Local SEO: Does Where You Host Your Website Really Matter?

While it’s still open to debate on any given day, up to a third of Google searches are for local businesses. The search engine provider has also stated that local searches on mobile devices are growing fifty-percent faster than other types of queries.

Local SEO

If you own a local small or medium size business, you could be losing hundreds, even thousands of potential customers if your web hosting isn’t up-to-par. Considering we’re in the middle of yet another online boom period (ie., local search), you need to make sure your SEO plan is leaving nothing to chance.

What’s up-to-par mean when considering hosting providers?

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4 Self-Improvement Strategies for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you may have become so caught up in improving your company that you have forgotten to spend any time improving yourself. Running a business can certainly be a turning point for many people, but there are also many strategies for active self-improvement that can be effectively used by entrepreneurs. Self-improvement will not only benefit your personal life and relationships, but it will affect every aspect of your life, including your business and perhaps even your finances.

Meditating business woman

Here are some of the best ways to invest in your own self-improvement.…

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Why Your Business Should Excel at Customer Convenience

We live in a world of instant gratification and ultimate convenience. Delivery services are faster than ever before, with some being able to deliver groceries and other items within the hour. Transportation services are available with the click of a virtual button. And with apps like Tinder, even dating has become mostly about instant attraction.

Customer convenience

We can order so much from our smartphones, and that means there’s less to wait on. It also means that your business needs to excel at customer convenience in order to compete with the other companies that are out there.

The Age of the Smartphone

More and more people own smartphones.…

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Mobile or Online Banking: What’s the Difference?

Today, there are so many options to conduct transactions at your bank without actually going to a physical branch. Two of these methods include mobile and online banking. While most people use these terms interchangeably, there’s still a big difference between these two modes.

Mobile banking

Defining Mobile Banking

Strictly speaking, mobile banking is an umbrella term to cover any transaction conducted using a mobile phone or device. For example, sending text messages to approve transactions or receiving SMS about your account’s status can fall under mobile banking.

However, these kinds of transactions are not as common anymore due to the advent of the smartphone.…

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ASP.NET Offers Open-Source Performance Tools For Websites

A Well-Tuned Online Engine


Your website’s programming has some similarities to an automobile engine. Just substitute lubricating “oil” for functional “coding”. Like oil wears out, certain errors in coding will manifest through the site’s regular usage. How much traffic your site can handle, how it works in differing service areas, how well it performs generally—these things will transition.

When your car’s oil becomes compromised by continuous use, the functioning of the engine is in jeopardy, and so the resale value of the car. The engine could seize up, and then your vehicle is history. Well, there’s little danger of a website seizing up, but it can become so difficult to navigate that users have a propensity to avoid it.…

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5 Things You Should Get from an ERP Demo

Before committing to an ERP vendor, it is essential that you insist on receiving an ERP demo in advance. Since the goal of any ERP is for it to become an essential part of your daily operations and long-term growth strategy, you want to have every confidence you’re committing to the right vendor. An ERP demo is a way to look past the stock sales pitch and get a more honest understanding of what an ERP solution and the vendor who offers it can and cannot do for your company.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Here are the five things you should be sure to get:


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Crossborder Ecommerce GMV Expected to Grow at 25 Percent Through 2020, per DHL

Online merchants positioned to sell internationally are poised to see considerable growth, according to a study just released by international express services provider DHL. Entitled “The 21st Century Spice Trade: A Guide to the Cross-Border E-Commerce Opportunity”, the report highlights significant growth opportunities for retailers and manufacturers with international ecommerce platforms.

Online shopping

Among the key findings of the report, cross-border ecommerce gross merchandise volume is expected to grow at the rate of 25 percent through 2020. This represents an increase from $300 billion in 2015 to $900 billion by 2020.

An expanding class of cross-border shoppers is driving this growth as they are increasingly being drawn to the ready attainability of products they can’t find on store shelves where they live.…

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3 Proven Ways Collaboration Helps Businesses to Grow

No matter where we come from or what we do, most of us are taught the same thing as children – sharing is valuable. It is a message that is repeated throughout our education. Share toys. Share tools. Share ideas. The implication is that two (or many) minds are better than one and that collaboration is the secret to success.

Productive business meeting

The funny thing is that, although this message continues to be reinforced in US workplaces – in the form of teamwork skills – traditional offices are not built to support it. They are formalised environments, with individual workstations and dividing lines.…

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5 Plus Tactics to Scale Your Online Store

The future of online shopping is very bright indeed. It’s believed that global ecommerce sales will exceed $2 trillion in 2017. Of the some 20 million online stores that are now considered to be actively selling products and services worldwide, it’s believed there are only a paltry 650,000 that make more than a thousand bucks a year.

Online shop

Depending on your outlook, maybe those few who do make money are lucky. That’s very unlikely though. The smarter bet is that far too many people started their site in the hopes of a passive money making venture, then soon realized there was a lot of actual thought and work that goes into maintaining a successful online storefront.…

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Using Forex To Supplement Your Income While Chasing Your Dream

If you’re like me, the success of your business is your main priority. That’s what you’ve committed yourself to, and you won’t rest until you’ve achieved your dreams. The prospect of doing “a little something on the side” is anathema to you, especially when spoken by “concerned” friends and family. It can be a sign that they don’t believe in you.

Forex trading using trading software

But that does not mean you can’t supplement your income while chasing your dream. With every new technological innovation, there are more and more ways to make money. This is no more true than with Forex.

Forex trading has become increasingly popular due to its sheer accessibility.…

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