How to Select the Correct Commercial Law Firm for your Business

Hiring the correct commercial firm to take care of your legal interests is crucial to any successful business. There are a variety of commercial lawyers in your region, each offering different sizes, specialities and experience. This guide will help you choose the best commercial law firm for your business interests and needs.

Commercial law firm lawyer and her client

1. Look for firms with experience within your commercial sector

The right commercial law firm will have significant experience working with businesses in your commercial sector and have a firm understanding of the nature of your business. A firm with other clients in your industry is beneficial as they will have an understanding of the industry and relevant legal requirements that exist within it.…

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3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Results

It’s common for clients and in-house content marketers to shift their focus and retool their strategy after the initial launch. Managing SEO, inbound links, and social traffic is a learning experience, and many realize that their goals have changed.

Unfortunately, changing your plans can get expensive when it’s not done right. Here are a few ways to improve your content marketing to meet your goals, without driving your budget into the ground.

Evaluate Your Goals and Target KPIs

While all businesses care about the bottom line, it’s a common mistake to expect your content to immediately tie back to sales. Instead of community building, many companies focus on immediate ROI and leads generated per post.…

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Why You Can’t Afford to Make the Wrong Hire

Hiring the wrong person for the job is a costly mistake in more ways than one. According to a study conducted by the recruiting industry, the true cost of onboarding an employee at the middle management level is $240,000. That is when everything goes well and the new hire is a good fit for the job. When he or she has the external qualifications but fails to be a good fit, that cost increases to $840,000.

Hiring top employees

The author of the report arrived at this figure by estimating the salary, benefits, and onboarding costs of a manager who stayed with the company for two and a half-years and was then fired or left voluntarily.…

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The Role Public Liability Plays in Protecting Your Business

From a business perspective, most business owners and company heads are familiar with professional insurance for their contracting or professional work, otherwise known as errors and omissions coverage. However, the risk of public liability is also present for the average company, and can bankrupt a good business with one or two bad lawsuits.

Caution wet floor sign

Public liability: What you need to know

A business or individual contracting himself as a professional business is responsible for all of its actions and production, even for those effects that result in personal injuries or loss. For products, most people are familiar with product liability, but a business can also be responsible for any injury its activities or services cause as well.…

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Your Own Construction Company is Possible through Franchising

If you’ve ever caught yourself admiring some type of construction work–whether it be vinyl siding, paint, carpet, whatever – and curious about preconstruction meaning, as well as the intricacies of a construction project’s process–you may also find yourself thinking of doing that type of work as a career, especially if your current employment is stagnant, unfulfilling, or insecure.

Construction business owner

The fact that you are inspired by the work of others shows that you have a heart for the trade. Once you’ve got that, you’ll be willing to do what it takes to succeed–learning the skills, doing the legwork, and making a quality product.…

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Understanding the World of Business: How to Comply with Business Law

Owning and running an SME is not an endeavour for the faint of heart. Grit, determination, hard work, and endless toil are required to make a success of your venture, and challenge after challenge must be met head on.

Business law compliance

Business law is just one of the obstacles that you must overcome, and abiding by its numerous, intricate rules and regulations can seem daunting – but it shouldn’t. Made to benefit all parties, including entrepreneurs, it has been specifically designed to help you. Indeed, any propositions found to disproportionately disadvantage small businesses are inapplicable to them, so compliance is eminently possible.

However, doing so requires a degree of understanding that many lack at the outset.…

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Spying On Cell Phone of Employees from Across the Globe

Mobile BI helps businesses to spot, collect, analyze, and use valuable business data to improve sales and revenues, while managing costs. Although the concept of Mobile BI shows monumental growth in businesses, incidences involving employees compromising sensitive company data are on the rise. This explains why the use of apps for spying on cell phone of employees is necessary for business owners across the world.

Mobile business intelligence

Mobile Business Intelligence is a growing trend in the world, and it has been around for nearly a decade or more. Its success comes because of the advantages smartphones offer in this new mobile computing era.…

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Asset Management Services: What They Are and How Your Business Can Benefit

More and more businesses are outsourcing the management of assets and in the process allowing other companies to take care of and manage investments and resources. This relieves a lot of stress and increases productivity while saving money. A win, win!

Asset management

Are you wondering, what are asset management services? This is a simple yet complex answer. Asset management is the systematic process of operating, positioning, maintaining, improving or disposing of assets in a cost effective manner. Which means, having a professional organisation take care of your tangible and intangible assets for a fee or fixed price.

According to Investopedia, asset management is usually provided by a financial services company like an investment bank.…

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How to write a Proper Business Plan

Having a well-defined business idea is necessary if you want to have a breakthrough in your entrepreneurial journey.  Many can generate business ideas, but not many can have a well-defined one. Just ask around, and you’ll learn that even seasoned entrepreneurs are often having a problem in generating a proper business idea ready for act upon, e.g. in the form of a business plan.

Business planning

Business plan, the starting point

It’s important to note that a business plan is the starting point for what comes after, e.g. plan execution. Therefore, it’s essential for the business plan to be well-written. If you feel that you need help in penning your idea in the form of a written plan, you can always hire someone to do it, like Business writing service –

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Streamline Your Local SEO Efforts

SEO is one of those tasks that can quickly feel as if it’s never done, or the work is endless. Especially in some areas where there are relatively few benchmarks or easy ways to organize your SEO efforts. It’s also unfortunate but true that working mostly from a computer can lead to several distracting habits, like obsessively checking email or social media updates.

Local SEO

So where local SEO is concerned, how can you optimize your own habits and organization so that you’re conducting a streamlined and efficient SEO project? We’ve gathered several tips to get you working smarter, not harder, on your local SEO.…

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