What Kind of PBX Phone System is Right for Your Business?

In order to understand which PBX phone system will best suit your business’s needs, you should understand what a PBX system actually is. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange. The system exchanges and connects multiple phone calls from one user to another or from one department to another (“for Human Resources press 1…” etc) in a company or organization. Incoming calls go to an auto-receptionist who directs the call to the right employee depending on the needs and response of the caller. Outgoing calls travel through the PBX phone systems to connect with outside lines.

staff taking pbx calls

The need for a complex business telephone system is still very high for almost any business imaginable.…

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Online Content

Content marketing is the rage. It’s so talked about the debated these days that even huge brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola are devoting resources in terms of both time and money to create customized, interesting and sharable content.

content marketing

All that being said, there are some pitfalls when it comes to content marketing. Here’s a few to avoid:

Know your target market

A major SEO company based out of San Diego called Covario is running a workshop titled SEO for Hispanic Markets. Here’s the problem, the word Hispanic is increasingly being thought of as both derogatory and generally, should be avoided. You might be wondering why.…

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Surviving Legal Terms: Does Seeking Online Help Make Sense?

Law plays an important role of keeping mankind in the right. Like a bracket, it holds everything together, putting a sense of moral justice in everything we do.

legal help

Law, in fact, influences our daily life. This also holds true with business. From being obliged to follow the traffic to being obliged to honor signed business contracts, we are under a pledge which compels us to follow our indicated duties or else, we experience penalties – even lawsuits.

Signing business contracts and documents are among the seemingly simple situations but are in fact, complex. A contract may contain legal terms that the signee should fully understand before she sign it in order to enter into the agreement.…

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5 New Ways to Promote Your Trade Show Event on Twitter

Maybe you have heard about the IPO that raised billions in funding for Twitter’s next big steps. However, in the midst of all that confusion, you might have missed the flurry of developments that can empower your next trade show event.

new york jets

Some of these game changers have been technological – features or apps that will bolster the social network’s effectiveness. Possibly, these new features are what tipped the scales toward the deal recently struck with the NFL, Verizon, Viacom, and Time Warner, Inc. Earlier this year, announcements were made that these international firms would help broadcast, via Twitter, the National Football League’s own little trade show, otherwise known as, Super Bowl XLVIII.…

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What You Need to Know About Raising Finance for Your Small Business

Growing your business without financing can be extremely hard. There are of course numerous stories of entrepreneurs who have built a business from nothing, but there are plenty of others who have secured financing to drive their businesses forward. Quite often it is in the early stages of a venture that investment can be the difference between success and failure.

raising finance

Finding sources of finance doesn’t need to be as difficult as you might think if you follow the right steps.

Get organised

Writing a detailed business plan can seem time consuming when you feel like there are more pressing issues in your company needing your attention on a day to day basis.…

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Exclusive Q&A with Yohan Jacob, Retailbound CEO

Launching a retail product is always challenging for some reasons: A saturated market, a tough competition, copyright infringement, price wars and some other factors. Due to those challenges, retailing success is often obscure. The good news – that should not always be the case.


Success in retailing is determined by how well your product can attract your target market’s attention. As you can’t afford to do too many trial-and-errors, you need to increase the chance for success. One of the ways which can help you with that is through retail marketing consulting.

If you are thinking about launching your own line of products and jump into the retailing market but not sure whether you will find success or not, you are right on time; today, we have this rare opportunity to have a Q&A session with Yohan Jacob, the CEO of a unique retail consultant – the Chicago-based Retailbound.…

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8 Small Business Ideas to Start You on the Road to Success

The idea of starting a small business is intimidating to the majority of the population.

The problem?

Fear of the unknown. It does it to us every time we try to think outside the box. Every time we try to peek out from our own little personalized cubby-hole and think about the possibility that something – an idea or skill within us may one day possibly turn into a full-time career – and make us an overnight millionaire too!

looking for small business ideas

Of course not everyone wants to be a millionaire, but making a more-than-average income is almost always part of the dream isn’t it?…

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How to Create Balance in Your Home Office

Working at home doesn’t mean that you need to work in a “homely” office. As home-based businesses become more and more popular, the home office environment becomes more important. Because you’re working from home, you need to make sure that the workspace is conducive to you getting work done. If your home office is set up like your living room or is actually located in the living room, forget about it.

work from home

Add An L-Shaped Desk

Using L-shaped desks is one way to organize your work space so that you have plenty of room to work, yet you aren’t taking up a lot of space.…

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Telecommuting – a Sure-fire Way to Reduce Productivity and Effectiveness

I read with interest the recent, excellent article on telecommuting.

It argues that telecommuting reduces a company’s costs, increases its productivity and furthers the green agenda. Well-argued as it is, I disagree. My belief is that it hinders teamwork, fosters resentment, reduces flexibility and makes it difficult to support your employees or identify true talent.


I should state, early on, that I don’t have any problem with occasional telecommuting. If my employees are flexible and are prepared to work late when needed, then as an employer, I’m more than happy to let them work from home to let the plumber in, or to see a school play.…

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eCommerce Basics for First Time Entrepreneurs

Many people are finding a new freedom by building online businesses. Being your own boss can be incredibly fulfilling if you are willing to learn and do some hard work. If you are thinking about building a store online, you’ll need to know some basics about eCommerce if you want your business to be successful. Learn about these key principles first.

online shopping

Web Marketing and Traffic

Web traffic simply means the people who visit your website, and no online store can be successful without it. You need to get the word out about your business, and entice people to come take a look.…

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