3 Ways to Take Advantage of Thanksgivukkah and Other Opportunities

It just so happens that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving both happened to be on November 28th this year. To celebrate this phenomenon, many decided to call this day ‘Thanksgivukkah.’ You can bet there was a huge marketing frenzy surrounding this day.


For example, there was a 9-year-old boy in New York City that created a “menurkey,” a turkey-shaped menorah, and actually got the funds to created it from a Kickstarter campaign. Or Dana Gitell, who decided to trademark the word after snapping up the Twitter handle and creating a Facebook page. Even Los Angeles geared up to create a festival around this holiday.…

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3 of the Hottest Office Locations for New Businesses in London

Establishing a new business in London? Finding the right space for your startup can be a challenge. Here are three locations to seriously consider.

King’s Cross: Google’s New Home

King’s Cross, together with the wider Midtown area, has been gaining increasing interest over the last year or two from larger companies within the tech industry. Google is due to open its new London HQ here in 2016/17, and between now and then we can expect the area to get plenty of attention from the media and developers alike.

But it’s not all about state-of-the-art business premises for large corporations. King’s Cross is home to a selection of business centres which are set up to accommodate small and new businesses.…

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Corporate Certificates of Deposit

When thinking about ways to handle your business finances, your primary focus may be in increasing your profits while reducing your losses. One way to help increase your business profits is to have a solid investment plan.

A great way to invest your company’s funds is in a corporate certificate of deposit.

certificate of deposit

What is a Certificate of Deposit (CD)?

A CD is a savings account that provides a higher rate of return than a standard savings account. Certificates of deposit also tend to be short-term, lasting between six and twenty four months, versus standard accounts which are ongoing. Depending on the type of CD you purchase, you cannot withdraw funds while the CD is active.…

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Improving Front-Office Efficiency: Take a Long, Hard Look at Your Back Office

A bag of popcorn in one hand and your favorite person in the world in tow, when you sit in front of that giant screen, you know what you both will be seeing – the movie, the finished product. Depending on the film’s genre, you can end up screaming your head off in fear, laughing like you’ve never laughed before, or falling in love all over again.

There are four truths at play in the scenario above:

  1. You came to see the movie, and it was what you paid for – on the surface, at least.
  2. The time, effort, technology and talent it collectively took to bring what once was a figment of the imagination to the big screen are what makes or breaks the success of a film.
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A Case Study in Customer Service: The Name Badge Industry

Great customer service in the name badges industry? It may not sound too exciting at first, but at Meluba Badges we deal with a huge variety of customers, from the sole trader to the largest organisations who all work differently, are looking for a bespoke product supplied quickly and at a competitive price.

name badge

Meeting such a variety of demands with a great product and customer service is what we believe sets us apart, and by following our example, you can set your business apart too!

Understand your customers

Providing great customer service is impossible without first understanding your customer and your place in the market.…

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How to Do Surveys for Your B2B Demand Generation Strategy?

These days, B2B marketing is experiencing dramatic change. The marketing experts are finding themselves under enormous pressure to convey results and validate important program and head-counts investments. Moreover, products and service sales are the core of any business and without generating lead as well as clients it can not continue to exist. Although, there are several techniques to generate leads, surveys are among the most effective techniques for performing an exclusive lead generation.

b2b demand generation survey

Furthermore, conducting market research is really essential in order to understand the market behavior, customers, characteristics, etc. Today, there are numerous lead generation companies that promise to bring quality and effective leads and it becomes confusing which one to choose.…

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Need More Hours in The Day? Follow These Tips for Cutting Your E-mail Time in Half

More than a quarter of an employee’s workday is consumed with reading and responding to e-mail, according to a study conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).

email management on the go

E-mail notifications and mobile connectivity have left many professionals feeling as though they must read every e-mail as soon as it comes through—a practice that cuts into a worker’s productivity throughout the day.

But this constant connectivity can have a negative impact on your business—pulling employees out of conversations with associates and clients and leaving your team members feeling burned out. By making a few small changes to your e-mail, you can become more productive and provide better service to your client base.…

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Utilising Search to Start and Grow Your Business

As a search marketer for over ten years and CEO, I decided last year to start my own business and have Google to thanks for it’s success to this day. Here are a few key insights to help any CEO or business owner looking to start their own business online.

search marketing

Align Your Business To Search Behaviour

One of the first marketing 101 lessons at any school is that the pathway to success in 99% of cases is to meet an existing ‘need’. Google has the perfect free tool called the keyword planner which can help you understand what people are searching for and therefore the most popular sets of ‘needs’ in society.…

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4 Ways to Boost Your Business Using Custom Signs

Gaining customers and increasing the productivity of your company is a goal that almost all businesses have. If you are looking for a way to get your company’s name out there in the public eye, having a custom sign made is a great option to increase visibility without much effort. Here are four ways that using custom signs can help to boost your business.

custom store sign

1. Visibility

Getting your business information out to the public is going to increase growth. But how do you go about doing that without creating too much extra work for yourself? Having custom banners or signs in locations where passersby can see them is going to allow you to put your information out to the general public.…

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High-Tech, High-Touch: Relevancy and Relationships for Today’s Young Businesses

Today’s marketing landscape is radically different than it was just one decade ago. It continues to evolve at an ever-increasing rate, keeping pace with the latest technological innovations.

mobile tech

Successful companies have adapted to the demands of this new environment, integrating competitive SEO and social media campaign initiatives into their marketing portfolios. Those who turn their backs on these changes put themselves at a steep disadvantage. However, those who are a bit too eager to go full-tech run the risk of falling even further.

The problem isn’t that businesses choose to embrace the high-tech transformation. After all, in order to remain relevant, a company needs to play ball on the same field as its competition.…

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