What are the Top Marketing Managers Looking for in their Latest Branding Campaigns

Branding campaigns are a great way to increase brand awareness and develop or strengthen a brand image. Often these are the main aims of branding campaigns, as opposed to bringing in leads or increasing your conversion rate.

One of the most popular ways of enhancing a branding campaign is through promotional products, a proven method for improving brand awareness.

Incorporating merchandise into your campaign

Marketing managers are always looking for new and creative ways to improve when it comes to branding. Using promotional merchandise within your campaign can be an integral part of your strategy that may even become indispensable in time.…

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Limit Expenses as an SME – 5 Actionable Points

As an SME it’s easy to rack up more expenses than what you are generating in revenue. Spending on suppliers, vendors, employee perks and taxes can get out of hand in the blink of an eye unless carefully planned. But there are several ways to limit expenditures that, by focusing on improving efficiency, can even make a company more profitable.

Cutting bills

Palletise large shipments

If you are shipping goods as part of your basic, regular practice, how you do so is a crucial factor in your business’s operations. It goes without saying that a reliable pallet courier that offers competitive prices and excellent service should be used.…

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CEOs: How to Pick your Second Passport?

The number of countries offering citizenship by investment programmes has been growing at a fast pace in the past few years. This has to do with many nations looking at foreign investors to help them recover from the recession, but also with the demand for second citizenship coming from said investors.

Business traveller holding passport

If you are looking to acquire a second citizenship, you’ll know this can help expand your business by allowing you to travel visa-free to many countries, or to benefit from their financial policies.

Deciding which programme would be the wisest investment is, however, not a straightforward process: before you make your investment in the country of your choice, consider these points and make sure your choice is the best fit for you.…

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4 Reasons Print is Still Valuable to Small Businesses

There is much debate over whether print marketing is dead or not as some argue that because we have entered the age of the digital, it has made print obsolete.

Print ad

However, there is plenty to suggest print is still extremely important and valuable in today’s business market. Mark Ritson, professor of marketing at Melbourne Business School says marketers are rejecting traditional media ‘at their peril’, and points out that 60 per cent of people still trust print advertisements.

Regardless of debates on the longevity of print, many businesses can still benefit from investing in it now. Especially small businesses and startups.…

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Three Tips For Protecting Your Business Online

When it comes to doing business online, there are plenty of areas where you business could face danger. From hackers crashing your website and stealing information from you and your customers, to adware and spyware making use of your computer a pain, and costing you a good deal of money. For every way there is to protect your computer a hacker seems to come up with some new attack.

Online security

All you can do is your best. Make sure that you have all of the items set in place to protect you and your customer’s information, and make sure that you are updating that software often.…

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Handling Tech Issues with Online Conferencing

The way modern business is conducted is changing quickly, and it is important not to be left behind. Rapidly evolving technology is giving us the chance to do more than we ever thought possible, both in and out of the office.

Online conferencing for IT tech support

With greater convenience and ease of communication, expectations rise on behalf of both clients and colleagues. Everyone is expected to be connected at all times, and when something goes wrong, it can feel like the sky is falling.

With so many ways to stay in touch and keep on top of things, there is no reason a company needs to be left in the lurch though.…

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PPI Refunds: Claiming What Is Rightfully Yours with A Little Assistance

Money matter needs careful consideration whenever it is about any kind of loan or insurance. People who are taking loans for any purpose are bound to repay it later. Unfortunately, the insurance that you take is not really exactly what you need (read: Claiming would be a problem.)

PPI claims

There is always a chance that while securing payment protection insurance (PPI) you have been mis-sold. This is quite a common issue which has been coming to light lately. Not always that you will be able to catch it early, whenever it is known better start to reclaim what is rightfully yours.…

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How Can a CEO Get (and Stay) in Touch with Employees?

Often CEOs lose touch, or are perceived to have lost touch with their people. What’s worse, they can appear to have lost touch with the reality of working in the business. Clearly, this can be incredibly damaging.

Respectable CEO

If, as CEO, you don’t really understand the concerns, ideas, motivations or realities of your employees, you’re likely to make some very poor decisions, which will impact the business. If you are simply perceived to be out of touch, you soon start to lose the respect of your people. So, what can a CEO do to avoid either situation?

Joining interviews

A great way to set off on the right foot is to insist on meeting all new joiners.…

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The Power of Video for Growing Businesses

When it comes to successfully growing a business in the age of the internet, few tools are more powerful than video. It can be used in dozens of different ways and is exponentially more compelling than any other form of marketing or branding.

Vlogger creates a marketing video

Unfortunately, with so many different possible strategies, brands often get confused by which ones to implement for best results. In order to point you in the right direction, we’ve uncovered some of the top-returning strategies for 2016 and beyond.

1. Develop a Robust YouTube Channel

YouTube is the place to begin. Despite the fact that there are 4 billion video views per day, only 9 percent of small businesses leverage the platform.…

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3 Tips for Managing Growth of your Small Business

The main goal of any small business is to succeed and to succeed well. Despite this being a universal and common goal, many small business owners are caught unawares when their company begins doing extremely well. Rather than being a pleasant surprise, this has a tendency to diminish the reputation of the business.

Growth management

This is typically because small businesses are unprepared to cater to an increase in customers or demand. This is why authorities in the industry such as Global Resources LLC insist of being equipped with an adequate strategy. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind when dealing with a sudden influx of consumers, requests, and profit:

Flexible Plan

The plan that you have for your company should be flexible.

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