7 Things Managers Need to Know About Handling Remote Teams

There has been a serious misconception that productivity and colocation are two inseparable factors for success. The need of a swift business expansion in emerging startups has encouraged a new approach towards management that favors remote teamwork as a time-saving and cost-effective solution.

Remote team meeting

Despite being extremely popular, especially among tech companies, remote team management is still an evolving concept. As such, it comprises a wide array of management techniques which vary from strict surveillance and employee evaluation to a more relaxed approach that puts freedom over tight regulations.

Open Your Doors To New Horizons

One of the many benefits of telecommuting teams is the lack of limitations when it comes to hiring a talented crew member.…

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Rise of the Drones: How They’ll Impact SMEs and the Future Business Landscape

Once only used for military purposes, drones have now become a part of civilian life overnight. Everyone, including small and medium size business owners are rushing to save their money and get their hands on their own flying robot.

Drone for aerial photography

With all that said, drones aren’t without many potential faults, particularly since they still represent a relatively new and untested technology. Mistakes can and will be made.

FAA Holding Out Until Recently

The biggest holdout in North America until now has been the Federal Aviation Administration. This organization, and others throughout Europe, are now inking and refining plans for safe civilian and commercial use of drones.…

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PPI: Why You Need It (Plus Why And How To Make PPI Claims)

Payment protection insurance is something that few people in the UK ever consider until it’s too late. The biggest problem with insurance is that you can’t purchase it after the fact.

Payment protection insurance (PPI)

Just like any other form of insurance coverage, PPI is there to protect you and your family in a case of an emergency. It helps to keep you on your feet during hard times, preventing financial ruin and unnecessary bankruptcy. You can learn more about PPI by visiting www.lowfeeppiclaims.co.uk

Once you find yourself in dire financial straits, it’s too late to take out payment protection insurance coverage on your debts.…

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Beat Your Competitors with Video Ads

While digital marketing experts are convinced that video advertising is an efficient way of communicating with your current and potential customers, small and mid-sized businesses are still hesitant about it. This is mostly because of the lack of credible information about this great platform of advertising.

YouTube video ad

This guide is aimed to providing this vital information, which can help you reach the digital marketing goals of your business effectively and beat your competitors with video ads.

Why Video Advertising?

Statistics show that millennials and Generation Z are no longer dependent on newspapers for learning about what’s going on around them. Instead, they depend on social media websites for this purpose.…

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What Every Small Business CEO Should Know about Inventory Management

CEOs of small businesses are generally expected to know a lot about running a business. However, there are some, especially the less experienced ones, who may need to get more acquainted with important matters such as inventory management. For small businesses, being able to properly monitor and manage inventory is a must. The failure to do so can lead to dire consequences.

Small business owners

Inventory Management Is Extremely Important

Good inventory management is a vital part of running a small business. Even service-oriented companies have inventory to manage, although not to a point that requires meticulous attention or the aid of an inventory management platform.…

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The Best Waste Minimisation Strategies for New Businesses

Here is a guide on how a new business can identify ways to reduce waste and create a new strategy for waste minimisation.

Create a strategy to reduce business waste

Reducing the amount of waste your business generates isn’t just great for the environment, it could also save your business a substantial amount of money. An effective waste minimisation strategy will look at your entire business and identify the areas that you will need to reduce waste.

The First Step- Conducting a Waste Audit

Firstly, walk around the premises, noting down the the costs and quantities of any waste you see.…

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How To Determine the Best E-Commerce Logistics Solution

Running an ecommerce business is difficult, and many ventures fail because they didn’t have the proper logistics or management solutions in place to run the business smoothly.

It’s not uncommon for ecommerce business owners to be afraid of the unknown: outsourcing your company’s supply chain can seem scary at first. You may be worried that you won’t have enough control, there could be too many unknowns, or that you don’t want to go through the struggle of finding the right logistics company (especially if you have no firsthand experience).

Before you begin your search, consider the benefits of an ecommerce logistics solution.…

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What Exactly does Brexit Mean for UK House Prices?

When the UK voted to leave the European Union in a historic referendum back in June, many business leaders and politicians became concerned at the impact this result would have on the country. Jobs, growth and trade were all discussed. However, one of the main talking points of the debate was how the UK property market would fair.


We are almost six months on from the referendum, and the property market is still quite turbulent, so is it possible to accurately predict what is going to happen to the property market as we head into the New Year?

What happened to the property market after the vote?

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6 Text Message Marketing Best Practices

Moving beyond email-only marketing to a multi-channel approach to drive more revenue from existing customers is a powerful strategy for small- to medium-size businesses (SMBs).  In fact, for SMBs, targeted, multi-channel marketing is no longer just a good idea, but a necessity for growth.

Text message marketing

Marketing messages sent by text have become an important component of a multi-channel mix that works. Text messages are one of the most cost-effective, efficient tools for communicating with customers. According to data from thousands of campaigns executed for its hundreds of SMB clients, marketing automation service provider eRelevance Corp. reports 39 percent of lead conversions across digital channels come from text conversations.…

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7 Safe And Effective Tax Deductions That Every SME Should Be Claiming

HMRC collected over £533 billion in taxes during the 2015-16 tax year but we think it’s possible that many SMEs, business owners, and employees are currently paying more tax than they need to. They simply aren’t aware of a number of different tax incentives offered by HMRC that could reduce their tax bill. It’s no surprise that HMRC are not very good at letting people know about these incentives, so we are happy to introduce 7 safe and effective tax deductions that you should consider.

1. Tax free Christmas office party, panto or concert

When a company throws a party for all of its employees and the cost is less than £150 per head then it is a tax and NI-free benefit.…

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