How to Grow Your Business By Unlocking Your Employees’ Potential

If you’re thinking about how to grow your company to the next level–and if you’re a CEO, the chances are pretty good you are–you’re likely preoccupied with a number of different growth targets. You’re thinking about how to scale your business. You’re thinking about better marketing your business, and you’re thinking about new business development.

Unlocking employee potential

But as someone who has been through the type of growth that transitions a company from small to mid-sized (and growing), I recommend you also make a point of focusing on one key element that it’s vital you protect: The talent contained within your existing employees.…

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Google Panda 4.1 Leaks Provide More Complete Picture of Corporate SEO

2014 was another year full of computer hacks and data leaks, with more and more confidential information becoming available from every corner of the internet. At a time when giants such as Sony or the United States government are able to be targeted, the internet’s own Google is no exception.

Google Panda

In addition to “Project Goliath”, Google has made the news over the course of 2014 because of other data leaks and reinterpretations of patent filings from their own organisation: The key factors which affect your business websites’ search rank have been revealed iteratively throughout a series of small leaks.

A Matter of Ethics

While some say that learning from leaked information may not be the most ethical -others will argue that Google’s role of self-proclaimed “internet hall monitor” warrants it.…

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4 Tips to Be a Great CEO

If you are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your company, no matter how good you are at your job, you could always be doing things a little bit better. Being a CEO is a job that has a great deal of pressure. After all, you are responsible for making the big decisions that will determine the success or failure of your company. This will also impact the lives of all your employees.

Great CEO

There are many things that make a person a great CEO. But it is rare to find a person with all of these qualities. Nevertheless, greatness is worth pursuing, and it should be the endeavor of every CEO.…

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Why your Business Could Benefit from Call Forwarding

When it comes to business, large and small, one main focus should always be on the client and the solid delivery of services for those clients. This however makes them stick to one specific area for long periods of time meaning they cannot progress in terms of size or profit. In order to make yourself freer to be able to deal with other important things, you should consider hiring a virtual receptionist to help you with your call logs.

Call forwarding

Benefits of having virtual receptionists

If you are wondering why your business could benefit from call forwarding, there are numerous ways, some of which we will list below:

Firstly, you will have a well-trained qualified receptionist at your disposal- this will help your business as they are always composed and know exactly how to talk with the clients who call.…

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Awesome Perks You Can Offer Your Employees

You want your employees to love working for you. So, obviously, you’ve set up a comprehensive salary and benefits package. You offer paid time off to take care of sick kids, more than enough vacation time, on-site daycare, the works. Those are all great. It’s good to take care of your team’s large needs. But what about their little needs? It is seeing to the needs they might not have realized they had that will set you apart from other employers.

Office snacks

Here are just a few things that you can do:

Free Food

Instead of simply providing a communal fridge and microwave, why not just provide free food?…

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Three Workplace Safety Essentials

As an employer, you have a duty to keep your employees safe while they’re working for you. Much of this is about having common sense as everyone goes about their daily business, but there are a few things that you need to have present in just about any workplace to ensure that it’s safe.

Safety first

Here are three of the things you should check off the list the next time you review your safety credentials; many are legal obligations so it’s essential that you’ve got them.

Fire Extinguisher

In most places of work it is a requirement that you have the necessary fire-fighting equipment present and working at all times; after all, you never know when a fire might break out.…

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Common Payroll Tax Pitfalls

If you have employees, then payroll taxes are one of the costs of doing business. Unfortunately, they can also be a potential minefield. The IRS is cracking down on businesses that don’t properly file or report their payroll taxes – and they are paying especially close attention to small businesses, which are the largest source of uncollected taxes. Even if it’s an honest mistake, the IRS could leverage huge penalties, audit your company, and even initiate a criminal investigation if you do your payroll taxes wrong.

Sloppy tax preparation

Below are some of the common payroll tax pitfalls that small businesses face, as well as suggestions on how to avoid them.…

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5 Good Reasons for Selling your Structured Payment

Many people looking to sell their settlements do it for a variety of reasons. The decisions are often dependent on the situation of life at that point in time. However, as you make a decision to sell it is important to make sure that the money is spent on something that will add value to you and your family. Therefore, the 5 good reasons for selling your structured settlement are as follows:

Selling structured settlements

  1. Buying a home or trying to avoid a foreclosure
  2. Engaging in a major home repair like buying a new roof
  3. Opening a well-researched new business or adding more funds to an already flourishing business
  4. Going back to college or paying for your child’s education
  5. Paying an expensive medical bill.
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Disruptive Marketing Trends Every CEO and CMO Should Follow

Running your own small business is no easy task. Not only do you need to know how a business works, but how to market and brand your business successfully. Computers were first intended for business use mainly to store data, and other information processing needs. This marked the start of the digital age. With the growing number of people using personal computers, business realized that there is a new emerging market.

Social media apps

After two decades since then it has become a must for every business to expand their marketing efforts online. In fact some business solely relies on online market. Many big companies would make major investments on online marketing campaigns to launch a product and promote their brand.…

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Tips for Selling Retail Items Online

The world of retail is so different from what is used to be. Today, many shoppers are online – if you don’t tap into the online market, you could be missing out on a huge number of customers.

online shopping

If you are in the middle of a search for tips for selling online, here are four of many that will help you in getting started:

1. If you are selling handmade items, consider setting up an Etsy shop, even if you also have your own website

When you’re first starting out, sales are hard to come by. Buyers tend to trust Etsy sellers more than brands they randomly come across online.…

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