Ammar Jali, Pittsburgh Entrepreneur, Explains Your Climb to Success Starts with Your Passion

Everyone dreams of something big in his life. If you talk to a child, they often envision themselves with what they would like to be when they grow up. Whether it be a fireman, a doctor, or a policeman, these are all reflections of our earnest endeavors to be part of something greater in life and contribute to everyone’s happiness and contentment including our own. Although sometimes, life leads us to a road we do not see ourselves trekking. This is what Ammar Jali’s road to success manifest.

The early days

Ammar started his employment as a driver for food chain Domino’s Pizza while studying in New York Institute of Technology.…

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Superhero Workforce: Which Superhero are You at Your Company? (Infographic)

We all have those days at work where we wish things could run a bit more smoothly to avoid problems with productivity and efficiency. Oh, how much easier life would be if we were superheroes! Unfortunately, we aren’t blessed with powers, but we can rely on the latest tech to keep our working lives as efficient as possible.

Captain America

Warehouse management specialists PeopleVox have constructed an infographic to help us explore the idea of a superhero workforce. Is your job role mentioned? How much easier would life be if we had our very own Hulk instead of using a forklift?!

So, which superheroes are ideal for your company?

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Three Tips on Ensuring Maximum Employee Uptime

Employee uptime is important no matter what sector your business is in. After all, the more your employees are working, the better the turnaround for you. This drives your business, which creates your bottom line. And for you and your employees, that is what puts food on your tables.

Of course, while pay scale and the atmosphere of their working environment definitely contributes to how hard they work, there are other ways to keep them on task.

Busy employees

So how do you maximize your employees’ up time and keep them on task as much as possible? Use these three tips to ensure that your employees don’t get in their own way.…

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How to Deal with Business Pests

Just like a home, businesses are prone to having “uninvited guests” on the premises. Ants, mice, roaches, termites, water bugs, spiders, and the like can wreak havoc on your establishment without a moment’s notice. As the presence of these pests grow, infestations begin which can lead to serious problems. Not only can it lead to a ruined reputation and the loss of good customers, but it could also result in health risks and law suits.

Rodents in the kitchen

Food Service Industry

Do you own a restaurant? If you do, you should know that pest control is required whether you’ve seen signs that there are insects or rodents present or not.…

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Finding a Retirement Lifestyle That Works

Retirement is supposed to be relaxing and care-free, but before you can embark on your golden years, you need to get a better idea of what you want those golden years to look like. Sure, maybe you want to spend more time with your family, or devote as many hours as possible to volunteering in your community. Those are worthy goals. But other than that, what do you want your day-to-day life to look like?


It’s all about communities

Many retirees assume they’ll live out their final years in the same house they’ve lived in for decades. That was more common a generation or two ago, but now, more and more retirees are deciding that maybe they don’t want to live like that.…

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Going Back to Business School? Here’s How to Save Money and Time

It should be somewhat obvious that the more training you receive, the better you will be at achieving your goals. As it is true with doctors, so it is true with business leaders. Immediately after graduation, MBA grads earn an average of $45,000 more than their peers, and as more MBA grads enter entrepreneurship, they are finding it much easier to run a business with their advanced education and experience they gained from their program.

MBA student

However, not every aspiring entrepreneur has two full years and several tens of thousands of dollars to drop on an MBA. Fortunately, you don’t have to.…

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A Brief Guide for Setting-up an Offshore Company

Any online business is the amazing consequence of a digital era that has revolutionised business communications. You can run a business from any corner of the world; however, for security and compliance reasons, you need to experience the process of setting up a company with perfect documentation and banking account.

Offshore banking

Let’s understand with an example. If you’re into exporting goods to the UK while based in Peru, at a certain point, you need to consider opening an offshore company in the UK for smooth functioning of the business and to comply with UK taxation laws.

Here is a brief guide for setting up an offshore company.…

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5 Essential Packaging Elements that Always Get Overlooked

With the commerce largely moving to the Internet, the competition for any type of product is incredibly strong. However, there’s one thing that can help you stand out from the rest: packaging. In the age of e-commerce, the packaging is the only direct contact between your brand and your client, save for the product.

You know what they say, first impressions are everything!

Packaging elements

That said, companies that offer custom packaging solutions like The Box Co-op make it easier to come up with a perfect package for your product. However, there are several things brands overlook when choosing the best package for their product.…

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Poop Pollution: 4 Reasons Businesses Should Be Concerned About It

No businessperson wants to worry about poop. Out of all the things entrepreneurs and startups think about, poop’s impact on the environment is often at the bottom of the list, because it’s not a sexy or exciting topic. Commercial septic tanks and wastewater reduction just aren’t business buzzwords in the same way that disruptive innovation or work-life balance are.

Poop pollution

So, while many businesses are rightly concerned by the impact they have on the environment, not enough businesses are considering the issue of poop pollution. However, they really should be, and here are a few reasons why.

1. The Wastewater The Average Business Produces Is Astronomical

The maths don’t lie.…

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How Your Employees can Increase the Risk of Cybercrime

Businesses these days face a number of risks that could have a seriously damaging effect on their operations and reputation. One huge risk is cybercrime, which has become rife over recent years. With businesses becoming more and more reliant on technology, cybercriminals have more opportunity than ever to cause chaos for companies.

Employee causes cybercrime

It is important to invest in online security for your company.  Due to the critical nature of it, you might need to use financing options, such as looking into working capital loans for small business enterprises.

However, it is not just security software and hardware you need to invest in.…

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