10 Simple Tips to Improve Telemarketing Results

Telemarketing companies can make themselves more competitive to retain and recruit new business through a wide variety of strategies. After all, the best way to convince someone to use your services is to show them the result of past success with other clients. You’ll prove that you know how to help them generate more sales.

Telemarketing agent

However, cold calling is emotionally difficult for agents. Merely handing an agent a list of telephone numbers to call and some instructions on what type of results you expect is a recipe for failure. Chances are good that the agent will be nervous, and this uncertainty will be reflected in their voice.…

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Increase Employee Activities with These 7 Tips

On the average, an employee spends about 8.8 hours per day at work, and 7.7 hours sleeping. In short, employees spend more time in the workplace than in at home and this calls for plenty of socializing with one’s co-workers.

Productive business people

Individual personalities being what they are, life in the office can be stressful and although some workers remain unaffected by the situation it may cause others to become apathetic and this can also affect the other people in the workplace. So here are some tips on how to maintain increased productivity and positive worker motivation.

1. Establish a family-like ambience

It is great if employees feel a sense of camaraderie in the office.…

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1 in 4 CEOs are accountants. Here’s why

A CEO is the most important person in a company. Jumping from meeting to meeting, calling shots, taking risks, making and sometimes breaking businesses. We see these larger-than-life figures giving talks, announcing products and lining the pages of the Forbes Rich List. But where do they come from?

CEO accountant

A recent survey has shown that nearly one quarter of FTSE 100 CEOs come from a background in accounting. For some this may come as a surprise. How could so many humble bookkeepers end up running high end firms?

There are, however, many reasons why accountants are well-suited to the role of CEO.…

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This One Industry You’ve Never Heard of Is Crucial to the Global Economy

Lots of industries fly under the radar, free of the glitz, glamor and attention that higher-profile enterprises earn.

That doesn’t mean these industries are any less important than their better-known counterparts, nor that they’re any less likely to attract the best and brightest employees. In fact, some of the most creative entrepreneurs in the world find opportunities where others see only chaos — or, more likely, nothing at all.

Read on to learn about what this one weird industry you’ve almost certainly never heard of does each and every day for the global economy — and don’t forget to pull it out at your next cocktail party.…

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9 Personalized Gift Ideas to Give Clients in 2017

Most of us have received a gift from our professional connections at some point in our careers.

When I look back, the very best gifts I’ve been given over the years have been those that come from the heart – when a customer or other contact has given me something that makes it obvious they took just a little extra time to make it special.

Wolf coffee mug

Heartfelt gifts such as a card with a special message, or a coffee mug or pen with my name, or favorite saying of written on them are always a treat when compared to generic gifts that just anyone can buy without putting much thought into them.…

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Silicon Valley’s Most Influential Women

In recent years, many women have started to lead the way in Silicon Valley. These women are leaders in social media, marketing, healthcare and a wide range of other industries, that were often dominated by their male counterparts in the past. These women are inspiring future generations of female entrepreneurs who no longer need to be concerned about becoming a leader in their chosen field. Below are some of the most influential women in Silicon Valley at the moment.

Sheryl Sandberg

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg is one of the world’s leading female business women and has been named Forbes Most Powerful Woman for the last five years.…

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How to Survive Your First Business Trip

A huge number of people travel to destinations around the country and even around the world in the name of business. Taking a business trip can be exciting and rewarding but it can also be tiring, daunting, and a challenge. If you are planning to take your first business trip there are ways in which you can make the process far easier on yourself and make your business trip a more enjoyable one.

Business travel

Whether you are planning a trip overseas on business or whether you are travelling to another part of this country, it is important to plan ahead. This is a key part of enjoying a smooth and successful first business trip.…

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Top Reasons A Staffing Agency Can Boost Your Career

A Temp Or Staffing Agency Can Simplify Your Job Search

Engineering career

If you are looking for employment, it can be extremely time consuming and stressful to sift through the numerous online job search sites in order to find gainful employment. When you spend hours sending off your resume electronically, how do you even know your dream job will see it? How do you stand out in the complicated online world of applying for jobs? If you are tired of endless online job searches that do not seem to match you with a great job in your chosen career, you may want to consider using a temp or staffing agency.…

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Complimentary Products Boost Sales and Company Revenue

Without healthy and consistent sales, there is no sustaining a business. Companies often explore every marketing and pricing technique they can, until they find what works best for their business model and their consumer markets.

Complimentary products drive sales

One very useful way to boost sales for many industries is by offering complimentary products or services. It may seem counter-intuitive to give away product for free as a way to build revenue, but it can work very well when done effectively. Think about the last time you went to see a new movie. Did you buy your tickets, popcorn and drink together as a package or separately?…

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Money: Increasing The Value Of Your Home

CEOs – are you going to sell your home sometime in the near future? If so, you need to take the necessary steps to increase the value of your home.  One way to do that is by renovating your home.

Fixing up your home before selling it will ensure that you receive the highest amount of money from the transaction. Before a real estate agent guides potential buyers through your house, it’s important to make your domicile as attractive as possible.

Money house

Here is a list of simple things you can do to increase the value of your home. This list is geared around pleasing potential buyers, since their opinion of your home is important above all others.…

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