Fire Smartly: Avoiding Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

Firing an employee is never an easy task, but when performance doesn’t meet expectations, drastic measures must be taken. Some employers delay firing to avoid the fallout of termination and the threat of a lawsuit. But delaying the inevitable can cause problems to escalate and make termination even more difficult.

Employee termination notice

Taking steps to proactively avoid the threat of a wrongful termination lawsuit can help you make smarter hiring and firing decisions.

Hold Performance Evaluations Regularly

Document the performance of all employees across the entire organization. Employees of all levels should receive complete performance evaluations on a regular basis.

Evaluations provide supervisors with an opportunity to communicate performance issues, so employees understand the expectations that must be met.…

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4 Ways to Protect Your Business From a Divorce

‘Happily ever after’ is what married couple want to achieve. Unfortunately, it’s often inevitable due to one reason or another. Depending on your personal circumstances, there are things needed to settle when divorce is inevitable. One of such things is your business.


Your business is an asset, and no matter how hard you work on your business, putting in long hours doesn’t protect your business from a divorce. You can take steps to protect your business, and it’s not too late to start taking those steps now if your marriage is, alas, faltering.

If you’re about to begin divorce, you can implement the following strategies to help safeguard your business:


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Top 10 Startups to Follow This Year

Today we’re taking a look at the top 10 start-ups for 2017. What you’ll find below are the fastest growing start-ups of 2016, the ones that impressed us most, the ones that have raised more investments, those that have given a violent shock to the innovation market.

Top startups in 2017

1. Inverse

If you are averse to any kind of news Inverse is the portal for you. Inverse is a site of scientific and technological content that launched last year. The question that torments its creators is precisely, “What will happen next?” And to provide answers to this question, all the writers who work for Inverse are constantly looking for emerging ideas, new technologies and trends that boil down.…

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Funding Your SME from the Start: Here’s How

Starting an SME is both exciting and challenging, and careful thought and consideration is essential if you wish to be successful. It is no wonder that many businesses go bust before they have even got started, with some figures suggesting that 40% of SMEs do not last more than five years. Here is a short guide on how to properly funding your SME.

Business funding


Any business owner must have a business plan which they can follow, which will set out their long and short term business objectives. This will provide a structure for your budget, and detail exactly how much funding you need to successfully run the business.…

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5 Data Management Issues Small Businesses Have to Deal With

Data management is a problem for every business, but big businesses have more solutions for their problems because of the range of tools aimed at them and their larger checkbooks. Here are five data management issues small businesses have to deal with, as well as explaining the impact these problems have.

Data management


Big Data is a problem, not a solution. That’s why we pay people who can wade through the data and find exactly the information we need. You can try to collect less information, stop backing up information that isn’t important, and avoid backups of backups except where redundancy is essential to keeping your business alive.…

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5 Tips About Budgeting For Freelancers You Can’t Afford To Miss

The rewards offered through contracting are both personal as well as financial. Despite this, challenges arise; a crucial one being working without a guaranteed income. Below are some simple budgeting tips to help your cash flow.


1. Predict your earnings and set your rate

By already having a contract for the coming six months to a year secured, you should find it far easier to figure out what you will be earning taking into account savings, bills and living expenses. Nonetheless, if you are working on shorter contracts during the year or in between roles, a strategy for you to take is to evaluate what you need to earn to live comfortably.…

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Feature: NJ SEO’s Matt Anton on Keeping Up with SEO Trends

SEO or “Search Engine Optimization” has never been so difficult a puzzle to figure out as it is today. There are so many ranking factors to take into consideration (it’s said to be 200, but Moz debunked it.) If the figure itself isn’t overwhelming, try this: None of those factors are publicly announced, for some obvious reasons.

SEO trends

The ranking based on the importance of those factors are largely unknown – only a few experts attempt to decipher the ranking factors by observing the available analytics data and the impact on SEO tweaks made. Those are some of the things that make SEO challenging today more than ever before.…

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3 Alternatives to Bankruptcy for Small Businesses

Small businesses go bankrupt. The Small Business Administration states that 50% of businesses survive past the five-year mark. This means half of the entrepreneurs that follow their dreams and start their own businesses will see their dreams go up in flames.


Business is a risk, and one late shipment or one lost contract can mean the difference between a business thriving or boarding up their windows.

There are options outside of bankruptcy that can stop a business from dissolving.

1. Direct Negotiating Outside of Court

Lenders will negotiate with a business outside of court. When negotiations take place away from the stringent requirements of the court, there are a plethora of benefits, such as:

  • Avoiding court proceedings, which allows a business to save money
  • Direct negotiations take far less time to complete
  • A plan to get back on a financial track will be drafted, and will work for all involved parties.
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The Importance of Measuring Your Average Customer Lifetime Value

Customer retention has the greatest effect on the amount of revenue a company receives. This means that the most pressing challenge for any subscription-based business is keeping their customers subscribed to their services. If you’re running an enterprise that follows the subscription business model, you should be aware of the best practices for keeping your customers.

Customer retention

There are several metrics that can be used for measuring customer retention. For a subscription-based business, the average customer lifetime value or ACLV is one of the most important metrics. What constitutes this metric, and how exactly is it calculated?


The average customer lifetime value is the average amount of revenue a company can get from each customer.…

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7 Money Saving Tips for the Small Business Owner

If you’re a small business owner, you already know how important it is to save some money however you can – and the best answer isn’t cutting your employees’ healthcare plans because that’s bad for everyone involved and makes you seem more miserly than thrifty.

Save money

That aside, there are definitely a number of effective ways to reduce your expenses and save you a bit of money when you own a small business without forcing you to cut costs where it truly hurts. Saving money where you can is an important factor that can make or break a small business, so here are some tips and pointers.…

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