3 Biggest Online Threats to Businesses and How to Avoid Them

With so much business being conducted online, making sure all your information is secure should be one of your company’s top priorities. And although no business anticipates that it will be them who’s hit by a data breach or hack, it can be detrimental to your business if and when it happens. To combat against this, it’s important for businesses to know just where their vulnerabilities lie and how to keep those vulnerabilities from being exposed.

Data security breach

To help with that, here are three of the biggest online threats to business and what you can do to minimize them.

Customer Information Breaches

If you do business online with customers, you have to protect their data against breaches at all costs.…

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3 Small Business Ideas Available In The Beauty Industry

Starting a small business can often begin as just a side job for additional income. Many people are looking for some cash on the side and have something they enjoy doing. Jobs in the beauty industry come naturally to many women and are exceedingly enjoyable. With nearly $8 billion being spent each year in the nail industry, it is clear that women enjoy the pampering and gossip that takes place in their favorite salons.

Make up artist

Fortunately, getting started as a small business owner in the cosmetology industry is fairly simple. Included here are a few of the best small business opportunities available in the beauty industry.…

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Improving Customer Service within a Small Business

In the cut-throat world of small businesses and start-ups, it’s often customer service that will differentiate you from your competitors. It’s rare that you’ll have a product offering completely unlike other businesses in your space, so those relationships that you make really have to count if you’re to retain and win business.

Customer support staff

The following are some practical tips that you can follow to improve your small business’ customer service.


If you’re lucky enough to come face to face with your customers on a daily basis (or your employees do) then you’ll find this challenge much easier than everyone else, for the simple fact that you’ve got an extra opportunity to impress.…

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New Year’s Resolution for CEOs: How to Care Less About What Others Think

Whether you are a gardener or the CEO of an Inc 500 company, letting the opinions of others control every fiber of your being is unhealthy. Period.

I dont care what others think

Perhaps you drive a Toyota Hybrid instead of the Porsche you can afford because you don’t want to look like you think you’re all that. Or, perhaps you squeeze your savings dry to buy that Toyota Hybrid instead of taking the subway because you’re afraid that people will see you as a not-that-successful startup CEO?

If you are anything like the other 98 percent of the people who reside on this planet, you actually do care what other people think of you.…

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5 Reasons Why Using A Professional Translation Company Is A Must

When it comes to hiring a professional translation company to translate your documents or video into a new language, nothing beats hiring the right one, as results matter in all walks of life and this is no different when it comes to making sure your new company marketing material reads perfectly when your new target audience finally get to see it.

Content translator on the job

For this reason, we explore five reasons why using a professional translation company really is a must if you want results that will actually get you new business, not lose it!

Experience Of Translators

When you hire a professional, you are normally hiring someone with great experience, and this is often no different when it comes to using a professional translation company to make your translation dreams come true.…

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Characteristics of a Good Business Leader

Outstanding leadership is something that all successful businesses have in common. Unfortunately, finding people with this type of leadership ability is much easier said than done. Individuals with these types of skills are in very high demand. Taking on an online mba degree may help in honing such skills, but not as much as natural talent and real life business experience. Therefore, they are quickly hired by companies on the rare occasions that they are available.

Good business leader

There has been quite a lot written when it comes to the subject of business leadership. Many theories have been put forward about the qualities that some of the most famous CEOs have in common.…

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How Big Data is Helping Small Companies

The potential of solutions associated with gathering, deploying and analysing data on a large scale is steadily becoming clear to more and more companies across a broad range of industry sectors and right around the world. But while the use of big data is particularly big news for large companies, there are also lots of useful ways in which it can be deployed by smaller scale operators as well. Here’s a look at just a few.

Big data analysis

Support for strategic decision-making

Having good judgement of where market opportunities are or where they might emerge has always been a key asset for small business leaders and the companies they run.…

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The Most Popular Forex Trading Strategies That Work

Forex trading needs your ability to speculate the movement of the currency prices in the correct manner as much as possible. Everyone has his own preference in how to go about the way to trade the Forex market.

Mobile forex trading

There are many Forex trading strategies and different traders take different approaches in FX trading. The motive of everyone is to earn continuous profits in the field and get the maximum returns from the money they invest.

Though there are many methods of investing in Forex here are some of the most important ones.

4 Effective Forex Trading Strategies


This is one of those Forex trading strategies that involves quick opening and liquidations of the trading positions by a Forex trader.

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The Introduction to A/B testing

How can we know that our website is easy to use? Is it convenient enough for visitors? What attracts them more?

There is a good tool which helps to find out the answer to these questions and you probably know it. Yes, I’m talking about A/B testing.

A-B testing

So, what is A/B testing?

A/B Testing (also known as Split Testing) is a website optimization technique that involves sending half your users to one version of a page, and the other half to another version, and watching the web analytics to see which one is more effective in getting them to do what you want them to do (for example, sign up for a user account)

Simply put, it’s just a way to figure out how you can get your website visitors to click that shiny red button instead of yesterday’s green one.…

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How Damp Meters And Moisture Meter Can Save You And Your Property Thousands

As anyone that has ever suffered from damp in their own property, or maybe a property they own, knows that if you do not catch the damp and sort the issue before it becomes a major problem, the end result can be a very costly repair effort, taking much time and money to truly fix and prevent the damp from occurring again.

Damp meter

Many people believe that damp and moisture is only ever found in older homes, but this could not be further from the truth, because water will always find a way to get into your property if it can, whether you own a 4 bedroom new build in the city or a 100 year old cottage in the country.…

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