design process – you should see your revenue increase as well.

Preparing SOC reports

One of the best ways for service organizations to earn that credibility is to use SOC reports. These reports can help organizations identify problems with their services as well as let them know needs and wants of their customers.…

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At Your Fingertips: Conducting Industry Research Like a Pro Without a Lot of Dough

You might think that to become an expert in your industry it will take years of experience and a deep wallet to fund all the research that you need access to in order to drill down into the details and form a solid opinion.

Chemist doing industry research

Taking a look through the detailed data available at Money Morning for example, you can quickly get an idea that conducting research and staying ahead of the competition by spotting trends and openings, doesn’t have to set you back a small fortune.

Here is a look at how to go about conducting industry research like a pro, without spending loads of dough.…

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Basic Essentials Every Lean Startup Office Needs

When it comes time to launch your lean startup, you and your employees will need a comfortable, functional work environment to conduct business in. There are a lot of considerations to make, depending on the industry you work in.

Lean startup office

There are common items that most businesses will definitely need to get started. While there are also plenty of traditional considerations that have been recently outdated by technological advancements and other changes occurring in the modern workplace.

Here’s a short list of things you’ll definitely need to consider outfitting a professional work environment with – without killing your budget:


You can source furnishings for your startup office almost anywhere.…

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3D Printed Lattice: Breaking New Ground in Product Design

3D printers and their products are gaining increasing amounts of attention for their use in both education and innovative design. While you can quickly create some fun objects with a 3D printer, many of the groundbreaking products are being produced using what is called lattice structuring.

3D printed object

A lattice structure is a web-like, or honeycombed, design that has several design benefits. It can be created to be flexible or rigid. It can also withstand a high degree of pressure, is waterproof, lightweight, and has a high durability factor. Here are just a few of the ways that the 3D printed lattice is making new inroads in product design.…

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Three Things to Do in Your Small Retail Business Before the Christmas Rush

It is already autumn, and this time of year can be one that can seem to fly by before you know it when you run a retail business. Almost all retail businesses see an increase in sales either before Christmas, if they sell things that people tend to buy as gifts or which people use in their homes over the festive season, or after Christmas, when traditionally there are the best offers and bargains to be had, and so this is really the time of year to make any changes to how you do things that can help you get more from this period.…

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How to Increase Exposure for Your Small Business

Are you looking to take your small business or start-up to the world? Here are a few expert tips on how to increase exposure for your business:

Optimise Your Website for Local Searches

Many small businesses rely on local customers for their initial success. There are a few exceptions when it comes to ecommerce, but the best clients and customers often end up being those that are based in the area. With that in mind, it’s important to optimise your business website so that it appears in local searches.

Here’s a quick guide to get you started with local SEO.…

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