How To Discover Real ROI Using Workplace Analytics

Return on investment is at the forefront of every business leader’s mind when it comes to marketing initiatives and customer experience. Why? Because these things are important to attracting and retaining customers and increasing their business’s bottom line.

Real ROI

But while spending ample time in these areas is both necessary and important, external metrics aren’t all you should be worried about. If you want real and continued business success, you have to also focus on measuring internal operations.

Your business is nothing without your employees. So whether you’re considering getting new technology, renovating your current office space or building a new building to bring on 20 new hires, the only way to maximize your ROI with these types of internal decisions is to find a system that gives you the right data to make better-informed decisions about staffing, your workspace and technology and equipment costs and get employee input.…

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Writer’s Guide to Establishing Trust on SMB Service Pages

Small service-based businesses must have service pages that not only promote their services but are also optimized for local keywords. If you want to come up for local keywords, it’s important to write service pages that convert and will continue to be evergreen.

Content writer

A few methods, and there are a lot, to increase your conversion rates while also properly optimizing your page for local keywords are:

1. Establish Trust With the Reader

Honesty and ethics mean a lot to consumers. Clients need to trust your business, and this is apparent in the Edelman Trust Barometer report from 2016. But how do you gain trust with a reader and potential customer?…

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The Importance of Persistence in Business

The phrase ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ is particularly appropriate in the business world. Persistence, and the willingness to overcome a wide range of obstacles, usually determines the fate of a company. Below are some of the main reasons why persistence is the most important characteristic every business professional should have.

Persistence business owner

Your Business is More Likely to Succeed

Many companies fail because the owners and the main decision makers in these organizations give up too easily and they are not willing to go the extra mile to make their business a success. However, the business leaders who face their fears and the obstacles that are in their way head-on, are the people who eventually establish and grow the most profitable, effective businesses.…

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5 Ways Every SMB Could Use Digital Marketing to Increase Profits

If someone offered you a machine that could give you one hundred new leads every week would you be interested? Forget a Ferrari, that machine would be your dream come true.

Digital marketing

The machine is called Digital Marketing. It does require some input in the form of your time and effort, but most of that can be delegated to an employee once you have systems set up. You can even build an agency once you know them.

Overview – What is Digital Marketing

Tired of the wooly definitions you find on most marketing sites? Neil Patel takes a different approach – He defines digital marketing as:

Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or services that involves electronic devices.

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Par Chadha Interview on Serial Entrepreneurship

Par Chadha is an electrical engineer with a long history of creating innovative companies in the technology arena as well as building bundled industry solutions through M&A of leading platforms.

Par Chadha

Chadha founded Osicom Technologies with his wife in 1981 and drove innovation through the development of numerous Patents: Patent 5343324 – Bias control and method for electro-optic modulators; Patent 6151336 – Time division multiplexing expansion subsystem; and Patent 6400478 – A wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission system with expanded bidirectional transmission capacity.

Par Chadha interview

Q: In your career you’ve ran and worked with dozens of tech startups – it’s not a small feat. 

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Top 10 Responsibilities of a Limited Company Director

Directing a Limited Company effectively can be challenging. Impeccable organisational skills and a competent understanding of accounting – keeping track of all tasks in order to stay within the Companies Act 2006, is vital to guarantee your success.

Limited company director

Deciding to manage your Limited Company by yourself without the assistance from an accountant, it is imperative to know the tasks that need to be completed and when. Below, we have comprised a guide of our top ten most important responsibilities a director of a Limited Company must undertake. For an annual fee specialized contractor accountant firm can assist you with all but one (filling your tax returns) of these responsibilities for running a tax efficient and successful company, making your life as a Limited Company director easier.…

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Great Ideas for Home-based Business Startups

Venturing into the world of startup businesses is an exciting journey, and has the potential to be a highly profitable one. However, determining which goods or services a marketplace needs can be more complicated than it sounds. What any successful entrepreneur needs is a great idea to get them started on the right foot.

Business ideas

More and more people are finding success by choosing to start a home based business. Being self employed requires a large amount of discipline, but when done correctly the income will come pouring in. Here are some fantastic ideas for business startups that you can do all on your own, right from the comfort of your home.…

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6 Reasons You Should Be Using the Latest Marketing Tools

Do you use the latest marketing tools in your business? Investing in the proper tools can dramatically change the results you get from your marketing activities. However, some marketing systems are better than others, so it’s vital to choose the tools that are the most suitable for your requirements. Below are some of the main reasons why you should be using the latest marketing tools.

Marketing office

Your Marketing Campaigns Are More Organized

From the beginning, you need to ensure that you have full control of each of your marketing campaigns. A reliable marketing project management software system allows you to become much more organized so that you can effectively control every aspect of these campaigns.…

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How Product Reviews Can Benefit Your Business

Many people visit the web every day to research product reviews. Retailers large and small, as well as independent websites, serve as a resource to help consumers make informed decisions about electronics and cellular service, such as our friends at Mobile Specification Pakistan. Read on how product reviews matter.

Product review

Product and service reviews are important to marketing and legitimacy of a brand. They allow consumers to trust your company, product or service, and also allow you to establish how your product is better than others. Reviews can also help businesses get more sales so it is important to encourage customers to leave reviews.…

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Consistent Small Business Branding: How?

When a company is first starting out, they often go through various name changes and iterations before they settle on a consistent branding strategy. If the business is web-based, those various names and websites are still out there, floating around the internet, sometimes with followers left wondering what happened to the new company they were watching so closely or even ordering products from.

Coca-Cola brands

How does a business bring all those followers to one place, and make their branding consistent? Here are a few simple steps:

Choose a Single Website Name

Even if you have tried several different brand names and have websites for each, consolidating them into a single website with consistent brand message not only saves you time, but it produces a much larger pull from Google and other search engines.…

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