4 Health and Safety Risks When Finding an Office (and How to Look for Them)

Finding an office comes with many requirements. Layout, size and location are things you have to think about. But all of these are secondary to making sure the office is safe to work in. If you haven’t started looking at offices at all, a helpful office relocation guide might be needed. When you’re ready, here are the 5 most important health and safety risks to be aware of before you sign the dotted line.



Even though asbestos was banned in the 1990s, asbestos-related disease still kills more people per year than car accidents. If your potential new office was built before the year 2000, there is at least a 50% chance it contains asbestos.…

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The Top 3 Small Business Problems That Are Keeping You From Growing

In today’s economy, it can be hard for a small business to succeed. From bigger competitors to an ever-changing consumer space, getting your small business to effectively grow can be a real challenge. However, there could be things you’re doing as a small business owner that’s making it even harder for you to find the success your company needs.

Business growth

To help get you on a more upward trajectory, here are three of the top reasons small businesses aren’t growing and how to fight against them.

1. Lack of Liquid Funds

One of the biggest reasons small business can’t grow at the rate they’d like is a lack of funds.…

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How to Market your Business and Score the Best Employees

Hiring quality employees is one of the most important parts of running a successful business. You have to have workers you can rely on to get the job done so you can spend your time doing work on the company rather than for the company. However, it can be difficult to know how and where you can find the best employees to work for you.

We are hiring!

To help busy business owners who need outstanding employees but don’t have months to go through the hiring process, here are three tips for how to market your business to get the best employees quickly.

Have Your Website on Ready Alert

When you have an available position within your company, you’ll likely only get resumes and applications from people who are currently on the job hunt.…

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What You Should Know Before Buying a Condo

In the condo market, you may find once-in-a-lifetime deals for your personal or business investing endeavor. But you can also find trouble – especially if you do not ask the right questions. It is important that you do your homework if you do not want to watch your dream of owning a condominium turn into a nightmare.

Condo apartment flats

Ideally, you should be looking for a stable community, such as those found in Property Guru rumah sewa or any other communities and if you notice any issues, just say no. If prices are great, you are making a good investment, but you have to make an informed decision.…

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5 Reasons Why your Business Needs Self Storage

Running a business is always a tough thing to do, whether you are struggling for the next sale or are simply struggling to keep up with sales, running a company is generally stressful, time consuming and one of the biggest challenges you may ever face, which is being self-employed is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Business owner in a self storage

As business owners, big, medium and small, we are always looking for ways to be make our company more profitable and more successful, and whilst this often comes from making more money, it can also come from saving money and making business decisions that improve your business on different levels than just seeing increased pound signs.…

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3 Reasons to Invest in Knowledge Base Software That You Haven’t Thought of Yet

If you’ve considered investing in knowledge base software, you’ve probably already looked at the typical reasons that companies add the tool to their arsenal. Knowledge base software supports customer service, giving your employees the tools they need to help your customers quickly and efficiently, and in some cases, giving your customers more self-service options. A well-developed knowledge base helps improve staff productivity as well.

Man seeking info using knowledge base software

When all of the answers they need are at their fingertips, they don’t waste time searching for information. And knowledge base software helps keep you customers happy. Not only can they get help quickly, but a comprehensive knowledge center increases the likelihood that they will get the rights answers when they need them.…

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Workplace Injuries: Pointers for the Avoiding the Most Common Yet Preventable Accidents

Injuries in the workplace are unfortunately a common occurrence and according to figures collated by the Health and Safety Executive, some 611,000 people in the UK are estimated to have sustained a non-fatal injury at work during the last 12 months.

Claims for work accident compensation often result from an accident that occurred in the workplace which could potentially have been avoided and although the rate of actual deaths equates to 0.46 deaths per 100,000 workers, this rate could be improved upon.

Workplace accident

The top five

The same types of injury come up regularly in accident reports and the top five types of injury account for about 70% of all injuries in the workplace.…

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The Cafe Owner’s Guide to Managing Melbourne’s Sporadic Weather Conditions

Melbourne is Australia’s most famous city for experiencing four seasons in a day. The weather can turn so quickly that it can leave many Melbournites frustrated as they enjoy the outdoors one minute only to be confronted with winds or blistering rain the next.

Cafe co-owners

For café owners, it is just as frustrating since many patrons want to enjoy the experience of the outdoors while they are enjoying their coffee. There are a few ways café owners can manage the change in weather.

Consider investing in indoor and outdoor heater.

It can get annoying when you are at a café and you are struggling to keep warm.…

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3 Ways to Make Your Small Business Look More Professional

As a small business, it can be difficult for you to feel like you can compete with larger, more established businesses in your same field. From the money they have to spend to the years they have on you of building their brand and reputation, it can be very discouraging when you have to go up against some of these big dogs. And if you’re not doing everything you can to look as professional as the bigger businesses, you’re not doing yourself any favors either.

Beauty shop business owner

But if you truly have something that your big name competition doesn’t, you deserve to be in the market just as much as they do.…

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8 Business Ideas to Start at University

At the University there is a lot of time at the student’s disposal yet most of them are always broke. It is wise to think of possible, feasible business ideas one could venture into to make some cash. The big companies like Google and Microsoft started off from a basic idea, and the business sprouted to eminence.

College students

To do my university essay, I have explored multifaceted business ideas that a student can engage in while at the University. Prior to deciding on the specific business ideas to settle on since they are many, it is logical to conduct research on what people need.…

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