LinkedIn – Time Waster or Time Saver?

LinkedIn is positioned as a social media site geared towards working professionals around the world. Anyone who is serious about a professional image in the twenty-first century has a professional profile on LinkedIn. Though its credibility is established worldwide, it has over 300 million members, some people still question if LinkedIn is a time waster or a time saver.’


LinkedIn Promoting Success

LinkedIn promotes success through multiple on-line networking tools. Members have access to no-cost to industry helps, career options, updates, informative news, and more. While it does take time to understand how to best market your skills and set up an eye-catching profile, LinkedIn has proven to be worth the time in the long run.…

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Supply Chain Management: Benefits to Outsourcing and What to Look For

Outsourcing… to many small business owners and startups, the term outsourcing essentially means expense. While it is true that outsourcing various tasks will result in some type of expense, in many instances, the return on investment makes the initial costs worthwhile.

Supply Chain Management

Though there are some responsibilities that can easily be handled in house, there are others that are best left to companies and professionals who have the experience and means to get the job done in a more effective manner – such as supply chain management. An experienced third-party logistics or 3PL provider can deliver the best distribution services so your customers are always satisfied and will always come back.…

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The Differences Between Contractor and Permanent Recruitment

The staff make-up of any company is one of the deciding factors of success or failure of the company. It is crucial that the staff profile and expenses are spot on. To achieve this, companies often blend recruiting permanent staff and recruiting contract staff. To properly reap the benefits of both classes of recruitment however, it is important to understand what each one entails.

Contractor vs. permanent recruitment

What is contract recruitment?

Contract recruitment focuses on bringing in workers strictly for a short term assignment. This sort of hiring generally reduces the liability of an organisation as the organisation doesn’t have to offer the contract staff all the full benefits due to a full time employee.…

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Top Tricks to Invigorate Your Facebook Marketing Efforts

Tired of being lectured on how social media marketing is so important in contemporary marketing battlegrounds? Why waste your time and cloud your mind on Facebook marketing tricks that even your neighbor is aware of, when real differentiation can only be enjoyed by leveraging the best guarded Facebook marketing secrets?

Facebook app

Do you know about the smart and power packed tools available for fine tuning all your Facebook marketing efforts? In this guide, we bring out some actionable, result oriented, and easy to use Facebook tips and tricks that will start bringing in results soon. So whether you are a small business looking to grow locally, a medium size business trying to emerge in the region or even go national, or a digital marketing firm looking for social media marketing hacks to help clients grow, these suggestions are meant for you:

Boosted Posts still work – use them

There was a time when every firm ‘boosted’ its Facebook posts with a call to action and hoped for audiences to click their way through.…

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Legal Considerations for Your Family-Owned Business

According to, as much as 70% of family-owned businesses will not survive a transition to the next generation (SOURCE IN MINUTE ONE OF VIDEO). Considering that small and mid-sized businesses are the backbone of the American economy, that number is quite staggering. If you are planning on getting into business, you already have a lot on your plate. Thinking about the future may not be on your mind but it should be.

Father and son in a family business

Not every business owner has to be a lawyer, but you are expected to have a basic understanding of laws and how they may affect your business.…

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3 Ways to Cut Upfront Costs When Starting a Business

Starting your very own new business is an exciting time, but what isn’t so enjoyable is working out how you’re going to pay for everything that you need to get things going. It can cost thousands and thousands in the beginning to get everything up and running as you want, and then all of this will need to be made back later when you’re actually making money.

Cutting startup costs

Ultimately, the less you can spend on getting things going, the better. You’ll earn profits sooner, and things won’t be as difficult in the beginning, as you won’t need as much cash. Here are three cost-cutting tips you should follow when starting up a business:

Be Tight With Your Money

The first point is obvious really.…

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Trends in Unified Communications for 2015 and Beyond (Infographic)

As 2015 heads into its second quarter, many technology experts are wondering what the rest of this year will hold for unified communications. Some authorities in this sector have predicted that IT will change more in the next 18 months than it has in the past decade. Along with that, the rest of 2015 is expected to mirror 2014 in its double-digit cloud-based adoption growth.

Unified Communications (UC)

But first thing first: What is Unified Communications (UC)?

UC is a single product or a set of products that integrate enterprise-class communication services in real-time, presented in a centralized user interface that is consistent across multiple devices.…

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6 Money-Drainers of Small Businesses (and How to Overcome Them)

Is your business seeping cash for no reason? Some expenses are like a dripping faucet: you know it’s there, but it seems insignificant, so you let it go on too long. Others are more like a broken pipe underground, well-hidden but causing massive damage. Here are some places to check for financial leaks so you can stop your biggest money-drainers.

Leakage in your small business finances

Watch Your Staffing Costs

Staffing is a massive cost for most small businesses and a huge area of waste. Underperformers must be replaced quickly, because they prevent you from hiring excellent staff who could be moving your company forward. As your company grows and changes, your staffing needs will rapidly change.…

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People vs. Robots: When Google Translate is The Wrong Choice

As a small business owner you may have already experienced just how global business has become. Many geographical borders that previously made trade virtually impossible, have been transcended by tech and you’re probably finding yourself emailing a freelancer in Belgium, ordering supplies from Taiwan and recording data on software hosted in the US all whilst sipping your (Spanish) local barista’s single origin Guatemalan brew.

Spanish language

Most of the time you’ll manage just fine speaking only English in the Global Village. But there will be times your language arsenal needs to be extended.

For those times, there are plenty of free programs out there, such as Google or King translate.…

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Thriving in the Shadows of Big Business: Smart Strategies for SME Success

When you’re a small company, your best customers are sometimes large brands. Large companies have deep pockets and the ability to place huge, ongoing, orders. Here’s how to attract their business and keep them happy.

business partnership

Have a Crystal Clear Value Proposition

You’ll never get business deals with large companies if you don’t have a firm and crystal clear value proposition. Most companies don’t know how to formulate one, so here’s how to do it. First, think of an action statement that separates you from everyone else in the marketplace. Then, write that out and use it as your value proposition.

So, for example, if you offered dry cleaning services, you might say something like, “We clean suits for CEOs who need to look immaculate.”…

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