Dear SMB Owner: Think You Don’t Need CRM Software to Maximize Sales?

This post isn’t a promotional for any single type or brand of “Customer Relationship Management” software. I just want to outline some of the benefits of using one for those of you who’re starting a business soon, or who may be on track to expand your new or established SMB in the near future.

Zoho CRM

I’m not going to recommend any specific software in this post. If you’ve tried CRM’s that are great – or ones that are garbage for that matter – please leave a comment after this article so everyone can benefit from your knowledge.

Benefits of Using a CRM for Your SMB:

Team compliance

How often do you find yourself in a situation where a team member is giving you the “I forgot excuse” when it comes to your sales or customer service process?…

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5 Ways Hiring a Chartered Accountant Can Improve Your Profit

Sometimes in the rush to get a small business up and running entrepreneurs overlook critical areas that vastly improve their chances of success. These oversights can be just down to focussing on the grand vision too much without considering the finer details, or it can be a desire to minimise expenditure because most small businesses aren’t flush with capital in the early days. One of the most common, and potentially damaging, is not hiring an accountant from the off.

Hiring a chartered accountant

With the amount of off-the-peg accounting software available it’s understandable that new business owners will consider running their books themselves, but very few entrepreneurs have the time to dedicate to doing a good job of the business accounting and even fewer are genuinely accounts literate.…

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‘I Am Small Business Proud’ Campaign Shares Story of Immigration Lawyer

This week, Capital One’s I Am Small Business Proud campaign is making stops in Texas to interview entrepreneurs in various industries. The nationwide trek is part of a 35-city tour by Brooklyn-based filmmakers Trisha Dalton and John Sears who are “gathering exclusive content and insights into the lives of small business owners,” according to their rep.

Starting a Law Firm

On Monday, the filmmakers visited Austin, Texas where they interviewed Vi Nanthaveth, founder of an immigration law firm. Like many who migrate to America, Nanthaveth started her business after gaining experience in her profession.

Vi Nanthaveth

“I almost feel like [immigration law] was something that fell on my lap,” says Nanthaveth.…

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6 Steps Every SMB Owner Needs to Complete After Incorporating

Forming an LLC or Limited Liability Corporation is a great first step toward legitimizing your company and to insulate you and your family from the financial liabilities of your business.

Most small business owners quickly find out the hard way that there’s a few more steps they need to take before moving away from their days operating as a sole proprietor.

SMB owner

Here are 6 you don’t want to forget about:

1. Compliance Plan

Now that you’re an LLC, the state(s) you operate in and are registered in will expect a yearly report. This is more of a formality than something you’ll need to dread every single year, simply involving you updating your company and personal contact info for state records.…

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Better Together: Essentials for a Successful Business Partnership

Modern society glorifies individualism and the concept of self. Innovative platforms have enabled us to become self-taught in numerous fields, making education more accessible to people worldwide. The rise of feminism has liberated women from the singular, purely domesticated trajectory that once epitomized the gender; women, once expected to acquiesce to a life at home, are now encouraged to pursue their own interests. Mediums of expression, such as YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, spurned a trend of online divulgence that revolves around users’ eagerness to publicly display their personal lives.


This cultural shift, one that characterizes the new millennium, has trickled over to the world of business as well.…

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Can’t Afford Mobile? 5 Tips to Help You Survive Without It

Customers expect to have information about your business – and your competitors – at their fingertips. If you’re not on mobile, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to gain customers.

Online store

Four out of five consumers use smartphones to shop, and 70 percent of mobile searches lead to online action within an hour.

Despite these staggering statistics, many CEOs are still hesitant to jump on the mobile bandwagon. But mobile is the future of business, and it won’t wait for you to catch up before it sweeps your competition right past you on a digital wave of connected clients.

Mobile Boosts Business

In nearly every area of commerce, a mobile presence can boost your business by providing:

  • More leads.
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Take Out Your Notepads: 7 Media Moguls to Learn From

Discovering the next trending media story or topic before exposure to the world isn’t simply about being in the right place at the right time. Social media journalism requires creativity, gusto, and persistence. The top media moguls are relying on more than chance. Here to teach a lesson on entrepreneurship are some of the greatest media moguls of all time. Sharpen your pencil and take a seat. Class is in session.

Walt Disney

1. Benjamin Franklin

Everyone’s favorite patriot, Benjamin Franklin, was more than just an inventor and politician. He was America’s first media mogul. A prolific speaker and journalist, Franklin’s various newspapers, almanacs, and other texts inspired and entertained readers.…

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7 CRITICAL Things Your Business is Missing Out Without Email Marketing

Before the age of the internet, business owners aren’t left with much option when it comes to promoting their products. They are limited to billboards, physical campaigns, radios and TV commercials. Are they effective? Yes. Are they costly? Definitely!

Check emails on a mobile phone

With the advent of technology and the Internet, email marketing has become the main medium for business and product promotion. Digital distribution continues to grow exponentially as more people depend on the Internet for everything they need. But what happens if your business does not utilize email marketing? Here are 7 truly critical things your business is missing out on without email marketing.…

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Creating a Productive Office Environment

How furniture and design choices can impact your bottom line

As a CEO or small business owner, it’s up to you to decide what kind of office environment you create – and the choices that you make matter. Office design impacts happiness in the workplace and overall productivity – no matter how seasoned your are or the size of your business.

office desk

So as if business owners didn’t have enough to consider when buying new office furniture and configuring the office space, they now have to consider how those choices will impact the company bottom line.

It doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds.…

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What Does a Great Leader need? Time to think!

As a leader, you’re paid (and praised!) for delivering results. It’s all about setting an ambitious plan and then executing it. This requires action. Modern business life is busy and there’s often a barrage of unexpected events you have to deal with. This involves more action. Do you ever have a moment to reflect, to ponder, to think? It’s all very well investing time in action, but if you’re neglecting thinking time, then you’re heading for a fall.

Thinking leader

1. Be more effective

The world is not static. The great plans you make at the beginning of the day, week, month or year will, inevitably, need to be amended over time.…

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