Top Tips for Ensuring Your Company’s Payment Processes Are Secure

While procurement officers are obviously focused on ensuring that payments are made on time at all stages, it is also important for the security of transactions to be considered too. Unfortunately, in this digital day and age when we constantly use our computers to complete tasks, and where hackers find ever more sophisticated ways to gain access to networks and systems, companies are at more risk of digital attacks than ever before.

IT security

Thankfully though, there are numerous things you can do to protect your organization when transactions are finalized. Read on for some top tips you can follow today to ensure payment processes are secure as possible.…

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Need to Get Cash Flow Back on Track? Here Are Some Tips to Help

With so many funds going out of a business bank account to pay for procurement and other costs, it is easy (and very common) for organizations to often struggle with cash flow as a result. However, cash flow is the life blood of all ventures, and needs to be kept track of closely if a business is to steer clear of financial woes, staff layoffs and even closure. If you need to find ways to get your organization’s cash levels more even, read on for some tips you can follow today.

Stressed out business leader

Track Cash Flow Closely

The first step to take if you want to get on top of cash flow is to consistently track it.…

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The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats to Home-Based Businesses

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: Just because you have a small business doesn’t mean that you are immune to hacking or other cyberattacks, or that you can let your guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. These days, small businesses, even home-based micro businesses, are just as vulnerable to attacks as major corporations, and the effects can be devastating.

Ransomware attack risks

Unfortunately, despite this reality, many home businesses aren’t adequately protected against the biggest threats to their livelihood. While your business may have protections already in place, such as powerful internet security software, firewalls, and encryption, there are still risks of which you should be aware.…

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Taking Action on Customer Survey Data the Right Way

There are a variety of uses for survey data, and there are a myriad of ways to collect it. As far as survey data tools, you can get your feet wet with a simple online Google Doc survey or expand into the robust data extraction game with Qzzr or Qualtrics.

Customer survey

The following are the six data points that are incredibly important to business owners and decision makers.

1. Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is dividing customers into distinct groups. Doing so allows you to develop a deeper understanding of your customers. If you don’t have any knowledge about your target market, it’s like trying to shoot a target at the shooting range blindfolded.…

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Bankruptcy Is Unexpected, Preparing Now Can Help You Later

Peaks And Valleys

The best times can become the worst of times quickly, and such economic downturns aren’t always predictable. Even if someone’s finances are well managed, their FICO score is honorable, and they do their best to live within their means, financial hardships can strike at any moment. It’s never an expected occurrence, and often leaves us feeling as if our lives are spiraling out of control.

Facing bankruptcy

It isn’t often talked about, but it is far more common than most realize. Bankruptcy happens to more than 1 million Americans every year. If you should find yourself looking into bankruptcy attorneys, then it is important to know that you are not alone.…

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The Different Parts of Branding – Explained

We live in an age where customers are not always going to be happy just going to the cheapest option, especially in certain areas. Instead, branding is becoming more and more important.

Apple Macbook Air brand

It doesn’t matter if you are a small business, large business, online company, B2B, or anything else. If your brand isn’t on point, customers will be more leery of turning to you in the long-term. Sometimes, this is money you can’t afford to leave on the table.

Of course, this doesn’t answer the question—what is branding exactly? Learn not just what branding is, but all the different ways it seeps into your business’s operations, and how to make sure you’re doing it right.…

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4 Pricing Strategies That Can Boost Your Online Sales Fast

When sales are low there are various things that can be done. You can use many strategies and make so many site modifications. A part of the strategies that can be used are connected to pricing.

When your storefront is attractive and sales are slow, although traffic is good, you can use various pricing strategies to increase sales. It does not matter if you sell textbooks online or if you sell something more expensive like refrigerators.

Try these strategies.

1. Cover All Price Ranges

The customers that visit the online store have different price points and objectives. This is why you want to offer both the low end products and the high end products.…

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How to Maximise Your Office Space

So, you’ve just grabbed yourself a brand new office space and, quite simply, you don’t know what to do with it. So much room, yet you can’t think of a way to optimise it. Even if you think the perfect office is within your grasp without any elbow grease, there’s always something to improve.

Office space

Most businesses don’t feel as though they need to change much. Most will have everything they need, where they need it, at any time. One area that seems to cause a small issue is the warehouse.

The warehouse

Warehouses are usually full of space, but are only used for the function of deliveries and holding company stock.…

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Top 5 Tips For Keeping Your Employees Motivated

For those on the outside looking in, running a business might seem like a luxury. While it does have its benefits, these individuals often ignore the complications and hardships associated with running a successful business.

As a business owner, it often feels like there are innumerable tasks to juggle simultaneously. You’re responsible for keeping a smile on the faces of your workers and customers.

Motivated employees

Keeping your employees motivated is pertinent for ensuring their productivity level remains at the peak. Within this guide, you will discover tips that can help you keep your employees content and motivated!…

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Publish Your Business Profile on These 5 Free Sites

If your small business doesn’t have an online presence, it doesn’t exist in the minds of millions of potential customers and clients. A study by Google found that “4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information.” In today’s world of business, you must have an online presence to be successful. That’s simply a fact of modern life.

There are a couple of ways you can accomplish this. You can hire an internet marketing firm or you can do it yourself. If you choose the latter option, consider free profile sites to start.

A few of these sites are discussed here, in no particular order:…

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